Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

I have Jalalagod :upside_down_face:


Bodhi’s Butterscotch x SSDD F2 co-op sign up is open.


Anyone know what PU this is ?

If it is F3 this could be an absolute banger based on my experience with both.
If it is the F5 PU , do not even bother.


Thanks for the heads up!

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Purple Triangle is PU3 dad…I’ll check my pack later and let you know. If you don’t hear back from me, tag me so I remember to check!

Edit: I was wrong. The pack only says “Purple Unicorn” as the father. The mystery continues…


zunga zeng. just triggered on the august 10.


field trip tomorrow will be start of week 8


Also to @anon60559124 , i read that all of the PU male crosses use the PU f3 male. Stinky “poop” plant in flower but cured buds became sweet like “caramel”, said a grower of Unicorn Milk.

And PU f5 was released as its own strain un-crossed. Don’t remember why but it was not liked by prople.

I’m curious about if the PU male adds anything to the high? Or does it just make buds purple?


Even bodhi didn’t like the direction the pu went so he went back to his f1 or f2 and started again. He talks about it somewhere. The only time I’ve ever seen the f2 used was in purple unicorn f2 x 88g13hp unreleased strain. I wish I could find where he said this as this was discussed here previously and I couldn’t find the reference. He’s all over though on BB and IG just saying random shit.

He went through 100 males in 2015 to get this PU F3 and still didn’t like the direction.

PU f2 one year cure.

In my search, I found a log of the unreleased strain I have. PU f2 x 88g13hp grow log.

Here’s testing the guy " jpdnkstr" did on the plant.

Heres some pictures

He grew it twice. The first time it had some nute lockout and he reported it smelled like sidewalk chalk and funk. The second run were the pictures above and he says that it is really good.

Here is a closeup of one of the first grows.

Here is Purple Wookie which “could” have PU f2. It is confusing because he came out with a version 2 which definitely uses pu f3 x wookie 15.

Ok I found it


Purple Wookie V1 = RKU f2 x Wookie 15
Purple Wookie V2 = Purple Unicorn f3 x Wookie 15

That means that I have the only pack with purple unicorn f2 possibly ever let out of the stable. I wonder if it would be worth it?


I need to rework my scrapper to pull all bohdi’s posts off breedbay. He said on there somewhere that he worked Purple Unicorn to F4 and got completely sterile plants so he had to go back and almost start over to get to the F5 with viable plants.

Also said it’s still his favorite purple line. And the F5 was meant as a pure breeding tool to turn anything its crossed to, Purple. The F3 were better crosses overall tho.


Hope the stretch is going to wrap up soon, it is getting to be a jungle up in here. Celestial Citron started first. Triple Sunshine and Baba close behind and pumping out some impressive daily growth :sweat_smile: .

Celestial Citron

Baba Kush

Triple Sunshine f2

Natural predators showed up on their own and are all over the garden, devouring a mild population of aphids.


that baba kush looks so lovely. something about the leaves


Now I need to check what version I have.

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big j/ joe pure afghan - lavender lemonade


small nug from a mango biche x goldstar f4. i had two females and were very different phenos. this one was an average stretcher and fast finisher about 9-10 weeks) the other one, wild stretcher! im going to cull cus its on its week 11 and still no signs of even being close to finishing (ill add some pics to this post later with that one). i think it could easily go for another 4 weeks or 5 weeks. nuts.

they both have a lemony/green mango thing going on, specially the short flowering one - reminds me a lot to smart move but without the spearmint. just green mango, tropical, citrus, sweet. smokes like a hybrid, its strong but nothing overwhelming either.

it will def be interesting/fun growing the rest of those seeds.


Yeah, I enjoy spending time in and among the plants.

Going to throw some Old Soul pollen on Celestial Citron. (For a 50% OMG, 25% Pinesoul, 25% Wookie cross).

Also have Baba Kush and Triple Sunshine f2 pollen as well as GG4 x SSDD pollen (from Copa Genetics f5 version. I know there are differing views on Copa using Bodhi’s work, but as an outdoor grower, that GSD is fantastic. Working it outside so many generations seems to have paid off).

Will have some cool crosses and mashups to share with the community if all goes according to plan. :beers:



I just made a Bodhi bot that gives all information based on strain. Check it out… you can try it yourself with the code right here. Just put it in python/vscode/replit etc. I couldn’t post it here so I put it on pastebin


Seems like too much work to manually add every strain to a text file in the correct format without using some kind of scraping algorithm. This one only has about 15 strains in the database right now. It is coded in python. Maybe I can find a way for it to collect all the data.


That’s a super useful tool, is flower time possible too?


Yes it can be added like this

When making the description of the strain add in this line

“Flower Time”: “8-9 weeks”,

    "Ancient OG": {
    "type": "Indica-dominant hybrid",
    "THC_content": "20-24%",
    "flavors": "Lemon, Earthy, Spicy",
    "flower time": "8-9 weeks",
    "effects": "Calm, Sleepy, Euphoric",
    "description": "Ancient OG is an indica-dominant strain with lemony and earthy flavors. It has strong sedative effects, perfect for evening relaxation."

and then in the bottom part you add that into this section

        if strain:
        return (f"Strain: {strain_name}\n"
                f"Type: {strain['type']}\n"
                f"THC Content: {strain['THC_content']}\n"
                f"Flavors: {strain['flavors']}\n"
                f"Flower Time: {strain['flower time']}\n"
                f"Effects: {strain['effects']}\n"
                f"Description: {strain['description']}")