Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

@Uprangewilly see up above


Thank you @HeadyBearAdventures

I’m down


Thanks @HeadyBearAdventures ! @Uprangewilly PM me your address and I’ll get some seeds your way!


Thank you @Greasy
Good luck everyone with your grows!


Thanks buddy, you too!


Alright guys/ gals got some sun ras headed my way! Thanks greasy!


I’ll share some photos later. They’re looking decent. Some fatty fan leaves on those. Probably the widest in my tent right now. The small one has caught up to the others, and one remains noticably larger than the rest.

Gonna take cuts and sex them soon. :+1:


The one that made it to flower has passed away, so I’ll will definitely have to pop some more and give it another go!


It’s a boring picture, but it’s also good documentation for progression. Here are 9 out of the 10 Sun Ra f2 sprouts. 24 (ish) hour soak in plain tap water, planted in store bought coco based seed starting mix blended with Build A Soil Light Recipe. Great White myco/bacterial inoculate powder in the planting holes. Everybody peaked out around 48-56 hours after sowing.


@beepboop maybe you could source some beans in the free seeds thread to practice more, w
before taking on a testing role.
I’m not speaking for @Greasy , but he did share these with you outside of the qualifications he requested, and now won’t get any of the testing data from those seeds that he’s seeking by sending them out.
Looking at your post history, it seems that you don’t interact much on Overgrow: half your posts are here, and the other half are in a co-op signup.
I think it would be a good idea for you to hang out, spend time on our community, engage with some threads, etc, before trying to get more seeds.


I think that’s good advice for any newer members to OG!

From my perspective Beepboop fulfilled his end of the bargain. He got the seeds, promptly planted them, and shared updates of when they were alive. It might have been nice to have gotten an update about their demise without having to reach out, but I’ve got no beef with beepboop. I’m glad he gave it a go, and hopefully he learned a few things along the way.

I appreciate everyone that has tested out in this thread, and I’m looking forward to seeing what these plants can do! I am open to sending out a few more batches of tester seeds for those that are interested, with the goal of seeing five growers complete flowering out a female or two if anyone is interested!


A generous soul :pray:
And to be clear, I have no issue with Boop at all. I just think they could stand to expand their horizons.


Couple quick photos of these neglected kids. Ive been crazy busy again, and have had barely any time for my tents. Thankfully everyone is still alive, but my thrip treatment got jacked up, so gotta restart that again. Good thing they’re easy.

Those cuts look like they’re arriving today. Glad the weather here is cooler finally. I’ll be able to snag them before I have to leave for an evening appointment hopefully. :crossed_fingers: thanks @Greasy :pray:


Cuts acquired. Look great and in quarantine. Love those riot cubes. I like to flip them upside down and poke a hole in the bottom. I think once I started doing that, my rooting game upped a bit. I think it helps with moisture retention and also makes a more stable base.

2/3 showing roots. Positive the other isn’t far off. Thanks friend. :pray:

Just realized. Wrong thread. 🤷


Thanks for sharing the plants above! They are biding their time for greatness :slight_smile: Happy the clones made it! Just goes to show that popping your fellow OG member seeds can lead to greater friendships and sharing! Rhino_buddy and I met on the free seeds and clones chat, and he is probably the only person who has grown seeds I’ve made that I gave away there! Cool dude!


Much appreciated man! I can’t say I’ve grown all the seeds I’ve received. Doubt anyone can say that. Maybe @Oldtimerunderground ?? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I kept some cuts of those vintage blueberry x BBM if anyone has any interest. Super nice buds! :fire:


![image|375x500 everything is going good no issues definitely fast growers in flower. They are much happier with the 2 males gone :joy:


They shot tf up! Looking great buddy.
Hey, I don’t want to alarm you, but you weed plant is growing an arm



:joy: they all have arms I’ve been tucking and doing about anything I can they have huge leaves and is so easy to grow and I had to rig up my light so it’s covering. Lol 2 days and was past my light.


Quick update: Seed 10 never showed, so I went looking. No sign of it in the soil, so I’m thinking it was a non viable seed and the bacterial innoculant consumed the hull.
Speaking of hulls, the 9th seed to emerge did so with a serious case of helmet head. I did my regular treatment of moistening the shell to help it soften, but by yesterday it was cutting into the stem. I attempted to remove it manually, but the cotyledon were adhered to the inside, and came off with the hull.
So, thanks to the request to drop more seeds from brother @Greasy , the count is now 8/10.
Edit: I should add that those 8 are healthy, happy, and hardy!