Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

True. The Tropicana Cookies was a straight miracle only the fact that his packaging was a1. It hit right when covid started. They left those clones on the tarmac for literally 5 days but it was cool outside so it almost put it in stasis when I got it I was very surprised at both of them were so well green and healthy.

I inquired about a meat breath clone and the guy told me they were going to be $300 a piece and then I thought about what I was doing what I had and how far I was pushing it. I’m just going to sit around here and play with beans for real.

I have a couple guys who we’re going to send clones but like you said it would be stateside and I’ll do like a two-day shipping when the mail if it gets back right. Ughh.

I bet seeds packaged right would stay viable for enough time to get them in or to preserve a particular line. I want mac, strawberry cough, and Ghost OG. I lock those clones down and im gonna focus on scaling up a tad. Hell I sit on certain strains because there decent.

So I gotta figure out what to do with grass that it potent but I probably won’t smoke. I can devote half my crop to extracts but which kind and what for is another story. Reiko’s press is awesome. I need to get my work shed in order. Have a good one bud .:grin::v:

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10-4 if you got a good safe thing going on it’s better to keep it that way You can come across whatever you want pretty much and see for him nowadays or close to it and if not it really don’t need it anyway if that’s hard to get that hard to get to you know.

Dad told me once when I was a kid if it’s too good to be true and walk away immediately me and my brother would get picked out of a crowd of 5,000 people if we were all jaywalking. That’s why I don’t even do scratch offs or lottery because I never went s***. I can’t believe I won the photo contest I’m stoked about that s*** dude That’s amazing really I never win anything.

Hopefully everything is going good up there for you dude. Hope you’re feeling good man. I’m doing light dumbbell work for some PT. After I slammed riding the dirt bike I’ve been favoring certain areas. Isometrics…just whatever I can do. Be safe bud. :slightly_smiling_face::v:


Here’s some shots of my filter setup. Itl be pushed to the back of the tent after this grow. It was just hung so perfectly straight I’ve left it up for the past couple of runs. It kinda blocks a little light but not much when running HID in flower.

It’ll be nice to actually get an LED unit that I only have to ratchet up a foot or two here or there. But still get those dense buds like you would get with HID without that blazing ass intense heat. I thought about buying a cool tube so I got my ballast my bulbs.

I would just need to literally buy the cool tube I’ll have to do some research to see if the glass comes out and the bulb screws in inside the cool tube or how that works kind of like screws into a reflector wing ect. The man @CLOSETGROWTH has a reflector that’s top notch.

Made for aquariums and they’re damn near impossible to find. Just for me and my setup right now I don’t believe that the glass in the cool tube is going to mess with my light spectrum. They say the glass inside the cool units changes the light spectrum slightly.

Not enough to matter. I’m still not sure about what light to get or build. The new hlg scorpion looks like 6 qb’s mounted to a frame and a driver. If that’s the case your paying for the assembly work like a mf’er. IDK.

Here’s some las plantas??
Trop Cookies training the way I like. A z bend and tie down the opposing branches to TRY to achieve the perfect canopy. I’m a tad off lol. It’s all love tho.:+1:

I top dressed my Gary Payton. She stripped her soil. I foresee problems in flower already. She’s a heavy feed.

Crazy b**** try to kill my goji and didn’t say nothing about it she’s like oh I didn’t know anything was wrong with it…WTF do you mean. Eyeballs fall out for a week? Lawd-a-mercy!

I hung this all myself. You can see how many sutures I have to hold it up. Lol. The first time I attempted it the carbon filter dropped on my plants smashing the three of them and I’ll never work over plants with anything. The plants unfortunately were trellised in and I had no point The stench was horrendous. Murphy’s Law to the fullest!

Top view. Alot of plants in here. I always plan for a 50% toss up. Makes out then stragglers. Select clones then flip em. Everything is rooting lovely. The Goji is already going green. The Goji lives on.:grin::v::pray:


Fascinating stuff @HeadyMcDank! I hope you can stick around and share more of what is obviously some dialed in skills. Peace



So we tried these Natty Hemp wraps. I normally don’t smoke blunts at all but these are hemp wraps and each come with a pre-rolled tip that’s dipped in flavor. Four for $0.99 the bad part about it is on the back it says that this product is carcinogenic. :hot_face:

I grabbed the pack just cuz my buddy grabbed them and they were really good each one of them comes with a tip and even after this long not smokin’ L’s, my blunts are still a work of art. I love those cone machines and stuff like that but a hand rolled blunt or a joint is a seems like a dying art.

That’s a nice even burn. :v:

Show your best hand roll…:+1:


Throw a good Maduro wrapper on instead of that candied crap


Aww man I haven’t heard about that in a minute You know what I really didn’t like these wraps when they first come out. I used to like the old Garcia Vegas in a tube. They started making the cigarillos from the full size blunts I never did like Phillies.

I really don’t like composite wraps. They just roll real nice but you’re right about that man. I wonder if they sell like natural hemp leaf not like a cannagar but sliced up like a blunt more natural papers?

I think without a tobacco leaf wrapped in tobacco is with a blunt is I do enjoy a nice cone or a spliff as well. A white boy/hog leg. Lol those GA boys had “Georgia Pine” down there. Whoowee!

At least we know the contents are good. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

That stuff cured up so good dude.

