Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

Kinda like mimosas plants? Not sure if that’s how you spell them but they’re really cool they’re touch sensitive. I’m not sure if they be stable in my climate but I’d like to start doing some more research on plants actually been thinking about going to university in Maryland for their botany course once I takes all the prerequisites.

I’ll have to learn a third language maybe a fourth language. Id like to learn Mandarin and Russian. There’s just so much stuff that comes along with the botany language arts, bio, chem and the internships at greenhouses things like that. I’m young enough that I want to jump out and do it and get it done I was a straight a student in school and I just f***** it up man.

I just know that I love doing this every single day. Regardless of how much b******* I deal with it I’m not going to stop it so why bother? I wish I had one close friend here in my neighborhood on the same level.

Hope all is well up there. Getting cold or already cold? I love snow but I’m anemic. I might f*** around in a cold morning up in Saskatchewan or somewhere and f****** die. Hahaha. I’m too fat. Lol. I need to drop 25 lbs. My bear :bear: hibernation fat. :scream::shushing_face:


Mr. :honeybee: knows about the Bubblegum. If you get a chance to hit some Bubblegum Diesel, it was nice. Nice flavor down to the last drop seriously. Hope all is well out there and Mr b I like to be up early on my Sundays drinking coffee with a little greed ladies.

Captain Jack’s dead bug. I got I think Reiko recommended it? Like $6 at the store. You ever have any problems there’s a ton of solution in that bottle I sprayed all of my plants and have enough to dust them at least all once over. It’s all organic and has no after smells or anything like that really clean and nice. Just some information I like to post for people who are going through similar things.

Some other guys had some really good solutions. I got up this morning after I sprayed all my plants off and there’s no bugs on them. Very happy indeed. Nobody’s up I’m going to go smoke the house out Y’all have a good morning man Mr b I need to get up with you sir I got a package for you too coming.:grin::+1:


@joecool was that a bestva led I saw in you area? And are you running the MK Ultra?


Don’t bother with the otm.


Here’s the ladies vegging out under my led fixture. Even though these fixtures didn’t last that long the section is built extremely well and I imagine just vegging the plants with it it should run for a long time most people who bought these lights and had issues with them it happened within the first few months diodes dimming diode failure shit like that and honestly.

I wouldn’t pay $200 again for it but for a pre-assembled light and for what it does I don’t have to mess around with it I can veg the solid tent until it’s 3 ft 4 ft tall if I want all the way to the floor and it’s great penetration.

The new HLG 650 not the red board but the scorpion. It’s honestly what eight quantum boards? Somebody sees this who knows about lights I’m trying to figure it out if it’s eight quantum boards and a driver it could be put together for a lot less. That’s the type of s*** I’m on and then I see a fixture that actually bends in the middle and has the drivers built into the frame It’s a gorgeous light and a very ergonomical.

I love all growing stuff. I can’t get enough. Here’s all my ladies huddling from the chilly air.

Here’s a small issue I have. I’ve had many clones come out looking like this from being put under a light that’s intense. The node spacing, it’s just way too tight it ends up going into flower partially.

My question is would you strip these bud sites and clean them out before you flip them the flower or would you let them go the way they are? I don’t want the material that’s there being in the way if that makes sense.

Thanks for chatting this morning I like to maybe get a little group together on a chat but it seems easier to catch everybody here now with the new scripting


10-4. What do you think about mosca’s Indiana bubble gum Line? If you had to go with a bubble gum. Who would you go with? I saw a Kak had some awesome looking bubble gum.

@BogSeeds Bog said he got his bubble gum from Ben at White Label. I heard a lot of good stuff about white label stuff back in the day. IDK I’m young. I missed a bit. Hope you’re doing good mots. I hope the job is working out better than Menard’s was for you. F*** those people they don’t deserve your talent.:gorilla::+1:


Haven’t heard much on anybodys bbgum lines.
I’d say away from the new holders and search out the older lines from older breeders.

I like bog but seriously I’ve run everything of his plus 20 other buddies and never really saw anything that stands out except for his blue kush.
Used to peddle his beans


I imagine you speak Spanish and English (obv)…French is super close to Spanish…


Do you make/engineer your own lights too?


Not a bestva but a philzon. It’s supposed to be 600w but as we know they lie lol. It fits my 2 by 2 veg area just fine though.
I was running some mk ultra but I recently lost my mother plant but I have 2 more fem seeds of it left in cold storage. For a rainy day. I won them here at a vault giveaway last year. It’s what got me gardening inside.

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Strip them but you can always do that a week into flower and its the same effect.


Oh yeah! Do that bro. I can’t imagine the possibilities!


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A set of seeds I recently got from Mark are from his regular ghost OG he hit with Snowryder auto pollen.


To be honest which you Motz when anybody mentions gum. I always throw BOG in the mix. And he doesn’t hide anything he told me straight up where he got his bubble gum through white label.

What you say seems to be the trend right now. Everybody’s trying to go back and reach into the past and they’re pollying everything out so much man they’re just losing it all. People have seen a huge resurgence in skunk or they want original skunk even though it’s in the low to mid teens in THC percentage.

I think it’s about the nostalgia and the turps that came out of these plants. I’ve been saying it for a while now The striains they have out now are really boring they all seem to blast you like your head in the furnace but there’s no type of…hell I don’t know? Some are just plain boring.

I feel stupid even saying that but there’s more to weed than just sticking your head out the car window at a hundred miles an hour and having that look about you all day long. I know a lot of people who smoke that s*** and don’t get nothing done…lol Who me? Hehe!

Thanks for chiming in on us. The breeders of today are trying to create some kind of Chimera H plant. The dispensaries around here regularly claim to have strains as high as 36%. It just seems really f****** crazy man. That’s really high. Almost 40? What would that be like…Shit!


I appreciate that Mr sparkle. I did that to my other plant and after I did it I was afraid that the bud sites wouldn’t be prepared in time when it flipped or that it wouldn’t produce another bud site. Awesome.:grin::+1:

I think the clones just come out really tight and end up having the deformed leaves coming out of the nodes. I don’t know if there’s a term for that but it’s almost like the plant is shading itself so much so that it starts to want to flower.?? Kinda

I’ll go ahead and just clean it up now and get ready for the flip. I’ll end up not getting to it everything will be tucked in and I can only access my big tent from a couple angles so the plants in the back which is where that one’s at kind of get up stuck back there in limbo. Lol

Having plants you can’t reach is never good. I had to take the trellis that off because I had a sickly plant in the back last go.


Holy s***! That Ghost OG pops up you got my attention. Mark’s making a snow rider? Oh I see It’s ghost OG hit with Snow ryder. I imagine that’s lowrider and ? That’s going to be fire right there man. I got a couple packs from the dude rock bud but his stuff gets so hard to even get a hold of and his drops are always f***** up.

I just stopped messing with him. It’s sad because his gee whiz semi autos and all that s*** is f****** fire. His purple roc auto man that s*** is just crazy. He regularly has all those that reach 30%, 28%.

I wanna say I got some Australian bastard autos. I’m not sure if it’s a freak show type plant or not.

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I noticed you had the MK ultra growing. I had some MKage that I grew out. MK ultra Cross with sage from TH seeds. My dude old school sent me four feminized seeds of that strain. It took about 11 to 13 weeks I can’t remember the flower it was really long it was absolutely worth every day. I never saw anybody push that plant as far as I did anywhere on the internet.

I think that’s why they dropped that line because it took so long to flower. The people that I talked to who smoked it before telling me that it was so stupid and hold on to those seeds and make more. Honestly after I grow it out if I had a space I would run it consistently. Everybody that hit it said it was a f****** middle.

I got the pictures back up on my thread somewhere like f****** 2,000 posts back.Yeah those little lights are great for what they do man and some of them are super intense I know mine will burn my plans if I get them within 9 10-in of it. :grin::+1:


No but my uncle works at a plastic shop he can make anything out of plastic any frame any type you know. I was really wondering what it took to build a nice LED setup obviously you got your driver I was even looking into where they get their diodes.

it honestly seems like everybody’s just getting boards made for em and then just putting them on some type of skeleton that’ll hold them. That’s where I could have my uncle take control and make a skeleton for anything or a frame. Just wondering what it would take to make a rock bottom price unit but the same components.

Meanwell and Samsung are doing it. The diodes in my light are bigger than normal diodes. I don’t know what that means but it definitely rocks my area on the veg tip.

I’ve flowered a couple plants under it and noticed no difference other than that it looked cleaner, the plant itself looked healthier for real.

I just want to take a shot and I’ll try to build a few lights. I can never figure out a starting point whether to go LED or Cobb I don’t know? Hehe. I went on Joti too. I think it’s blackberry breath? is definitely one I want to grab up man. :grin::+1:


Fuck yeah…I’m not sure what samlmb1391

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When I was taught Spanish I was taught formal Spanish and my teacher even though she was Costa Rican made me learn formal Spanish. I guess it’s more European. Close to Italian as well and French.

I remember watching them shows in Spanish and telemundo and it was almost like my tuner dial was going back and forth. I would hear conversations in English or what I thought was English and it just started making sense. The speed of everything was really what threw me off.

You know the feminine and masculine you have to make sure everything is right so you don’t call the dude a Chick. I think I do better as an adult learning things like that than I did as a kid but I learned it in a Catholic school. We did all of our prayers and everything in Spanish.

Being inundated in something seems to be the best way to learn it the fastest way just throwing yourself in Nigeria right? I have no desire to learn any Afrikaan languages. Even though I love African weed I don’t think my white ass is going to be going Africa at any time ever…haha

Dude as much as I hate prison I watch the dude who goes to the world’s toughest prisons and he went to South Africa in Lesotho. Those m************ right there straight everybody had girlfriends. When dude told he was going to be bunking with shorty he f****** flipped out and ran for the door it was one of the craziest prisons I’ve ever seen in my life.

Like Kevin Hart said oh they’re f****** up in there. Will Ferrell looked like he was ready to s*** himself. Ughh no. Eeew.

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