Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

Hey dude if you happen to come across OG make sure you holler at your homeboy Baltimore here. Hahaha. How are you brother?

Looking for some similar stuff eh? Good taste. I know there are some crosses from people under the stairs genetics the ghosts cross with 4DD not s*** is f****** intense. I’ll have to check a pack out sometime. I’ll let you know as well.:slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Hey man I was just saying what’s up? Those star lights are looking beautiful You can definitely tell their IBL. not one of them has any variations besides the little burning of the tips which should pulled out of they look like they’re more into a dominant which I was hoping for.

I’m hoping I find one of my little Christmas tree gargantuans from the past. I had some from a company here called h&s it was really chunky funky like juniper Berry and really good taste in northern Lights has cranked up they definitely have a good clone over there You can never talk to him and ask him about their genetics though.

How would you have I’d like to know more on the genealogy unless you have a link and you’ve already listed some stuff I appreciate it. It’s good to have first-hand knowledge from the breeder to ensure you can keep it going good. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


True ghost is a cut only, not sure if Mark started with a pack of “ghost” seeds that was iutcrossed by another breeder and then worked that, if he has the cut and is inbreeding with it to make it IBL regular seeds. I should have some of his ghost seeds being sent to me from another member, and I’m possibly in line for a cut of the original.
@misterbee he said the seeds he sent me was a regular ghost hit with auto pollen, so it would be F1 with recessive autos wouldn’t it? F2 would show 25% autos.


Nailed it on the first try! Gove this monkey a gold star. :star2:


Pocket full of :star’s: for the Great Ape!!! SS/BW :honeybee: mister


I try to pay attention when I’m reading lol. :monkey_face::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


Yeah I figured it was a clone only. Just like the '09 animal Crackers. That’s a nice one to have The S1’s with a wedding cake came out great they definitely nailed it right on the head where I got mine out anyway.

Definitely looking for that spector though. :grin::+1:

Hey @ReikoX … Would you recommend anything for a foliar spray to knock some small bugs off my plants? Some leaves have small would look like to be wind burned lacerations but they’re not wind burn. I believe it’s from the goji clone I pulled out of my aunt’s tent, which is since been clean but now I’m worried.

The plants are already hardened off and pretty resistant. It’s only on a couple plants but I don’t want it to go any further. Is there anything that you would water down and put on the leaves that might stunt them not knowing exactly what they are?

Unfortunately, I don’t think the predatory mites I have migrate further than the trunk. Or they’re high on duty. Lazy fux. :laughing::v:


Are you in veg? If so, get some Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew. It works on a variety of pests, including thrips, which it sort of sounds like. I wouldn’t spray it in flower though, apparently spinosad isn’t great stuff to smoke.


Check out mister :honeybee: :honeybee: SS/BW


Yeah I’m just vegging right now. Nothing too serious. My aunt allowed thrips it something to get on my Goji “mother” soon to be. I’m just gonna get healthy clones and trash the old main stem and root system. sometimes I find it’s not worth f****** with it if it’s too far gone but it may bounce back and I may flip it we’ll see.

I had leaf bugs from bringing the GMO in and trimming. They grow to imitate a small green leaf and eat like stink bug does can do a lot of damage to your plant I’ll show you what one did to my wedding cake clone and it was unchecked they’re visible though so I believe I killed them all.

Leaf Bug Damage

Damage to newer clones

The devious Goji clone that brought it in exhibits the same signs but new growth is greening up and clean. I’ll probably take clones when the grow tips are healthier. I think.
Look my garden is always luxurious and Rico Suave’d the fuck out. I can’t have non sexyness amongst this super Suave stuff. I mean c’mon.



Not good flipped a leaf over. Looks like spider mites. My predatory mites live in the soil. Hopefully they’ll pull a drive by. It figures. My healthiest plant has a few leaves being attacked. I’ll order bug spray.

Any home remedies in the mean time? Ahhh these fucking things. That’s what I get. I told her no outdoor plants even for a day. Fuckers! SM’s…damnit!

Wait… They may not be spider mites I need help with a bug ID. They’re small they’re on the underside of the leaves but not small enough to where you can’t see them move they seem to be a brown or reddish color and when I rub my fingers underneath leaves that are infected the worst they just come underneath like you see the picture below almost like red or bloods coming out when I smash them maybe some type of leaf aphid?

I’m not seeing any webbing like you usually do with spider mites… I’ll keep searching but they’re beatable for sure.


Ugh…brutal, man. Curious to see what works. Everyone knows my answer…DE. dust it everywhere in the tent and all over plants, under leaves, top of leaves, ground, pots…everywhere. Leave it for a few days (or as long as it takes for eggs to hatch) and rinse plants, scrub room. Carry on with grow.
Usually best with vegging plants, but first 2 weeks of flower would be fine too. Works best in low humidity. Cheap, organic, available everywhere, people, pet, plant friendly.


Iso, with a sprayer


People trying to recapture that too shelf product from 20 years ago when there was just reggie, beasters, and dank not a flood of middy or not cured properly outdoor that floods the country now :thinking: unless you grow or pay top dollar dispensary prices there isn’t much dank on the market anymore lots of so so stuff out there

People used to really dial in on a strain cause they only grew one or two kinds for years because genetics were a bitch to source

I think most of it is in the manicure and cure that’s been lost


Straight 99%? And rinse or it doesn’t burn?

Yeah priority isn’t exactly priority right now I shipped priority Wed and looks like it will be Monday before he gets them :expressionless:

Iso comes in various strengths even a food grade.
Mix with water on a 1:5 basis.
You’ll see them webs disappear before your eyes.
Top and bottom of leaves.
The webbing you’ll see when sprayed like dew on a spider web.
Most webbing occurs in the palm of the leaves.
This is just a get-by remedy ideal for when plants about finished.


It’s revegging the ghost my dude started throwing off new growth last week I expect your package to probably be a mid December one so that I can have enough strawberry cough I had problems rooting the first batch


Ghost of early Christmas :joy:.
If you have predatory mites, Spinosad spray should be ok. It kills what eats the sprayed leaves, but don’t spray it on any buds once in flower.