Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

I hear ya…everything was running along smoothly, then…BAM, a Cold Front came through and temps plunged into the 20s, sometimes 10 - 15 Degrees. It has snowed, and everything in between. For the next week, the temps will be in the 60’s again. I should be ready to get back in the mix by Ho Ho Ho Time. When Mark gets with me, I’ll send you 6 of EACH (Blueberry and Bubble Gum). Just keep me in mind, if you will on potential Clones. You hang in there, keep yourself out of the line of fire, stay safe/be well.


Absolutely bud. I’m got some top notch stuff going. The Wilson Zero and Starlite have my full attention.

The Starlites first blades look like wider leafer. I’ve been looking for that super chunky squat arm budded NL’s. Just a few things I’m keeping my eyes on I have a feeling the star lights are going to be some good s***.

Yes sir.just let me know when you’re ready to rock and roll buddy you know I got you anything you want man. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


@oleskool830 sent me these last year. I call it the Bubblegum Chem.


You got it brother!

I cant wait to see what you do wih those!



I think i may tag along for the ride. I would like to see some good bubblegum. I have had little luck with finding a decent indiana bubblegum. I got a hold of a few cuts and beans but nothing impressive. I dig that reserva privada strawberry banana bubblegum cross best i have had so far. In my rotation fer sure!


I’ll get you in the mix as well. Where do you hang your hat? I’m up here in Northern Maine. If Stateside, I got you. Enjoy the weekend, stay safe and, indeed, be well.

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Ive been eyeballing the bubblegum s1 that kalyx bros just dropped. Looks legit.


Awesome brother!

Maine always sounded beautiful to me, i have met many cool people from that way. Due to numerous health issues my body punishes me for weather below 75 degrees so i have not seen snow for a few decades! Haha… I am stateside tho buried in the swamps down south!

Thanks for the tag in…

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I will have to check it out… i crossed an old cut gifted to me of indiana bubblegum to my bruce banner male i am finding indiana bubblegum pretty fussy i am hoping the banner brings a bit more hardiness and increase yield…


Man that Straw-Nana is killer. Now strawberry banana bubble gum That’s f****** awesome. Been looking at that Indiana bubble gum that I definitely looked at when that bubble gum dropped Right now I just don’t have the slot for it but in a couple weeks I should. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:.

The last thing I smoked that was bubblegum is BG diesel. Tasted just like pink hubba Bubba. Not super strong but then again Blueberry has some great flavors with chocolate and blueberry undertones but it’s potency it’s not where all it’s magic is at that’s for sure. Is a finicky strain as well so if you can master it that would also help the potency get a bump as well.

I’m looking for something with a real nice flavor to it and a high to match there’s a lot of stuff out that’s really bland and just these you feeling stunned. There’s a lot of options out there but I grow glad stuff I love and half untried. Mostly.

Did the Bruce Banner originate at Dark Horse? I see it looks like they dropped it after all people made up a bunch of comments about the strange being named after kid like stuff. Most comics are about violent acts. I dunno. Later bud.


I know it dude. Between the BG and strawberry cough og. I missed both of them but I was trying to get these Roc Bud autos. I think the dude is just so inundated with stuff he didn’t realize there’d be that much of a demand for his stuff. That BG looked dope tho.

I’ll find one here sooner or later I need to get in some Bogglegum. BOG used bubblegum from white label. I might go that route just to see if it’s still out there. I’m a truffle sniffer. Lol. I’ll root it out. Later bud.:slightly_smiling_face::v:


Let me know how that turns out. I’m gonna go Banner and Banner Mac to select a good female for rotation. I’m excited. I’m glad people are putting us in touch with breeders like this. Very cool deal.

I appreciate the chance to let some good people here to have access to stuff they’d probably never see. Our dispensaries are decent but nothing like over where you guys are at. One hand it’s good because you can jam your stuff at top price on the other hand if you go down you go down like always. The climate’s pretty good here though so let’s not talk about that You have a good one and be safe out there dude.


Yup bruce banner is from darkhorse. The male was from the 1st public release and the female the 3rd. I wasnt looking to breed the male it just stood out so much i could not help myself! Haha… he displayed a burgundy color on the stem which took over the plant into flower. He had resin coverage at 3 weeks old. He was sticky after 3rd node. The stem rub was very berry and gas.

Upwards of 25% of The progeny across several of the females seem to have a red coloring on the stem. I am paying extra attention to those, the male had it and was soo resinous!

I got the strawbananer (bruce banner x strawberry banana) running now i just started them about 25ish days ago. I will be posting some pics soon.

I am gonna dig into the bruce banner x indiana bubblegum soon.

I agree blueberry is good on taste but not so potent. I crossed the banner male to a blueberry also. Those maybe fun.

I had gotten obsessed with blueberry about 10ish years ago. I got a hold of blue monster from goldenseed (blueberry x g13 x northern lights x mexican landrace) that one is a blueberry knockout for sure! I crossed the banner to it i will throw some pics up soon. This one will be a beast yielder likely on par or exceed grape stomper.

I also got into the texas lonestar trc blue13 lines, so far i am into indian larry and ultimate blue. I am just testing those now. The blue 13 is an old blueberry that tested 30% they worked a bit. Now tk beans is continuing the lines. Big yielders and they look super potent! I will confirm shortly! Haha…


Awesome dude please stop by and keep me informed when you get time. That blue monster definitely going to be one I’m looking for. It has some of the best components that still are in my top 5 northern Lights and G13. Then you cross it with a bruise banner. That’s insane right there.

It almost seems like there’s a resurgence and things that are old just as everything else does comes back in rotation. I’ll have to check out Indian Larry Gear. I’ve never even heard of that stuff. I had to go away for a little while and I lost touch with the plant.

