Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

I don’t do the 24 or 48 hours of darkness thing anymore either… I think it’s BS. I do harvest in the morning before the lights come on though, seems the plants smell the strongest then, but it have no way to accurately measure that other than the ol’ sniffer.

This is so cool! I’d be throwing, like, 10 different clones out in little pots and making all kinds of crosses all winter… I gotta move closer to the equator, jealous of all you guys that can just keep truckin’ with plants outdoor all year round!

That Bubba finishes so quick! I think she’s done in like 53 days or something like that… she was the first one to produce mature seeds in my Pinesoul cross as well. Could be a nice tool to bring down flowering time…


What else can you do?
brews a pot of coffee :joy:

Looks incredible and then those unique terps, I love cannabis!


Basically what I’m working towards. pick two males and make crosses twice. Hunt for a decade :joy:
Ill stop at f3 most likely on each.


Thanks bud but you’re right 4 pm brewing coffee probably in my future. Lol


Mhm. I read something years and years ago where the author said that he thought it’d take a minimum of ten days of darkness to actually make a difference in trichome production or whatever, which, I’m not gonna do ten days of darkness haha. The main reason I did it the last time was because that fucking Purple NL2 just would not finish up, but I’ll never do it again.

Yeah, me, too. Once I’m down to the last few plants or whatever, I actually just turn the lights off when they’d ordinarily turn off and then pull the plants out whenever I feel like it the next day. Not two days of darkness or anything, but definitely longer than it would be if I kept the lights on the timer.


Better off to chop and use those days to dry.

Better off to let them grow under lights for 2 more days.


Hope everyone is doing well. I’m stuck in trim jail lol I’ll have some pics of freshly trimmed buds soon. I will say that it’s a easy trimming job. @Greasy i appreciate you letting me grow out these ladies I had no herm issues also no little seeds so far.


Fantastic work! Frost city over there! So happy to hear that it was a successful grow and without any intersex tendencies! I would love to hook you up with a gift of seeds or clones for all your hard work! PM me and we can figure something out!


Here’s an update on the 3 neglected sun ra ladies.




#1 has no smell. It’s always had burnt edges. It’s sisters have a foul, funky smell. They’re also growing a bit more healthily. I am not giving them the best time. To show I can grow, here’s your vintage blueberry x BBM I saved a cut of.

She’s smelling so delicious. And such huge buds.
Thanks @Greasy :pray:


They’ve got some nice frost on them! Thank you for the update!

Love that you’ve kept a cut of the Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry F2. I would like to do a pheno hunt through them again as I really think there is good stuff in them!


Yes! They have lots of potential. I’d love to find “the one.” Let me know if you do a hunt and I’ll do a co-hunt, and maybe we can trade the best ones. :yum:


What’s up everybody. Sorry for the delay. I have been a little overwhelmed lately. Finally catching up though.
So, I cloned all thirteen Sun Ra about three weeks back. Went to move the clones a few days later and dropped the whole tray. :rage:. Didn’t know which clone was who.
Recloned everything about fives days back. Should be up potting soon and then in to 12/12.

Everything looks good despite aphids, thrips and being root bound. They are taking it like a champ.

I know it’s not Bodhi related but I want to say
Thank you @Greasy for starting the CSI plant guide thread! I am new to their genetics and your guide really helps in deciding on what to purchase. You do excellent smoke reports. It’s much appreciated.


Plants are looking really lush and healthy! That’s awesome you’ve got them all backing up too. Takes a lot of time and commitment to grow and hold onto things that thoroughly. Appreciate all your hard work!


Finally getting caught up on some much needed garden chores. Up potted all the Sun Ra to half gallon pots and put in 12/12 tent. Already identified a few females. No male parts yet.
Sun Ra on the right side of tent.



Okay, it’s been a while, so let’s update!
Of the 7 plants, 5 are female.
They’ve been in flower for 1 week. 2 really went downhill fast, and I’m trying to nurse them back to health. The other three are doing wonderfully,
I’ve got a bush growing laterally, a super squat one, and a couple lanky ones, so it will be fun to see how they develop.
Random shots, good and bad


Thanks for the update! Nice ratio getting five females. Bummer they are a little cranky for you. Hopefully they’ll find their footing and even out.


I dug out the two sad plants and repotted them in a lighter soil. They are already bouncing back, with green creeping back into the leaves, and new growth looking healthy. I think we’ve averted catastrophe
The other 3 are praying to the lights


A Christmas miracle :grin:. Glad to hear they’re bouncing back for you


Weekly update. Out of the thirteen plants, four showed as male and nine as female.

Here are the males.

And the nine females.


All you guys have been getting really good ratios on these! That’s awesome! Plants look great, thanks for the update