Bodhi Seeds - Sour Butter x G13HP - Preservation

I’ve had that one picked out as a male for awhile now, mostly because it was a stand-out looker. The best looking plants are always male.

Anyway, 6 males now, adding the back two to the right. Only 4 that aren’t showing anything yet.


fingers crossed but looking good


I’ve been reading through Rob Clarke’s book and it says something along the lines that females (pistillate plants) will show un-differentiated primordia (pre-flowering sites) before males (staminate plants), but the male primordia will change to show sex first.

It also describes the males as generally growing taller faster and having fewer and more narrow leaves approaching the flowering sites.


That last statement is so true. Id say 9 outta 10 times males shoot up quicker, and also generally more columnar with less leaf. Those plants are very uniform for a seed grow thats always a nice thing having that even canopy. That bottom right plant looking very good, bet its male though.


I agree with the 9/10… as I’m currently flowering that other 1/10 girl :joy::person_facepalming:.

(the light is on an angle, the picture is indeed level)

Can you guess where she is in here? Lol

Every other grow I’ve had, that plant would have been male :person_shrugging:


Ive noticed the males always seem to be the biggest, most vigorous growers and catch my eye every time. I wish I was better at noticing the undifferentiated state.


Awesome man thats always a good suprise. I do the same thing with my lights too, works good. Never thought of it until my brother showed me last year. Was always putting things under the plants to raise the canopy level.

Looking good in there man you should have nicce harvest. Appalachian same for me, everytime i get excited about an individual its male lol. I can only think of a couple times when it wasnt male.


Went looking this morning… the two on the far left seem to be showing female preflowers, center front is a little hard to tell but it does look female. Presumptive male in the front on the far right still isn’t showing anything.

I ordered another Array 4 last week, haven’t received any kind of shipping notice. I was hoping to move the males into their own tent… I have an ancient 4 bulb T5 I could use, but I’d prefer to move them in under another LED.


I learned from necessity of growing in a very small stand up closet I picked up from Canadian Tire, line with tinfoil, and I had cheeeaaaaap blurple lights from Wish… A light on both sides of the closet, and the top lights would move up and down from seedling on, lol… There’s a pic of it somewhere in my grow log :grin::ok_hand:


Same with one of my dla11’s, i have one i assumed was a male due to it i’m keeping.


The plants are looking good!! good luck with this run!!

The males are always the biggest, I heard


Lamp arrived yesterday, took me a day to move things around, etc. I moved the males to their own tent just now.

Photo from a few days ago that I assigned numbers to:

Numbered females + the one unknown just now:


Nice i think with three you could still easily full that tent up. Are you going to flower now or just sexing? G13 hp hybrids are usually shorter ime. That f3 is a pretty plant, i like that one of your confirmed. Look forward to seeing what happens, i love anything with hashplant.


I’m flowering now. Winter’s coming, I need to get this done.


Ive noticed that males ive seen tend to have that more vigorous growth early on too. In nost cases ive seen anyway.

I’d always assumed that this would be because its beneficial for the male plant to rise above the females, in order to drop pollen down onto them.
Makes sense from an evolutionary point too.



Looks like a female keeper from here:)