Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

Hers a small nugget of @ReikoX s GTxSBR cross. It’s one of the more potent all those that I’ll smoke. And has a great flavor a long less than high and the buds are dense.there was definitely no lawful in any of these but whatsoever they were solid from top to bottom it ended up looking like a baseball glove finished. Lol


Some plants I just don’t spend that much time trimming. They’re good n potent as it is why bother nit-picking it to death you know?


Jesus Christmas! The law of odds fucks me. My only TropXsourD presexed male. For being a male it’s extremely tight nodes and sexed early and branching really hard, if I was into dudes this right here probably is gonna be a beast…

I have no need for any pollen from it right now so I’ll sleep on it and he’ll probably get the ax in the morning and get replaced real quick by my Bubba Wedding. I guess that’s why you factory in the percentage for males they’ll leave you room when it’s time to flower.

I’m maxed for space already. So I really could use some. The pests are still clinging. I’m ready to get some bug juice mix it up and dunk in the whole plant while I still can. I don’t wanna smoke bug carcasses and crushing this run isn’t gonna be easy if I have to.

I’ve already been thinking of clones and seedling isolation quickly to redo quickly. Anything is possible when you’re fucked up over the Holidays.My best friend had his kids over for Christmas and threw the f****** tree out through the window so definitely anything’s possible I might throw all these f****** out the window and start over.

All from one stupid ass vine from the garden. Don’t trust a tent to someone who’s geriatric on medication. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Duuude! This plant screams fuck a Sativa! I’m gonna be hurt when this one is a male. I had a few strains I needed a female from. We’ll see. I’m sure itl be showing sex soon and I don’t believe a 1gal is gonna contain this plant if it is a female.

Trop CookiesxRace Fuel OG

That’s some sexy green IDC who you are. I’m feeling this strain…:grin::+1:


Some fat thick indica looking leaves there! Looks great! Hope it’s a girl :partying_face:


Damn, if it’s a boi, save that “dust”, Bro. I, for one, would be happy to receive some of that. Very healthy, lush looking, big potential!!! You take care, stay EXTRA safe, keep your head about ya and, enjoy a wonderful/bountiful Holiday Season…be well…mister :honeybee:


Oh +1 to that, I’d at least save some pollen if it’s a boy, I’m sure you’ll be able to use it later ^^

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You got it. I’ll get some pollen. I might as well get some trop sour d pollen as well.:grin::+1:

@HolyAngel I got you bro. I got a small extra tent coming and 1 5 way just to get some pollen. It reminds me of a Canadian maple leaf. I also like those ducks foot IBL’s or some cool looking plants I’ve never smoked any ducks foot though.

I’ll look out for any more studly dudes.:rofl::v:


For pollen collection, I was just going to put the male into a different room out in the open, just light through a window maybe even lol.
But I do plan on having a full setup for seed making, so that would just be until I get it all set up.

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Literally like Motz said put it out in the shed and keep one light over it. I have a problem with doing open pollinations inside of my tent. I end up getting plants for two grows after that with seeds in it. So I’m going to start sticking them out in the shed and letting the males do their thing out there and just collect the pollen completely away from my setup.


I spray down my tent a day after pollination, so far I think I’m good but we’ll see. I did get a random seed off my Northern Cheese Haze that was in a totally separate tent at the time :expressionless:


I have some sweet tooth F2s I got from howard if you want some


Yeah I was shared a 3 page list of clones that were overnighted either 1 rooted or 3 cuts and the vast majority of them were 300 bucks I really wish I wasn’t such a broke mofo at Christmas time or I would have gifted myself the AJ sour D :expressionless:. There were like 3 on the list that said NFS so I don’t know if they are out of stock or if there gift only but one was the SFV which I also fiend for and buy everytime it’s around


Amen in brother, i feel this as well.
Peace and Love
Stay safe all

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I’ve seen a lot of SFV s1s and I want a true clone only of it. I’m in love with that shit man. It comes a point in time where I have to be content with what I have and hopefully I can take what I have and make some trades you know. I have a really nice Gary Payton and a Wedding Cake that came picking through s1’s. I really want true Larry Bird Cut. There’s just so many. My 5.

  1. SFV, 2. A good Breathe- Mendo, Meat, PB, Motor ect. 3. OG Kush, or OGKB 4. Ghost 5. MAC… of course the Holy Grail if it were ever found just in female clone. G13.

There’s a lot of bad ass breeders out there. Umami Seeds- Truffles F1. I’m so mad I didn’t get em. Obsoleet I think the name is cherry :cherries: aliendog rock candy. That shit looks amazing. Envy genetics are fide red eyes loctite strain I picked up one it’s (Univsrsity Wash. Purp)X Loctite. Loctite the GG slayer.

