Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

That’s me I’m 6’ 5" Quiet. Look pissed always. I’m super laid back usually. I stopped riding the bus for a sec because I almost had a riot erupt. Serious violence really just turns me off for real I mean I live about it talk about it all day long but honestly at the end of the day man I love to play video games and f****** grow pot and I’ve become a hermit because everything around here was gotten so serious. Just as a people nowadays you almost have to be quick to pull a hammer on somebody rather than to talk it out. So it’s just wild man. It’s a paradoxical fucking blackhole. Hahahaha. I surrender to a point.:v:-N-:heart:

Unfortunately I’m the guy that was supposed to go to an ivy league school f***** it up took a year off from college and I got locked up and here we are but it’s over with and I understand with life really means in the value of it I honestly do That’s why I’m willing to protect it is is seriously as I am. I never wanted to be an uptight ivy leagueer I just wanted to use the money to do something that my family had never had before and they suck holes to start That’s what it does here man this is the meat grinder for real I hear Chicago is bad.:thinking:


Weed related. I’m smoking on this Gelato. It’s so sticky it grinds into compressed bits of hash basically. It tastes awesome. I had some get buterey and vanilla but this taste like piney dank hash.

Borat 2 drops when I’m 36 ,15 years later. It’s back on. He’s was in the hood in ATL. Lol🤣



A little half pint guy. Tropical Popcorn.


Shadeeey! Sup dude?

1 Like

That tropical popcorn looks very nice and frosty.

People get de sensitized to violence, it’s on the tv, films, computer games, and if your unlucky in the streets around you.

When you see it every day it becomes normal, but it does affect you. That’s why so many vets, police, first responders, become alcoholics and drug addicts and have very high suicide rates from PTSD.
Once the drugs and alcohol are no longer able to suppress the emotional trauma from self medication.

Unfortunately asking for help in a formal way, is believed to be a sign of weakness, and leads to possible loss of job, so people try and ignore the problem until it overwhelms them and can no longer make rational decisions.

For the people living in semi war zones it’s not much different, except there is no free help to deal with the emotional stress even if you wanted to do something about it.

Lol did you see me typing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yes sir I did.:grin::+1:. You’re right a lot of the statement about coming forward with anything when I was a kid if you were molested and came forward you were a f****** f**** you know people put their hands on me and you know that was when I was a kid so it is what it is man.

and then when you realize what’s going on you try to put a stop to it you stop it but they say you know I have a I’ll be put away I’ll be taking away from my family and unfortunately I was very passive and now I’m aggressive and don’t I don’t know which one’s worse anymore.

On the brighter side everything’s cleaned up nicely Got everything wiped down getting ready for the next run all my plants are finished flowering now it comes down to what goes in next. :grin:

Hope you’re feeling well. Keep growing big fat ass trash bags full of grass. Your savage with your stuff. I like it!:hugs::v:


Well decisions were made and delayed. So just as mashup.

Starlite- Rocket Boy
BTxHerijuana- AVR1
Double Stuff #2- Baked Beanz
Gorilla Bub BX1 F1- Tony Green TB
TropCookiesxSour Diesel- Oni (Freebie Only)
Wilson Zero- Oni

Plus clones put on tuck. Goji, Mr E, Skywalker, platy ogkb, mind fart…Later im pooped after the cleaning and rearranging. Yall be safe. Its fittin ta pop off on this thread. As ususal. Now wheres the “Usual Suspects”? Ya buncha animals! Back in yer cages! :poop::v:


Oh damn :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: That’s gonna be one sexy lineup!
Will definitely have my :chair: and :notebook: :pen: out for these :rofl:
Hope everything pops for ya! That Gelato and the Trop popcorn buds look soo dank :drooling_face:


Get the fuck out of there man. Do whatever you have to do. That’s no way for you to live. How bout Ma? Can she relocate with you? Even if it’s just out of Baltimore city. Run for the country!


All Love…



Yeah Ma comes. She’s a package deal she knows how to trim she smokes like a 20-year-old she’s a straight G. She can handle a firearm as well so that’s always a plus. And she ain’t never snitched on me in my life so I trust her over anybody in my life. Lol my mom’s my partner in crime.

here’s some of the Tropicana cookies is curing up a little bit and put it in the old ice bong having a hit this morning with Mom. It’s funny when I was in prison I fought for my life to get home just to just to make it home and wanted to see my mother one more time before I you know. I felt like I was going to go off the rails and now that’s what keeps me going for real just having somebody to cares about me. :hugs::+1:

I love that picture of that little groundhog for some reason! I love little fat furry animals. I mean how could you be angry? You could really send it an ambassador of another country or something a kitten and probably defuse most situations. :thinking::rofl:


Finally got everything straightened out tucked in got all my seeds and paper towels movement on just about all of them so what I got in here is just a little collection and stuff that was under my LEDs under the table.

My back is just f***** up so I moved everything to the tent to veg to flower. I changed the high pressure sodium out for the veg light. There’s no point in burning high electricity and burning my bulbs up when it’s not flowering. I’ll veg with the little 200 diode unit and I’ll bring them up til I’m happy and then flip them.

Light will veg great. It’s just made for a 2x4. No biggie. honestly it’s built super well and really good I see it lastin a while. Y’all be safe out there. :hugs::v:

Cleaned up changed light unit.


