Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

Honestly if I were to do it again, I would skip HLG and run Samsung F-Strips in whatever length I needed. They’re the exact same as the qb288’s from HLG except maybe a couple less diodes(but they’re the same LM301’s) and a long thin board instead of a short fat one. Samsung literally makes the boards for HLG. Can get the F-Strips in 3k to 6k in 500k increments. The boards are on digikey for like ~$23 each. Grab those, a couple dollars(literally <$10) for aluminum heatsink, some double sided thermal tape, 12-14 guage wire, and a meanwell HLG-###-48 or 54 driver. A or B your choice. A has a dimmer knob that goes 50-100%. B you need to buy a separate 100ohm pot to wire in that will dim from 0-100%. Oh, don’t forget to get some wago connectors, will never use the wire twist caps ever again.

DIY LED Strip Build Designs for Samsung H-Series, F-Series, Q-Series, and Bridgelux EB Gen.2 - LED Gardener

As for the cuts in different environments, YES! Check my journal from start of this year. I grew that Godberry in DWC and it was one way, took a clone of it and put it in soil under mostly same conditions and same light and it looked like a totally different plant. Only similarity was the overall structure of the plant. The buds, smell, taste, all were totally different.


You hit on a lot of key points. I’ve been grinding to get this light. If I can get real quality buds from a 4x4 strip setup man. You got the ball rolling lol. I don’t wanna waste that much money I bought a bestva 2000. It has 200 diodes. Essentially a board case heatsinks fans uv it diodes says each side is on a 10 w chip rather than what other light mfgs. make.

Even if that were the case it still isn’t true wattage and the coverage as you get taller sucks. Itl veg great so I’ll use it for that or target practice. A 200 buck piece of fuckin shite laddy!

I’ll add the costs up. Just found a fresh roll of thermal insulator tape. Gotta love it. Cleaned all my fans up. I gonna make beans for us of the NLx you sent. It should probably be preserved. Thanks with the help you essentially gave it straight to me.

If you have the time how much would a nice Cobb setup cost. I see some setups hammering. I have a Cobb unit that stopped working from my buddy but this light again would be for a 4x4 but could produce largeness for say a 5x5. I have some Cobb heatsinks. There not the big long ones.

Ty for the help my dude.


Yeah seen a few of those… The “2000w” or whatever they put on it, if you ask them they’ll say that’s the “Model Name” :rofl: Not even close to equivalent wattage. Have to either get a kill-a-watt meter to see what it’s pulling, or open it up and look at the watts the driver(s) pull.

No rush on the seeds! But much appreciated to get back some F2’s whenever/if you do get to it :+1:
I’ll send you some of these NL5HSS F2’s when they finish up here in a couple months :wink:

:thinking: If that cobb setup stopped working I’d likely think it’d be the driver if the cobbs aren’t visibly burned up or dark looking… Again, a good meanwell driver could probably get all the cobbs running again, or can split them across two drivers for more control. Can you post pics of the cobbs and whatever driver it has?


I wish you could come to Arizona. I’ve got more than enough room indoors and outdoors now with very low overhead. You would have free space to live/work. Legal is on the ballot this year too. Shit, you could come and spend half the year over here and get down to brass tacks real quick, then back to Baltimore before the heat kills you dead. :disappointed_relieved:


I’ve never had any offer like that. Youre a good dude. If rec comes along ill pack my genetics and roll. Im glad I suffered the first half my life. I understand that bonds are for real. Money is a form of a means to an end.

I realized my soul was being sucked by the smack. Im rambling. Im down for a season. Hell I spent more time in the hole. How bout I keep off drugs out of trouble and ill be right here. DBacks any good? Hit me up bud. Ill be right here.:blush::v:

Arizona :sunrise::cowboy_hat_face: Lifes a garden man…hehe! Im looking for a partner. Not a that kind. :blush: Have Gun will travel.:+1:t2::rofl:. I needed that. Suns out guns out. I gotta get this stuff figured out for a light build. Ledgardener all day.
1029 bucks on thst big boy hlg.

Or build it and listen to the voices.:+1:t2::grin:
Lets do it. I may need somd help. What should I Deffinitely order? A solddring iron. Drill press out back. No hand drill. Vice work benches.

Now lets figure how many strips n that driver.:+1:t2:


Yep my home boy dropped it off. I had it working then then the lights started jumpin like a disco ball. One Cobb works. Im conjunction with me little t8’s I veg under a dinner table in my room. Lol.

Im so white trash hood I hate to admit it. Ill get pics.:rofl:


I hope you get a few seeds I did find a couple seeds in my Blue Tara so there’s a chance that goji pollen could work but don’t expect a bunch of seeds and your going to have to dig for them. I do have a female goji f3 from that male show itself so we’ll get a peek at what that male can do.


Yeah that sounds like the driver going out… I mean could be the cobbs but I doubt it. The cobbs would be visibly damaged if they’re bad/not working so that should be easy to tell ^^
And don’t need a soldering iron if you get those wago connectors but might save money going with the iron… plus it’s useful for other stuff later.


Check it out it’s a 6 pot unit. Multi little drivers as far as I can see. Disco disco!

My friend has the light covers. It uses the inch aluminium round tapped heat sinks.

Wonder if I could hack it?! Wondering about cobbs and if I upgraded chips and a driver it could power 6? In a 4x4 flowering as well.:grin::v:


Yeah that’s one of those standard chinese lights. I had a couple led one’s that were basically the same thing. Would have to open it and see what the back of those drivers say for volts/amps and add em up to get the wattage. I’d bet it doesn’t push more than 300watts at absolute max when it was working fine. For reference you want to have around 30watts per square foot of space to light it properly. A 4x4 is 16sqft. x 30watts = 480watts of light to properly light it.