I make no sense. I hope y’all get the gest most of the time. Jesus I’m all over the place. Lmk if you wanna swap some cuts between us. I’ll clip and root what you want. I can also do some make cuts. You mentioned sour.

Here is an ECSDxTROP F1 male. It’s displaying all the qualities I look for. Serious branching. Sexed super early. Smells awesome already, Small full and just perfect node spacing. This was bred by Oni not myself. The offspring are amazing. I’ll be getting pollen to F2 this line and cross with another sour cut or somethin luxurious. Lol


Yeah deffinitely. Hold me a few if you can please. That strain had me stunned when I was younger… it looked unlike anything I’ve seen at the time frost wise :grin::v:

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I got you homie

If you really want the Larry bird I can forward you the list my dude shops on it’s like 3 pages most of them are like 300 bucks though

I didn’t realize there were that many gelatos until I saw the list lol


For real right now isn’t the best time with the holidays coming up I was just trying to snatch something up for like a hundred bucks and I didn’t want to be forward with you but I’d rather swap with you and use the money if that’s a possibility. I would like to grab a clone it is in $300. I saw some places that had one for $1 00 and each additional one was $25. Now that wasn’t the Larry Bird or Mac but they had some nice cuts on there the animal cookies 09 stuff like that.

This run that I’m on right now I have one wedding cake plant it’s taking up a quarter of my main tent It’s f****** huge. I’m sexing out my plants right now I’m going to get ready to flip them in the 12-12 soon they’re not going to get burned by the HID anymore 30 days and flip that’s it the rest of them can sit under the table until they reach 30 days or that height you know the maturity I mean.

But yeah man go ahead and send a list dude I’ll check it out and who knows maybe somebody will come through and let the kids snatch one up. Like I said man when everything is s**** out and what I know is good you’re more than welcome to have cuts but I’m not super pressed right this second as I’m waiting on another tent in the holidays are almost here.

I’ll definitely stay up with you I got a lot of stuff man a lot of doubles and stuff I’m going to start going through it My problem is is people don’t have space for it really I mean I love collecting the seeds but I got to get space to run


Looks nice there. You arent planning to toss him are you? Overall by looks of him so far id breed him. Tight nodes good branching see how these pollen sacs stack up n does he stink yet? And that greenblood should have that 33 cut if he truly hold the genetics for verano. But he wont come off it cause they getting rich off it at $60 an 1/8.

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Gelato #47 ??? I got to get somewhere where I can actually put up a greenhouse and run all of my s*** man this sucks. I’m on the tip right now that if one plane is struggling and one is eclipsing it I’ll push that plan off into the corner until it gets his s*** together or I’ll throw it out the window.

especially if I have seeds for a strain a good bit of them I’ll throw it at my I pull it right out of the pot and stick one right in its place as long as it’s early in still. This hour days of Tropicana cookies I think I’m really going to just get some piling off of it It’s definitely something special it would go good probably with the Wilson Zero or some banana cake that I have I got some banana cheese from Mr b as well probably be sweet.

I enjoy rapping with you dude You have a happy Thanksgiving man I hope your family is well all y’all be safe. :pray::grin::v:

My best looking plant right now is a male.

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Yeah I know man That’s what f****** kills me dude. I want that mag land race that s*** is absolutely gorgeous. Now I saw that dude whatever his name was Mr greenblood who said he was crossing it with bubblicious whatever he was growing look f****** fire I just don’t understand why I can’t get access to a clone if I had the money? But yeah that gelato out of that rhino glass jar is the truth man I’m not going to lie to you I definitely want that b**** in my stable.

Modulado doesn’t have that taste at all but it is absolutely covered in trichomes. Here’s a better shot of the trout cookie sour diesel male. I’m definitely keeping that I got some bog sour bubble might be a good cross You know what I mean something sour like that to go with it maybe even that eat pupil funk. That’s why I love plants man I just want to get the breed and stuff and this is my first time I’ve sprayed and made a few seeds of wedding cake cross with the Bubba Kush but definitely wide leaf stress the leaves out on the wedding cake a little bit wider.

I mean I have an excuse for why I didn’t give the Tropicana cookies out but for real they’re just plants. I give plants to people and seeds the people and they just f****** let them die on them so I’m only giving people stuffs or helping people that actually crochet. My neighbor went some dirt and he doesn’t even have any lights or anything I’m like nah dude.

Even saying that I firmly believe that every man should have at least one or two things that are his it’s better not even to mention it sometimes you know what I mean. But yeah everybody’s should have their own little thing if they like and that they’ve enjoy I think. :grin::+1:

I want to eventually run one of those tiaramisu’s. The lineage of those plants are absolutely crazy!