You know I have an interest in all things that are grass and I guess I have people who I go to for certain things. if you don’t mind and if I don’t bug you to death maybe I can ask you a few questions about the banner and what conditions you’ve grown it in if you have time and it’ll run through when your medium some pit falls.

It’s refreshing when you can sit with someone and ask them about what it’s grown in and it’s feed things like that. Sounds like you did your homework and you selected some good trades to pass down to a f2. I’m excited to get the banner by itself but you take the hard work by grabbing it throwing together with Mac and all the other strains. Did you do an open pollination? Or have you been running it that long?

Sorry you can get to this when you can if you can. I’m the “Rambling Man” but I mean well. There’s so much more I wanna do. It’s exciting right now. Hopefully the rest of the growers out there can for lack of a better term come out of the closet finally it is it’s cool that we’re able to do this right now though without really worrying about the Gestapo. Hopefully the political climate doesn’t shit on us heads here.

Ty! Be safe.


Man I tell you it’s brutal out there right now. There’s just so much going on I think I’m going to have to find a niche and really dig in and start growing some of this out and being realistic. Wasting too much time and resources on them strain hunting and not pheno hunting.

I have to admit it I have a bit much right now. When you get so much stuff I can imagine like Motz. Through the years and collecting he has tons of stuff I’m not going to speak for him but he’s probably trying to shift in a certain direction or things that he loves from years of growing.

I think it just start really going through it learning more about lineages and the plant itself and just stop throwing money in genetics take a pause if you will and enjoy the scenery then continue. Still collect but I’d hate to lose my collection. I wonder how many people actually have locking refrigerators because when you get that much money invested into it in one area and one location you can lose a lot.

it broke my heart when I saw raids and saw the cops dumping all the seeds and years and years of work together in one picture and then down the drain Man that s*** killed them dudes. Ughh. Give seeds in case yours is lost sounds right Backups of backups.:grin::v:


Oni - Wilson Zero

Oni Freebie - Trop Cookies F1xSour Diesel

Personal - Trop CookiesxRace Fuel OG

Mongo - Mtn. Crackers? OHxPAC

Rocket Boy - Starlite. Soil scorched it. They all look a touch burnt. I’ll remember that about them for future grows.

Oni - Wilson Zero


Hey. I have some rinsed clean coco. Do I mix it with Perlite and then soak in a weak calmag ph’d solution?

Then how do you feed it? On the bottle? I got to change up my food or get some more plant food. Does anybody have any that they use that they have really good success with I’ve been using the Fox farm trio and I feel like I could use some improvement I want to get some white rhino for the microbes.

What food are you giving you ladies and how often? Best bloom n feed on the market? I use a certain doctor with my soil starts to dip in flower I’m usually good straight through the soils amended well usually in the middle of flower is when I need something to hit it with.

I do a weak molasses feed and I’m not too much tends to bring out s***** stuff in the leaves for me. A weak calmag solution to water with and just let them do their thing. Watching them daily I get a better idea of each one of the individual needs makes it a lot easier. :pray::slightly_smiling_face::v:


If you’re doing coco, I am really liking the megacrop 2 part. Jack’s would also be good. Both are pretty cheap. Cheapest would be maxigro/maxibloom but I like the MC a bit better.

My buddy swears by canna coco a+b and calmag, don’t need anything else, but it’s pricey.


It was more or less like I had a package of it left to work with and I’m trying to figure out something to do with it I was using it for shrooms at the time they were making me really violent so I had to chill with those for a little bit until I get my head straightened out.

so I guess it was more like I should have said just a small batch I can whip together with some pearl like that I have and maybe just you know try like a 3 gallon pot or something smaller.I use straight cocoa and the cups and I can tell already that it’ll compact too much for my liking and stay wet too long without her later something in it…duuh? I know I know. Lol

The color is a new round you know I guess I should master one before another but it never stops me from wanting to try a little one pot DWC setup, or a coco one pot to start out with.

Just trying to get a little perspective on each growing method each has its drawbacks there’s people who grow DWC who say they’ll never grow in dirt because it’s filthy that they don’t have bugs in the setup so they use growing hydroponics if you can get the reservoir pH to everything right and not get any clogs and you’re set up you’ll be rolling but unfortunately I don’t have the space so talk about something else huh.

How you doin bro? :grin::+1:


Here’s a really nice Wedding Cake Clone and my mother plant that’s been topped and trained they way I like. I believe in getting all my leaves trimmed out of the way early and getting the lower branches that are going to suck up energy gone quick. Get that root system established and big as fast as possible and get it flipped.

If one plant is holding up the whole rotation it’s going to have to go you know if you have a clone of it you know run it next round and just continue on with the goodness. I’ve learned that stagnation equals death especially for me so I just try to keep my feet spinning so I don’t drown.

Anyways like I was saying this is a wedding cake plant that I selected just displays all the right characteristics I guess you would say it hits all the boxes for real It’s super potent and it’s your favorite around here for sure. It’s going to be a cross with my Tropicana cookies clone.

I like to start out with the main branch getting a z-bend in it. This allows for it to be pulled down slowly and have the other branches catch up or manipulate it in a way which suits your growing environment. This step isn’t needed sometimes. I choose it’s not the top at all and stress the grow tip and force it to branch off. I like to tie it in half with a bread tie and then release it It’s a good method old school method.

Looks like my people clone might not make it I had a bad cup of dirt but this clone in it just hasn’t pulled out it sucks when you get them dampened off and they don’t want to take into cup that they’re in they’re slowly starting to go yellow and then they’ll get a little life and go back yellow It’s touch and go like a f****** geriatric I see you patient I’m ready to Dr Kevorkian and start a new something. How about some of that Bruce Banner?