Awesome illnpop it open see whats up. Be a great add in light for a stafter setup. The xobbs look in decent shape. Yeah I’m going to pull it all apart and see what’s going on with everything take stock and I might be able to bring it back up to working order again for little money. Then I could re-hang it under my table which I now have about 4 ft with maybe two-and-a-half 3 ft wide might be just under 3 ft tall. See with strops I could flower inder there. Theyre so versitile.

Just a ? The NL2XNL5 are they AKBB? Just wondering. I like to look up pretty pics and dream.:+1:t2::rofl: thanks for the help dude I really appreciate it between the stuff that I have and the things that I can build for real. I believe I might have enough money to do my strips under my table or a 2 by 2 by 3 tenth and build a light for my 4 by 4 maybe even fix that Cobb light as well.

I was looking at a new eye hortilux set up it’s just the high-pressure sodium are very fucking hot and and I’ll get GaVita or something like that whenever I get a warehouse LOL.


The NL2xNL5 I got from @OleReynard, they’re from Cannarado. I’ve asked him at least twice now so I’m sure that’s what they are. I couldn’t find any info about them really. Not sure how they’d be in relation to AKBB’s, but I’d think older and closer to the original.

I’m just glad to help where I can :slight_smile:


Lol twice anyway


Lol. I’m sorry. I knew they were really good I just didn’t know through who I thought it was AKBB or Sensi. Very cool man they should be some special seeds I hear northern lights #2 is more of the Afghani.:crazy_face::v:

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Yeah that’s my understanding too. NL#2 should be NL x “Kush”. Some type of afghani/indica.
I’ve also heard US#5(NL5 that stayed here, Nevil never got it but supposed to be better) was actually NL2xNL5. Something like that. Should be :fire: for sure regardless.


Dude I know got shot this weekend. Friday night his old lady was in the car and she was also shot and pronounced doa. He’s in shock trauma right now fighting for his life but that f***** me up that day man. We have really small streets here so sometimes you have to yield and give away for another car to come by somebody didn’t yield and it turned into a fist fight.

Which turned into a double shooting. It almost has no effect it hurts inside but it honestly is there such a thing as being at war or seeing s*** for so long that it just doesn’t sit in the front? I don’t know? At what point do you want to play a part of it to where you have to carry a gun yourself in order to feel safe and not a thing of I’m going to shoot you It’s a thing of protecting my life and my family these guys here absolutely have no regard for human life. It’s f****** Baltimore man it is what it is. We’ll grow some memorial plants for him for real and that’s about it man another statistic.


Balti aint no doubt my 45 would be with me at all times in your hood, the city of Baltimore period.


Aw what, man… that’s rough. That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that :cry: Hopefully he makes it, can’t imagine losing his old lady too though… wtf is wrong with people…

I will say, growing up in the warzone in Albuquerque and the straight hood in Houston made me pretty numb to that shit. Was a regular occurrence to wake up in the morning and open the door to see somebody murdered on the sidewalk downstairs. Was like I was watching a tv show or something, none of it affected me personally so it never got to or bothered me. Just kinda blocked it out or walled it off. Walked all over the place in both those locations not giving a f*** about nothing. Spent a long time figuring out how to walk around in such a way that no one f***s with me at all. Not like billie-bad-ass but more like, That dude looks super pissed, I don’t think i want to bother that dude… type thing :rofl:


Yeah man I’m actually going through my clones right now figuring out what I have doubles triplicates of and picking the best cuts out that I have. I can run some new stuff and tuck my little clones back up but I just got done cleaning everything the fans the floors walls unders and overs.:grin: Making sure there’s no powdery mildew just nooks and crannies and s***.

Here’s a Katsu Bubba Mom I’m keeping. I’m gonna keep her trim lean and root space. Really keeping itclean. I have some Bubba’s breath but I’m not going to bother running that until I can get growing down this cat foods Bubba Kush without no powdery mildew on it. I don’t know if that means I’m going to have to open up every single calix in the bud to let it breathe but I want this plant to go 70+ days and I’m only getting 60 out of it if that and it’s not hitting like my first run I lost half my first run the powdery mildew though so f****** losing battle with this s*** here man. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Katsu Bubba Cut

Had to trim it up. Musta focus energy up! Hai!


I was just talking to my mom about it and she said what does it come to when I’m in 18 and 19-year-old will run down by a gunman at 2:00 in the morning and being through what I’ve been through I know that nothing good happens here after dark for real not unless you’re really living that life and you know exactly what I mean. A lot of dudes don’t really know what we’re talking about it’s absolutely serious and the police are in on a lot of s***. You never see anything about Baltimore really in that because we’re so corrupt three of our mayors are in prison. Lol🤔

I’m gonna put a Carbon15 in a back pack with dual snails. A side grip. I’d use the bag as the shell catcher. All ball ammo no hollows for hang ups or adjust the cyclic rate. I’d ad a muffler but that’d be plain nuts.:partying_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I’ve thought about it in depth. A wheel gun for a backup. A smith snub 357+p hp. :+1: This is all not real.

Really just a nice Ruger and quick reflexes. I can move. Like a whiiite cheetah. Hehe. The police report is nuts it was shooting after shooting erupting. Ive never imagined this shit. Fuuuck!:skull::v: