Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

Much respect Baltimore! Grew BOG gear in early 2000’s, growing some now…heard various things about it…liked it then, will let u know how I like it now when done!!! Healthy vigorous indica leaves on this Sour Blutooth! His LSD in seedling range…


Absolutely dude when I came on over grow bog was growing sweet tooth number five and bogglegum. I have sour strawberry a few other strains but I don’t have Boggle gum and I definitely want sweet tooth after seeing him running it. I thought it was his strain.

And I fell off overgrow when it got shut down and really just was depressed at the whole scene. Then being locked up and losing touch with weed for a decade, dude it sucked for real. Definitely come back and post some pictures anytime. My body grew out some of his blue kush and I wish I would have got a cut off of it BOG… definitely official.

Does @Baudelaire still have Sweet Tooth? I definitely meant to get back on there and snatch a pack up. I should do it while I have it.


Grew bogglegum back then, loved it! Think Sweettooth in the mix with this Sour Blutooth. Looking forward to some good medicine for sure!


Yeah man you can’t go wrong with his stuff for real plus he is a fixture here Love that dude. Be safe out there bud. You have a good one man.

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I was looking up and switching my fertilizers out on this run. I’m going to be using a great white from plant science. You can’t go wrong with that stuff. Thats some crazy inoculant right there. A lot of guys who run Coco use that stuff and just run f****** molasses n cal mag in their solutions? Coco seems cheaper. IDK tho really?

I was like all it is is coco and perlite, soaking in cal mag and then just fed every time. Everyone says it’s the fastest way to grow next to hydro with a medium. I think it’s too much for me right now. I got the soil down why f*** it up?

I think it’s always just trying to be progressive and push it squeeze every little bit you can.


I’m with you guys, saw BOGs gear back in the day, but never got any seeds from him. It wasn’t till just a couple months ago that I got a pack of his sour boggle, can’t wait to grow some out but it’ll be a while :roll_eyes:.
You can count on misterbee having the scoop on Mark’s stuff lol. If you need marks seeds and can’t reach or get through him direct, prob hit misterbee up for a trade. I’m waiting on Marks Ghost OG and god bud. Might ask the :honeybee: if he’s got some to spare and trade something when I get a chance to grow some more strains out. Way too many choices these days :rofl::rofl::sweat_smile:


What you said on the Ghost. lol. I believe a buddy may have a clone at some point for me. I imagine Mark has tons of stuff going on and looks like he has a serious seed making op. he has the room and genetics. I cant wait to run his Skunk and his fast 90 plant.

Let me know if you hear anything.Ill do the same. Thanks for coming thru dude…be safe.


Along with a MAC right? I think we are both on the same list hehe. Little Yoda, spreading the power of the force.


Yeah the mk is super long flowering. I took my last one to 12 weeks and the few who I let sample it really enjoyed it, I know I did…
It was one of the better strains I’ve ran in the last year. Although the plant I just switched to flower for being 20+ year old genetics has a rather impressive high I just wish I knew what strain it is so I can find more lol. I haven’t had much issue with light bleaching from the led I usually try to keep it 12 inches above everything. The couple of plant I flowered under it produced rather nice but then again most were autos in solo cups. But for flowering anything bigger I use a 400w hps and am thinking about making myself a led light. Mainly because of temp control during the summer. It gets hot in my closet.


I hope so dude. A lot of that stuff to get it shipped here they won’t do it or is super expensive. I understand the cost of doing business but you know I was sourcing out a meat breath clone and dude wants $300 for it so it’s kind of one of them situations where sometimes you need to stonewall somebody until they get their mind right.

but hell yeah bro I’m definitely trying to get those going on. Maybe not it’s cooler we can get it moving. I’ll have to see what my dude’s up to. Maybe he can squeeze it in between the holidays or right after. And thatd be awesome! :grin::+1:

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Same situation here Love high pressure sodium wouldn’t change anything but the heat in the summertime is too much so I’d like to get a nice LED unit that’s comparable to a 600 or 1000 nice 5x5 print. Yeah that m k a g e with some of the best grass I’ve smoked in a long time The body was right about keeping beans making beans off of it. It was also one of the prettiest plants.


You’ve seen what I did with regular led bulbs and vanity light right? Bulk pricing at Lowe’s, or you can buy individual sockets for cheaper, but a little bit more work.

with my lights on, it brings the tent up like 8-10F above ambient. Based on my research, Only need 30-35w/sq ft to flower with, and it’ll be equal to what you get with HPS


Yea, I’ve seen local places that sell cuts for much lower prices, but not the ones I’m looking for. Though just about every one of them has GG4 and one has it along with an S1 version available. A medical club has MAC but it’s members only for that one, but they sell others for reasonable prices compared to strainly vendors.

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Nice, thank you sir. I know back a few months ago I had looked in on them. That’s what’s up man I’m definitely going to grab them up. :drooling_face::+1:

Seems like everything’s done with some kind of app nowadays. leave the world economy is going to be something like Bitcoin if not it at some point in time. A lot of sites now are accepting CC orders. That makes it so much easier dealing with everything. I also understand You have to go about doing things certain ways.

For the life of me I cannot figure out f****** these cash apps or Bitcoin I’d have somebody do it for me cuz I’m f****** out of touch with the stuff. I’m better off just going and getting that M.O. from the P.O. Lol

Sweeeet! Toof :grin::+1:

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@misterbee the :honeybee: has landed sir. :rofl::+1::pray:
Thank you very much. You don’t have much this means to me. I’ve been looking for gum in all the wrong places. Haha. So these are autoflower Gum and Blueberry?

I hope so and are they regulars? I’ve been thinking about an awesome auto strain for some pollen. What’s the skinny? I’m feeling nostalgic with BB and BG. Dudes are trying to reclaimeverything from when they were kids including the strains they smoked.

I’m happy to get a short version of blueberry. I got to love hate relationship with that plant I just can’t give it up though. :rofl::+1:

Have a good one sir. These are gonna drop as soon as my tent gets here. I’m running another tent only for autos. No clones no nada. Be safe up there bud. I’ll be PM n’ you shortly.:grin::v:


Yeah, Mark’s new creations. You will be one of the FIRST to run 'em, consider yourself lucky, indeed. He wasn’t even finished shucking 'em when he texted me. I jumped on it when I thought of your yearnings, hitting those two birds with one stone, so to speak. You go out there and have a good week, take care, stay EXTRA safe and, yep…be well…mister :honeybee:


Motherfletchin’ right! I haven’t seen many blueberry and bubblegum all those. Not that I’ve been looking for them but I definitely have been checking out a lot of other flowers lately. It’s always an honor to have crack at something is somebody just finished up.

Hopefully I’ll be able to give him some good feedback on his strains. Being a tester on a snake scale would be awesome. I got some killer soil running right now I was just wanting to jump out there and see how autos would run in it.

As soon as I heard you were getting these, I held off on my next run lol. :rofl:. That and I just got some new stuff from Mr sparkle as well. It’s hard to keep track of all this fireflying around. Once again I appreciate it very much Mr b. You have a good one out there man .:grin::v:

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Yeah I’ve seen a couple of clone sites. One on strainly. I think it’s called pinkbox? That has some good looking stuff on there I think that has like 09 animal crackers and stuff like that.

Pretty common cuts that everybody wants. I’ve had really good luck with s1s and stuff like that and like gorilla glue I just picked up Tony’s GG4 RIL and the couple gorilla bubble back crosses. I really like his stuff. Anyway yeah I’m just looking for the most common type of clones that aren’t expensive It’s right now I just can’t do four or five hundred even $300 for a clone.

Nuts it is. reasonable prices on clones that’s what I’m talking about I would jump right off the rip if some people would just bump their prices down a bit there’s some good places though to have them you know buy one for $100 and get the others for $25 a piece they’re real particular though.

So even though everybody says the same thing I’d like to get a verified cut of MAC.stuff like that stuff I can just move real fast to get stuff that I really want.

Oh man I stopped in and saw your setup. You know people can always be assholes and nitpick stuff. But you put a lot of time and effort into that. You’re wiring and having everything straight is how I like to do things. Fortunately I realized that the five ways gave me the coverage that I wanted and the in each five way in the center I put a bigger like a 25 watt LED a couple warms and one cool and it’s just been killing it with 10 bulbs.

Literally all together I think I pulled like 4 oz also 10 bulbs on one run. be safe bud have a good one man I’ll definitely be checking back in to see your progress. Looks great.:+1::pray::grin::v:

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