Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 2)

Same my friend… we are all here for the same thing (mostly) :raised_hands: I was surprised at the behavior … I know there are good growers and people there… I was watching a log and got accused of being a sock account because I commented on 1 log only… but that log was the only gavita 1700e user I found… I was trying to learn what my issue could be because I have same light… mistake!! Lol… I should have sent a dm I suppose… but nevertheless… I’d really like to see landrace work and revisit the beginning… to create a better end…


OG has become my home away from home for sure… I’m impressed with the level of togetherness and camaraderie here… everyone typically works together for the greater of all. . People here will give the shirt off their backs if they thought someone needed it… I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of it. If everyone would be this way… mankind would be so much more advanced … but for some reason… we put barriers in front of our own faces… along with our governments… if we all got along we wouldn’t need them… THAT IS NOT WHAT THEY WANT!! So what’s their answer? Cause fear :fearful: :worried: :scream:


Shock! The Monkey landed! @HolyAngel Thank you again brother!



Nice! I just got hooked up with some mendo sunshine f2 from @Ceilingless that just landed I’m so stoked on cracking even got hooked up with a guava Wookie x mendo sunshine cross that he made :grin: @CrunchBerries stoked to see what you find in those monkeys


Nice! Still have a pack or 2 of the original Blue Tara in the fridge…maybe popped 5 of them years ago and got distracted…


Germ them while you can! I just tried a full pack of blue tara to f2 and got 5/11 to survive, 2 are healthy normal seedlings, 3 runts that are growing. Seed helmet surgery needed for all, they definitely were low vigor.


@DesertHeartGardens always happy to share seeds!


The runts might be the ones to keep an eye on :wink:


Man @HolyAngel is always hooking people up. Good ppl :+1:


Oh yeah for sure. Theyre mainly runts due to the seed surgery haha. Definitely some leaf funkiness in all - good sign for blue genes.


At week week 8 both had rot. i knew i didnt have proper air flow (and RH 65+) for that type of bud structure. It is firm but spongy - very leafy, and thick.

I had two females. one looked like it needed a week more to go and the other had at least two weeks to go - but i had to pull them and save what was left untouched by rot.

i cut everything into small bits and tossed everything with rot and everything surrounding the rot as well. the rest of the bits were left soaking on H2O2 for 2 minutes, fan dried, and flash dried in a 3 days.

after drying i was afraid they would be all airy, but they have a nice firmness/density - imagine a very hard memory foam and some bits are just plain hard and dense. I also thought no terpine/flavor profile would survive that drying - but it is very tasty and smells quite nice

the one that had at least two weeks to go lost many of its flavor and smell, and the high really cant be judged.

the other one that looked almost ready (pictured) retained a lot of flavor and smell (has a fruity/spearmint/lemon flavor). the high is slightly physically sedative and mentally very upbeat. with a very nice above-average potency - probably higher if you let it grow a bit more.

fortunately i have revegged clones in the tent and new fans in the cart.


Field Trip

Space Monkey BX1 #6

Space Monkey f2 #3

Space Monkey #1 (orig.)

In all inside the nuts from boy Cherry Queen


@neogitus Can’t really smell anything on the bud, stem rub smells like cinnamon! This one doubled in size.

Black Triangle #1, day 70.

Check out her sister though! She’s in a 7.5gal SIP.

Black Triangle #2, day 10 of flower. No noticeable smell yet?


Got some unexpected rains this morning had to mad scramble and put up a tarp for the ladies the ssdd bx 3 had a stem split on me but think I caught it and got it taped up All the rest are doing solid just need 3 weeks more of good weather :crossed_fingers:praying to the sun and weather gods


Oh yeah I do remember that guy from rollitup… no matter what he grew, he said everything smelled like human feces. In veg, in bud, and dried flower, always said every plant smelled like human shit.

That made it hard for me to trust his reports. I get that the senses are subjective, but either the guy had a broken nose, or a strange infatuation.


Chopped the air guitar today. Should be some killer smoke.


Picture perfect! Smoke one for me


I’ve read from his reviews and many others that the Purple Unicorn f3 male makes it’s crosses smell like human shit. But that they get sweeter after a long cure.

A diff. grower said of Unicorn Milk (Mother’s Milk x PU) that it started “shit-smelling” and became like “caramel” after curing.

I’ve grown a Skunk #1 cross that started as a dog shit smell. But turned to strawberry jam after 3+ months in a jar.


Something from the depths of old ICMag, some Bodhi bag variations from way back, three different kinds, I like the classic drug bag smiley face.


Haha, i used those smiley face bags to sell seeds for years
…never had a label printer, though