Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

I’ll get a pic and compare to a soda can I believe they are about the same size but they are putting on weight I’m tying and staking everything :joy: I see what you were telling me about lol yeah I like pine just not the nose burner pine or cheap gin lol it has a hint of something else hard to tell in the tent


We think it’s a male…boo! Saving pollen though bc this plant is very pretty.

Here is the one I like…Dumbo leaves haha.


3 plants showing some OG type 3 (3.25) finger leaves:

These are all on the newest growth.


Thats always nice to see in an og hybrid. My Pinesoul clone has the three leaves going on too.

With the cooler weather coming on I’m curious if anyone will find any pinks in their plants.d1e200d0976a021651b9a79f31b2ec7632204574_2_375x500 0b7bac9a2e92abd31b3db34b58267ccb28013cdb_2_375x500


Lol, not in Arizona.


The ladies are vegging slow and easy; the HLG BSpec really helps keep them squatty.
Some defoliation, and a soaking of castile soap today to help control the thrips.
41 days veg.


It’s very possible had a ssdd bx pheno outdoor that had lots of pink very neat to see


Bad joke on my part. I meant to post

Is that the ssdd bx from holyangel?


Yea they where real hardy outdoor put them out in October and made it to harvest


I’m holding a pack of those.
Haven’t trusted myself to pop em yet…I wanna do em justice!


Getting close but still another week or so I think the shortest is about done.🤷 lol @Greasy how long did you run them? I need to check my notes and see exactly what day I’m on. But I’m guessing 75 to finish.


I went 10 weeks on the indoor and 8-9 on outdoor as they needed to be pulled earlier. Indoor I had cloudy trichs but not much amber at ten weeks. Your buds are chunky! Still some real long white pistils going so could definitely go longer, a week or two. Just around the corner of the finish line!

Did you find any kind of sexual instability?




All in 2 gallon pots being neglected pretty well. :wink:
No sign of male parts anywhere. I’ve fed them all the same - #1 has got some burnt edges.

Growing their clones up now in case there’s something special in these girls. :yum:

Edit: @ 30 days


Have you heard of any yet? I like to grow Bodhi’s jungle spice (Congo x 88g13) and I’ve see pistils on males pretty often. But I don’t recall ever seeing so much as a nanner on the girls. They’re some of the most stable plants I’ve grown. There’s different outcomes for males with pistils for sure. It can represent two different things genetically I think.


I haven’t had any issues myself. Definitely putting on weight and I agree another week or two at least. I was just curious how long you took them. But definitely some stinky stuff my filter does no good lol.


Some shots of a few SunRa from an angle other than overhead:


As you can see I’ve got a pretty good spread of structures here. I’m seeing a stretchier pheno with wider internode spacing, a bushy pheno, and then that weirdo with no leaves and long lanky branches.
There’s also a plant in the tent (not pictured) that is healthy, but an outlier; short, small, and she’s drinking significantly less than the others.
Alright that’s all for now!


Thanks for the update man! I’ve been out of town the past week so slow to respond, but great to hear you are running out the seeds and clone batches! Little ladies look happy!

We haven’t seen any yet, but probably have only had two growers get far enough along in flowering to make that determination. There seems to be so many conflicting opinions on whether or not males with pistils are a good or bad thing that I decided to create this tester thread rather than just send them out in bulk. While it won’t be conclusive to all strains by any means, I think we can see how that male affected this batch of seeds, and if they have higher herm potential.

Looking happy! You thinking of flipping soon? Bet you’ll get some real stretch on a few of em.


I anticipate transplant/ flip this weekend…flowering plants willing.
Gotta harvest a few before there’s room
Edit: 2 months veg is gonna give me some excellent yields I’m hoping! I’ve got the headspace to manage the stretch


Well I had to pull one today it was weak stemmed the tops started snapping so I pulled it but I think it’s real close to done anyway. I had a couple snap earlier in the week so I cut them and the first pics are of the snapper I call it lol I needed more air on it I believe being where the least air flow was. image

And these are the other 3 thats are getting there


@Blueridge Your grow is the reason I knew I could veg these for 2 months, and it’s looking so good brother!
Can’t wait to hear the first smoke report.
Were the tall ones lanky in veg too? Wider node spacing and taller?