I thought I was nuts.My neighbor got a bag of trimming off of outdoor plant he was over there actually taking a knife and scraping the branches off and then I had to take a hit of it he was so adamant that it was hash lol. He forced me to hit the bowl It’s kind of like child abuse except I’m a grown man.

I told him please throw that s*** out man You’re going to end up getting sick because he had a pot on the stove and it was like 6:30 this morning. I’m like what the f*** are you making over there tea and he was like nah I’ll see him and grab the bag and throw another hand full of fan leaves in it and I was like yo do you know what bhang is?

so he had to go babysit this is a 55-year-old man and he has to leave to go babysit at 7:00 in the morning right. so I look in his living room and it’s strewn with fan leaves all over it and I was like dude what did you do and make a cot like in the old days where they would just waste some hay up and then sleep on it? :rofl:I tried to tell him dude all of those fan leaves…oh ohh lord. You have it right there even if you cook them so I’m like fuck it lets add two sticks of butter in there you’re not going to get high he was like I don’t feel s***. Sipping hot butter water.:face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

It’s like bunk heroin after you put it in you you’re like wait for it Wait for it. 15 minutes later you’re on your way in the to beat (substitute name) “Lamar” up.:grin::fist_left::shushing_face::face_with_head_bandage:

Then I saw the Blueberry Yum Yum preservation thread. Dude may be a tidly wink off. Who isn’t though. We’re all voyagers. Some are just voyagers on the slow bus you know and I don’t have control over that so…wrong guy. hahahaha


Hell yeah man. It was really tight on what I wanted to pick you know what I mean and I put my clones up that I’ve been running for the past few times and you know?

I’m going to run the wedding cake and spray one and I may go ahead painting a few few flowers with it so we’ll see man it should be a good thread, it should be a good lineup. I cleaned everything very well and just praying for no powdered mildew this time I’m going to run another Bubba clone and we’ll see if we can’t get some tropical Bubba. With no PM attached!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’m just crossing a bunch of stuff and seeing what comes out of it man you never know when you have something it’s fire like that and I think it’s better just to paint a few things and then run through them when you have the chance. I love the stories of the accidental oxcidental crosses.

Man whenever this s*** drops and I can actually have room to run you know 2 20-ft rooms just say and I can actually put some genetics down and find something and work it and you know let’s be honest right now I’m doing something very tiny. I’d love to stretch my legs and take on a couple rooms and some flood tables I could probably handle a couple small rooms myself but they’re trimming and all that s*** man f***…


Hehe! I took this earlier. Drying this suto it took on a fuvk the police kinda day. Wit a big f@t d**k for there muthafukkin mouth!:astonished::blush::v:

I tried to give em a proper salute…

Heres the fat one!


I look back over the night befores post and trjp out. I was and still an a ramblin man. Lol.

What a year its been. Thats the craziest period in one year. Masks on in stores! Haha. I love this site. I love the ease at which you use IG but that negativity is like the wind. Sometimes it blows hard.:rofl:

I love this site. Nostalgia all day. I miss those days. Ahh.:blush::v:


That looks like a fine wake & bake. Give Ma my regards! She is indeed growing old with grace. Folks of her generation lived in a completely different world than the one we are currently fighting to survive. I’m proud to be a “boomer.”



This wedding cake is absolutely amazing The red petrioles. I knew that was a trait that stood out Ruby red being a color a wedding cake. This caught right here turn real hard probably going from the change but I grew this plant and a half gallon pot and it stretched.

Unfortunately to about 6 ft tall. Forcing a plant too big as we all know in a small pot can make that b**** go skyrocketing lol. It looks like a f****** bean pole a red bean pole with a bunch of silvery buds on it. Silver bells silver bells!

Shitty pics would only accompany one of my posts come on now. If I had some exquisite looking shots all of a sudden y’all would know it’s something’s f***** up don’t smell right in Baltimore.:shushing_face::fist_left:


A weed vine! :zipper_mouth_face:


Absolutely dude and it’s a blessing to still have dudes like you around and tell us what it is really like. You don’t need to have fake s*** shoved down our throats and we got our people to tell us or what’s happen

You lose a lot of that with the generational gap you know what I mean from millennial which unfortunatly and categorized. It’s just awesome though to see the dudes that my father’s age and older are can connect with guys my age when the same level My dad’s anti-trug he doesn’t understand what weed is. It’s awesome though that you know there’s somebody I don’t mean to be disrespectful but somebody with some age who has some experience in life and can tell you some things.

I learned a lot coming up where I came up but I couldn’t use some more strong males in my life. Unfortunately the males in my life are mostly criminals so the things that I learned from them taught me what you know another way. It’s all good though old school I’ve almost hung my pistols up you know what I mean there ain’t no more room for dope and coke there never should have been anyways man I get off topic.

I love seeing you on here and coming by and I hope you and your wife are doing well and you enjoy everything everyday you know? You have to. I pout and s*** but I don’t have somebody to spend my time with you’re a lucky man to have someone to put up with everything take you as you are. Some people can’t handle other people’s flaws. You’re a good dude man I appreciate you coming through and show and love.

Be safe out there. I imagine things be coolin’ off a bit out there which would still probably make it 90°, it should be able to get some growing done now well f*** I guess the light cycle is going to change up? Fuuuck! You can’t win can you?:jack_o_lantern::v:


Praying :pray: Mantis caught laying eggs. What a spot. I’ve never caught something this intimate. Sorry Mam I had to show y’all. Let’s take a peek.:hugs: