Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

Is this the Josh cut again? Curious if it does it from clone as well if so they might have to make some room for it in a dispensary


The Tropicana Cookies came from JayBeez thatā€™s not his full handle but I asked him for a cut of the Tropicana cookies and he was also growing peanut butter souffle from cannorado I should have jumped on a peanut butter souffle but this cut almost didnā€™t make it.

It was destined for failure from the get-go he sent me to clone right when all the covid s*** had happened and it was cold out. As it was he sent me two clones and a little snap box and some seeds he got it was TropicanaXrace fuel OG and TropicanaXgelato.

I got to try cookiesXrace fuel OG but the other she didnā€™t make it so Iā€™m just shooting the dice hoping I get a couple females from a mix of regs. Still got beans. Just testing them for now.

But the Tropicana cookies is a killer! It caught on it man at about 40 days it wants to go black and itā€™s really temperature sensitive and really nutrient sensitive. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a fickle plant at all but if you have everything dialed in just right it will remain green and youā€™ll have magenta colored buds.

I run my temperatures in flower are usually a bit higher and 85 to almost closer to 90 sometimes and thatā€™s with full fans running and everything. But people donā€™t think this plant yields a lot. What happened was when I got it closer I literally ran it 10" away from my 600 it caused it to foxtail real crazy and it hung in there like a champ and just got frosted over but the buds that were closer to the ground stayed green purple edges on the leaves and more of a purplish color than a black color. And chunkier. Led lower temp is the key to unlocking this one.

Bomb seeds Iā€™ve never grown out. I donā€™t like alot of ā€œSeedsman Gearā€ Iā€™ve grown a few strains out. The Early Skunk wasnā€™t early and smelled like actual grass. I gave some out. It sealed a reputation for a while of my weed being low potency hey. Lol. Jesus people are weed tough now days. Blame seedsman mark! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The thing is is I did my part I grew to genetics out I took a chance and thatā€™s more than most people can say because they dick ride so much that theyā€™re stuck on one particular thing and to each his own you know what I mean really. Iā€™m not after a heroin plant. I know it doesnā€™t exist a lot of people believe itā€™s out there. Iā€™m not looking for it you know past that. I wouldnā€™t want those lines to ever get blurred I donā€™t even like hearing them in the same category.I donā€™t mean no one disrespect what I say m************ dick ride and this and that itā€™s just basically me saying you prefer whatever and youā€™re going to stick up for it those guys for in-house will literally cut you to pieces if you say anything about in-house or whoever they prefer Iā€™ve heard just about every seed grower threatened in some form one Instagram daily. Hahaha Jesus. Copycats like the masked magician theyā€™re going to hit him in the stairwell one day.:laughing::shushing_face:ā€¦

But growing marijuana again in my life has brought me up from literal suicidal tendencies to having obligations to take care of something and slowly step out of the trauma that Iā€™ve been through for real and itā€™s really personal but Iā€™m really mentally f***** up just incarceration and stuff over the years. I wonā€™t talk about itā€™s been really really f***** up and so itā€™s taking me a lot longer than I thought to try to get my head right.

Thatā€™s it you know Iā€™ll try not to talk about it but I end up back on the same subject. I wonā€™t let my herb go Itā€™s not happening it helped me get off of that needle and get some clarity and I love it for that and Iā€™ll forever be here if itā€™s here. Yā€™all treat me better than my family :grin:. This has been therapy for me. I enjoy the friendships and as I get better Iā€™d like to do as much as I can for ā€œusā€.

I will get cuts of the Tropicana. Iā€™m going to look into some cheap shipping options some little plastic test tubes with some stoppers in there and just get help with the shipping and just shoot people as many of them as I can for real.

Itā€™s just such an awesome plant everybody should have some for real Iā€™m being a little greedy b**** now just dancing with her for a minute before I give her up to everybody to run a G on. :scream::joy: Jk jk. Letā€™s get wheels up on some of those.

I got a bunch of pete plugs Iā€™ll start sticking clones in from my current mother plant. Sorry Iā€™m long posting. Things have been really wild around here. Iā€™m laying back as far as I can. Love yā€™all. Please be safe out there. Later.:pray::v:


Why is Tommy chong giving me the stink eye bellow. Lol Hiiiyaa! Didnā€™t Tommy Chong get locked up for making a glass line and sending his product to Texas? I literally saw him in a f****** jumpsuit doing an interview and I was like what the f*** did Tommy Chong do again? You know he did a little part the on the '70s show n s***.

Or maybe it was Arizona man I heard in f****** tent city out there.Itā€™s rough as s*** as hot as a b**** everybody wears pink underwear and s*** Maricopa county yeah thatā€™s where it is. Fuckin wack jobs.


Prison time.



Yikes! I got them from a respectable brother here. I only have one. It wonā€™t flower for me. Her tentmates are well in to bloom but the Bomb only has lots of bud sites. Its in week 6! I would like to see what it does but I also could really use the space. All things considered, sheā€™s a goner. Thanks for the heads up @ReikoX. Iā€™ve already had my share of larf during the summer months. All Loveā€¦



Holy shit. Texas Rangers frighten the F outa me. The took all the Ol gangsters down. Woody harrelson and whatā€™s his name played a good job on that highway man it played that the f*** was his name they called them Texas rangers up to kill John Dillinger machine gun Kelly baby face and all them dudes.

Do you remember Arnold rothstein That dude was the original New Don. I believe he was lucky Lucianoā€™s protege this mother f***** had a card game going The stakes were like a million dollars so he heard commotion coming up the steps it was two police officers he shot the two police officers they didnā€™t die he paid them in their families off and he walked out of jail the next day Tell me that wasnā€™t some true thuggerey.:grin:


The word larf sends shivers down my spine. Itā€™s like saying Candyman too many times. :grin:


Isnā€™t that Sheriff Arpaio in Maricopa County. Heā€™s an assholeā€™s asshole for sure.



You know Texas is so wealthy yā€™all could be your own country for real if you wanted to thatā€™s whatā€™s so crazy about it and the fact that El Paso sits right there across the border thatā€™s f****** wild Iā€™ve never seen anything like that I bet them dudes in El Paso get weed for the f****** low. Probably everything else too.

I hear stories of people being able to buy medication in Mexico any kind I highly doubt it and I definitely wouldnā€™t try it.


Hell yeah! Everyoneā€™s scared of them. Theyā€™re quite secretive too. You donā€™t always know what their up to but you know to never fuck with those dudes.



We have gone to Weslaco Texas a few times. We walk across the border to Nuevo Progresso Mexico and go to the dentist. Quality work and cheap. All the dentists were educated here and speak English. Then we go to the drug store. Stock up on antibiotics, blood pressure meds, Ambien and muscle relaxers (Soma) no opioids, then we have some good Mexican food and make the 2.5 hour drive home. No problems at all.



Thereā€™s a documentary that tells the story quite well but in short Tommy was set up. The business with his name on it was caught up in a paraphernalia sweep. His son ran the business but they zeroed in on Tommy. He ended up being the only person sentenced to jail time in the sting with no previous criminal record. Tommy went to prison because the feds threatened to send his family if he didnā€™t cooperate.


Somaā€™s and anti biotics lol. The Soma, is what we call it Iā€™ll call it somatosed. Hahaha theyā€™re banned around me. Thatā€™s really cool she could go over there I got to go get some antibiotics. God damn infection wonā€™t leave me alone keeps going up and down up and down.

The covid just stopped a lot of things and a lot of movements. Just trying to keep this thing going man seem to be doing all right so far just getting my house back up the par. Iā€™ll get there everythingā€™s going to work out and just need some time to actually reflect on what Iā€™ve been through.

Thatā€™s cool though and Iā€™ll cheap everything is down there like that hopefully Iā€™ll get in a legislation to get yā€™all some momā€™s recreational or whatever anything. You have yourself a good one sir. Be safe out there.:grin::v:


Tent City survivor right here brotha. If the weather is good, itā€™s like camping. If itā€™s hot, youā€™re going to suffer bad. 100* at midnight happens on the hottest days. The fan in the tent just blows hot air making it worse. You can actually use the blankets and wet them down to get cool by evaporation. It really works sleeping on a wet folded up cotton blanket as a pillow if there is enough airflow. Tons of contraband. The food sucks bad. For some reason there was just a fence separating the womenā€™s side, so if you wanted to witness oral sex done through a chain link fence, this was the spot. Celebrities like Charles Barkley, DMX or ā€œpeople at riskā€ had a separate area for themselves. The worst is that the County Animal Control crematorium is a 1/4 mile away and it smells horribly horrid for hours starting at about 4 in the morning a few times a week. I did develop a taste for Cherry RC Cola to this day because the ā€œcommissaryā€ soda machines were just RC Cola products. Overall, just a wonderful experience and I will never forget the fun in the sun and the friends I made that one awesome summer. :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:t3:


OMG @Solowolf! I saw some news coverage of those tent cities. Fucking inhuman treatment. I donā€™t think I could ever get over the anger that experience would bring. RESPECT to you for coming out with a sense of humor and grace. One Love.


Hahahaha! Dawg You spent way too much time on f****** evaporation control humidity control in the human body. If anybody knows anything about powdery and mildew and moisture control in the game itā€™s definitely you. And I say that in a most respectful way. Iā€™m laying in bed right now my leg is f***** up from having to clean the goddamn bathrooms out in prison to get my 50% time Itā€™s insane dude.

Iā€™ll be honest with you it was so bad where I was at I was praying to get any job to get out of there as fast as I could I was seeing dudeā€™s walking down the halls with lockers and I thought they were moving people in and I realized they were actually stealing old peopleā€™s s*** and then chucking it out like empty shell casings in the hallway. Dude itā€™s like Honduras Mogadishu and Baghdad Compton and then you have Baltimore. Like the icing on all of itā€¦smegma icing ughh jeezus. :face_with_head_bandage::fist_left:. Iā€™m fucked up Right now. But Iā€™ll be back on my feet real soon then this s*** just hit me real hard. My leg is furred right now. I been smoking OGKB all week to kill the pain. Iā€™ll be back inpatient for a few days at the worst time for wound care and a biopsy. Fuuuck!

@Solowolf by God your a soul brother warrior. We can smell our own time trust me. I mean that in the best of ways dude Iā€™m living real small right now man Iā€™m going to get wings and Iā€™m going to fly soon for real. The Wire really sux cock. You be safe dude. Fuck a sober hot teeeeent! Ay dio mio!

@oleskool830 you nut job. Itā€™s crazy because you know what he says is true as well and it sucks but itā€™s funny s*** only when youā€™re outā€¦itā€™s still FTP. :gorilla::v:


Hereā€™s a lil update. Starting to train the plants out early put the branches out make sure the bottom stretch out further and build them up they know usually come up like a Christmas tree but everything is looking pretty healthy on this room. I got some little clones in here.

Thereā€™s a few clones, just stragglers but theyā€™ll hook up eventually. Brought the blurple back in to veg it out. Iā€™m no longer in Jamaica until flower. Itā€™s nice in winter tho.:grin::v:

Some aggressive training. Theyā€™re turning north now. Be good soon. The seedlings arenā€™t gonna be trained for times sake. Just a super quick veg n flip.
Double Double Stuff.

Trop Cloneā€¦I love the little rounded leaves. Easy to pick out. I love this strain!

My plants are looking healthier each run. Shout out to @ReikoX on the soil recipe. Slightly tweaked.:grin::+1:

Looking scary but it all comes together. Iā€™m just trying aggressive training. I feel like Iā€™ve reached a healthy medium with everything so just let em fly.

Be cool healthy n safe. Iā€™m around. Hmu.:v:


Donā€™t mean to go into ā€œHighjack Modeā€, but wanted to inform you that Mark/Strainly texted me today, informed me that he will have BOTH a 60-day Blueberry AND a 60-day Bubble Gum ready NEXT month. Iā€™ll holler at ya when he gets back at me. FYI, Bro as I know youā€™re on the Bubble Gum Hunt!!! Do continue to stay safe, be super careful and, yesā€¦be well. 'Jacking complete!!!


Oh shit. Iā€™ve been bouncing back and forth really looking for that one bubblegum strain but if Markā€™s working on a good one definitely keep me in the loop bro. You already know how I get down I figured Iā€™m Iā€™d have a healthy habit instead of a terrible one and if anybody were to ever need anything back I probably have it. lol

How goes it thata way? I wasnā€™t sure if you said you were going to wait till next year to go in again I know it can be a time-consuming tedious thing especially when you put your heart and soul and have little pests come in and ruin it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: My problem is with PM. Disgusting destroyer of dreams. Hehe!

I appreciate you coming through Mr :honeybee:. I have some special stuff you shot to me still. I know this much for sure if youā€™re not running anything now when youā€™re able to youā€™re going to have some dope strains. And if you donā€™t you make sure you holler at me for real man I have some stuff you might want back not a big deal for me I enjoy seeing people happier more so than myself I think sometimes Thatā€™s just me though.

Be safe up yonder in the cold. Itā€™s chilly down here already. Had to flea dip my feline so she can come in and hibernate w/o fleas. Grinding for Christmas now. I love this time of the year. Have a good one bud.

Bubble Motha Friggin Gum! *Oh shit the BB auto as well. Iā€™ll jump. I tell you what that be bad ass if he can get a solid blueberry auto that didnā€™t have any herm traits or anything in it thatā€™s what would worry me but Iā€™m not a breeder so Iā€™m not for certain. Mark me down for a blueberry as well heeeell yeah! I canā€™t wait to run his super 90 and lemon :lemon: skunk. Eeewee!


Shout out to @HeadyMcDank on the Banner Gear. I grabbed Banner, Banner Mac, and got some BannerxBlueMonster freebies. Thank you for the swiftness and extras dude.

Verano has that top shelf here in Maryland. When I got some of that Banner from Verano. I had to have some. Now if I can only find that Mag Iranian land race. :+1:Ty!!

Banner MAC. Yes please.