I pulled a new 3 foot tent off and a light. I’m hoping I can get those ma milks to flower under 3 ft or at least sex them.

What’s the stretch like on those ma milk’s?


I give up. I apologize if my post don’t make sense half the time. The speech-to-text really f**** with me. It makes it difficult with my accent to even get words in. Then I’ll have to edit it 15 times. I’ll try to get on as much as possible on the laptop but without having pictures hooked up to it to show it really is just for browsing.

So once again I apologize if I rarely make sense some people never respond because they’re just like what the f*** is this dude on? Everythang! :shushing_face:…jk jk

I wonder if Siri would clean up my speech-to-text problem? Hooked on Chronix.


When did Bodhi drop NL#5?!? Holy shit! This is the pic from attitude.
I’m running @anon5325009 z Starlite’s. so I’m just looking at some various northern Lights number five pictures information grow logs what not.

The leaves in appearance are wider looking more Indica dominant. Although this may vary from seedling stage. So visuals aren’t a solid indictator of anything…early on imo.

I can’t wait to run your own northern Lights to cross with northern Lights 5 you sent me a Holy. Next round I’ll squeeze em in for sure.


You can get them to stay under a couple feet and bush out.
Keep them under t5 vhos


Nice job on the roll! I don’t have any pics of mine, will have to grab a pic next time I twist one up. Learned on Honey Dutch Master’s and never looked back. Pretty sure if Snoop’s blunt roller quits, I could get the job :rofl: Certified Blunt Master IMO, both of us ^^

I don’t mind the wraps too much but almost prefer the tobacco based ones. Feel like I get higher with the nicotine/thc combo vs a hemp or composite based wrap. Flavor’s are real hit/miss when it comes to smoothness of the blunt too. I’ve seen some leaves for purchase in the past, or could buy some higher end cigars to use that are just leaves without the inner tobacco paper, but rolling with leaves takes some practice for sure. Last time I tried I think it took me 25min solid to twist it and wasn’t the best looking but did smoke real nice and lasted longer than the usual whiteowls/optimos/swishers and such.

I can barely roll a joint though :rofl: The skills definitely do not translate between the two.





If that isn’t a f****** awesome quote a lot of times I don’t even know where the f*** I’m talking about when I leave and then I’ll come back like God damn it I got to edit the s*** out of that post.

and then because of my Baltimore accent if I don’t talk absolutely like a tight-assed English gump no offense. I might say hey much love man and it’ll come out as hey can I have a hug man. It’s not the type of stuff you want to send a signal to your gromies. Lol. Or is it?

:laughing:.old school I look forward to being 80 years old on my front porch telling the kids up the street to do a bunch of pussies and could never have hung with us. Throwing bottles at them cussing at them and s***. Haha.

I know I’ve asked you this question before but I’ve watched the forensic files a lot and true crime stories there’s been like two or three people right in your area that have done some wild s*** I think that woman that was a killer was down there we spoke about was actually in your town I believe for a period of time. I think you said you moved in right after that had happened or that had been taken care of.

I tell you what I like the six degrees of separation I believe it’s the truth I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody. Be safe brother man. Say hello to the Mrs’. Be safe bud.:v:


I found out recently that Mark has Ghost OG, probably shucking as we speak. Gonna request a handful. You may want to check that out. Safe weekend everybody and, do be well. mister :honeybee:


@misterbee I asked for some before I placed an order and he didn’t have any or say when it’ll be available… but he plucked a few seeds out of a ghost OG that he hit with snow ryder auto pollen. That was like to weeks ago


I just texted and he replied he was putting together a “lil sumthin-sumthin”. I’ll see/know when it arrives. Thanks for the info, that’s why I enquired. SS/BW. mister :honeybee:


S1’s or Reg’s ???


Reg I would imagine, but don’t want to speak for him. I’ll let you know soon. @Seamonkey84 indicates it’s a Ghost OG hit with Snow Ryder Auto pollen. That should probably bring out 25% Auto expression, right? I’m gonna run 1 this Spring anyway, SS/BW…mister :honeybee:


@Baltimore, do accept my apologies for da highjack. Didn’t mean to get carried away. SS/BW mister :honeybee:


Now you’re perfectly fine to post on here with you guys want to. I’m trying to get to the ghost myself I thought it was a clone only but a lot of times on my phone running from here to there so I need to sit down and actually figure out what’s what.

There was some really dynamite strains that I tried one was Oro Blanco hollyweed I got the Hollywood that was Bodhi stuff. Ghost the meat breath and hammerhead which is a strain it was comprised of white rhino and medicine man You see company doesn’t make it anymore.

He got some good genetics and some fire genetics and I got some feminized and spray from 20/20 Mendocino. I’m going to take those MOBs and make some seed for us. I saw those exact M.O.B.'s. they’re definitely the real deal.

Man you should see this mountain crackers plant that I have going. I’m praying the guy that is a female. The leaves are so wide on it that they’re almost shaped like a circle, crazy stuff man here I am rambling again stop back by soon.

You’re like our “Gumshoe detective” man! Gum man. Hehe! You’re a badass You get that bubblegum and you hunt it down soldier! Please. Lol. Love ya man. You be safe up there. It’s getting cold.

I have a feeling we’re going to have a bad winter on the East coast. Make sure you get yourself some stuff I’m sure y’all do up that way anyways. Later.:v: