Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

Here’s an update at day 74. Getting chopped right after.

#1 - smells like warm garbage.

#2 - has a hot/burning hair smell. My wife says it smells like a hair salon.

#4 - similar burnt smell to #2. Maybe a bit more rubber in there.


You made it to the finish line! Did you find any sexual instability in them? Thanks for all your hard work growing out these seeds!


They were neglected, and often times under the canopy of the larger plants, but They all ended up 100% female.

Gonna get a cut of #2 vegging. I’m interested to grow her out again. Really fat buds and hardly any stretch.


Awesome! I wonder if you’ll find some more tone in the short one that didn’t stretch. I’m pleased to see so far that we haven’t seen any herms. Should be about 7 plants or so. Not enough to make a blanket statement they are herm free, but getting there!


Acetone, maybe?


Hmmm. I know that smell all too well. It was definitely a hot curlers odor. I don’t think it was as piercing as acetone, but I could probably get there. I’ll have to take a big whiff when I get home.


Greasy I’m back, and I apologize for not updating. I unfortunately lost those plants, but have 4 going again. So i guess I’ll update with these 4. Again I apologize for not fulfilling my promise when accepting your seeds. I had to move so they were lost unfortunately. Here’s the current ones…


Update time!
The ladies are doing well, the two stressed plants are putting out healthy new growth, but as you’ll see, one took a beating in the process. This is about 4 weeks in, and we have a really good amount of frost developing. My favorite is the tall one that’s stacking buds up both main branches.


No problem. This is a tester thread, not the end of the world if a few plants go down. Thanks for the update!


Awesome. Love seeing all those bud sites! 4 weeks in, any signs of intersex? That seems to be when I notice problems if there are any. You have any luck getting rid of those thrips? I found Dr Zymes to actually eliminate thrips over using their recommended treatment over a 3-4 week period. I was really surprised to find an organic solution you can use in flowering that actually gets rid of something, rather than keeping it at bay!


I would be willing to give them a try. I would be able to soak them by the end of Jan or first week of Feb. Happy New Year

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Hey pats! Thank for the interest, but I think we’ve got enough testers at this point. @Blueridge and @Rhino_buddy have harvested their plants. @HeadyBearAdventures is well on his way in flowering, and @Uprangewilly has his plants sexed! Think that will give us ~20 or so females to have looked out for sexual instability. Once everyone has finished, I’ll go ahead and share these with people who have been following around in the thread, so stick around and watch the show and they’ll find their way to you!


Sounds good.


None whatsoever, not even on the stressed ones.

I’m buying a bottle as soon as my electrostatic fogger arrives. I was really happy with it, but I only had a small sample that lasted about 3 applications. That didn’t fully eradicate them, so I’m still having some struggles. The handheld fogger should give me more complete coverage, as well as making it easy easier to apply vs. My hand pumped sprayer


Yeah, I had success spraying three days in a row, and then once weekly for a month. I tried using a cup per gallon, rather than a half a cup as they recommend, and my plants did not like that. I think consistency of application is really key with that product.


Thanks homie, I’m ready to be done with these bastards!


If you haven’t already @HeadyBearAdventures, Dr zymes has a free bottle or maybe 2 if you pay shipping. I’m sure someone has a link. :laughing:


Here it is!


Yeah I didn’t see any issues with the ones I flowered and they were probably the easiest ones I’ve ever grown definitely running the rest of them I know there’s some killer pheno’s-terps I haven’t had but I know the longer it’s curing the better it is is definitely not beginners smoke. Lol I never get called out for being high but fuk if I haven’t had 3-4 in the past month say damn bro you high af :joy: 🤷 guilty as charged. It was the big cola one that’s the most potent and :fuelpump: the pineapple learners are potent just not like the pine leaning one. Thanks @Greasy for everything :pray:


That’s so good to read @Blueridge ! I’m loving the look of these, and they are easily producing the earliest frost on any plant I’ve grown to date. Trichomes already covering the sugar leaves and extending onto a few of the fans as well!