Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread


@Blueridge I have mixed feelings about sharing pollen from these plants, as I would like to see if they carry any herm tendencies, and by sharing pollen out with the world to create new seeds before that testing is done, kind of undermines the overall goal I’m going for here.

On the other hand, I really do subscribe to the idea that you should do what you like with your own plants. There are enough rules to follow in daily life, where the last thing I want to do is add anymore to you and your grow. So long story short, I’m cool with you doing as you see fit, but maybe have anyone you send the pollen to, keep tabs on this thread so they can be clear if they make any seeds, to communicate any herm traits to the recipients of those seeds. Last thing we need on a grow forum is more herm plants! The fact that the resinous male that made the f2’s showed pistils is something I’m curious if we will see passed onto the next generation.

Exciting! Looking forward to see you grow them!


I forgot about the herm tendencies and I agree with you 100% and I’ve always felt that it’s a respect thing to ask.


@Blueridge you appear to be a helluva grower, and a stand up guy to boot! :boot: :hiking_boot:


Thanks I really appreciate that I try to treat others as I would want to be treated. And the growing I learned less is more lol I had issues with staying away from them always doing something but the mistakes taught me way more than anything else has.


@Blueridge many thanks :pray::pray:


@Bayarealivingsoil Glad to help out keep me updated definitely interested in seeing what you find in them. :v:


@Greasy 2 males they are doing some stretching now nice gassy smell…


Hey, as we approach the drop date @Greasy , what are your expectations around the males?
Can I clone/cull when they declare, or do you want them grown out for a while?


@Blueridge your plants are the picture of health. Thank you for the continued updates. Loving their happy shade of green!

Growers choice @HeadyBearAdventures . If I were growing them myself, I would just cull the males once they showed sex, but if you want to grow em out, more power to you! The only real restrictions I wanted to put onto this tester group was that you had a to plant six to make sure you get a female, and that you pop them within a reasonable amount of time receiving them, after that, just do you thing!


Got it! Tomorrow’s is the day!


Anytime buddy I appreciate you letting me take a shot at them. Did you get a lot of stretch on certain ones seems like the taller ones really took off when I flipped to flower. I accidentally had my light only halfpower for 2 days so wasn’t sure if it was me or the genetics.


Yeah, I saw a wide variation in the F1’s. Some shorter squatter phenos, and some taller lankier ones with much larger node spacing. I think my favorite of the ones I’ve smoked was a very tall lanky pheno that flopped real bad and needed a lot of support, so more of an OG leaner potentially.

@syzygy is the real expert when it comes to Sun Ra. He’s grown out a number of packs and may be able to shed some light on his experiences as plants get further along. He’s been my Sun Ra guru throughout the project, and even the benefactor that provided my two packs of f1 seeds! Hopefully he can provide some feedback as the plants are flowered out as well. I’m hoping that these plants are stable, and I can get the 1000 or so seeds I made out there!


I had the same thing with the main top wanting to flip over. Kinda weird but interesting


Thanks for the kind words but I’m far from an expert on the strain and growing out the 3 packs has me more confused probably than if I just grew out a handful of beans. Tons of variation was noted in height and smells. Effects for me were fairly uniform though. Good daytime feel good summer herb that is functional and uplifting. I think the best we can all do is grow them out and compare experiences. Your review sounded very similar to my take on the strain so that was kind of cool to see line up.

I had 2 females initially and lost one of them in a reveg attempt. I popped the remainder of the first pack & 2 more hoping to find the same pheno I lost but did not see it again. I did find another really nice gassy citrus pheno which sounds similar to the one Greasy used possibly.

I’ve had a few people assure me the SunRA they tested had devastating potency so I’m not sure what to make of that. Didn’t seem to be the case from what I’ve seen but who knows. I wouldn’t call it weak but definitely nothing that came off as being among the strongest I’ve had.

Pheno I lost to reveg

Cedar pheno I kept around for a while - regretted culling it later on


Cross posting:

Edit: yes, I’m aware of my ninja turtle fingers, per my original post


Beautiful work I love the colors how did it smoke? I think there’s another sun ra by Colorado seed company or something and I believe I had that one it’s been 4 years or more and it was golfball nugs and really dank. Had gas and lemon terps that burns your nose lol


My favorite pheno if I had to pick one was the cedar smelling pheno. It was incredibly high odor and had a nice functional feel good summer effect. Would be great for outdoor activities or social situations. I just vaporize these days and it tasted good but from memory it didn’t stand out as extreme on the flavor scale. @BeagleZ just wrote up a great review of his sunra as well in his thread here : BeagleZ Corner - #2068 by BeagleZ


Plants look amazing. Are you still looking for testers?

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I am still looking for testers. Are you able to germinate the 6+ seeds when you receive them?

So far we’ve got 5 testers, which I really appreciate.
@beepboop, @Blueridge, @Rhino_buddy with plants going strong, @HeadyBearAdventures just popped his, and I mailed another pack to @nick131740 to join the group!

How are your plants going @beepboop and @Rhino_buddy ?


I see that you are testing for herms. Do you need people to keep the males too?

If we are just keeping the female plants, I can definitely pop six as soon as I get them.

Do you mind if we breed with these seeds?