Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

4 day old babies

They are light lovers! I turned down the light when they sprouted, but they got leggy, so I turned it up a click, and they are digging it.


Look at em go! I love baby seedlings, such a fun age!


I always think this part is fun because they come out like a shot, then rest for a second, and then take off! I like the rhythm of it.


Bodhi’s Sun ra has always had positive daytime uplifting smoke reports. And the ease to grow was praised aswell.
In a month or two i may have room to pop a good batch
Ill be keeping an eye on this thread :+1:


Just got my tester seeds! Your awesome greasy, ill get them going next monday. Stay tuned


@Greasy update before I defoliate these girls are stretchers lol


Great news, thanks for letting me know you received them! Looking forward to the show!

Looking great man! You may end up with some real floppers if they are stretchy. The ones I had that really stretched, had sphagetti style stems and needed full support by the end of flower.

Here is an example of one that I found to be that way being taken down to harvest

You really are doing some great work! Thank you so much for your regular updates and the care you are taking of these plants!


Those had to have been SFV leaners, right? Sounds like an OG, anyway.

The two tall ones on the right and the shorter one in the back left-hand corner of @Blueridge’s first pic are the ones that caught my eye. But maybe that was just the camera angle haha.


That’s my assumption. Given that I’ve only grown Sun Ra’s for the Wookie male, my simplistic assessment is that the Wookie leaners are often the shorter, stouter plants with the larger, spongey buds, and the OG leaners have the smaller nugs with skinnier branches. The Wookie leaners have all been really vigorous and easy growing, but I would say they seem to be less special in regards to the high that I’m looking for. Seems like the Wookie really does bring that nice citrus/grapefruit flavor though, as that has been present in almost every sample of Sun Ra I’ve had to some extent.


Yeah I have some yo yo’s but staking probably will be the way to go. I’d recommend anyone new to growing to start with these. I’ve had no issues besides the stretching lol I’m really smelling the terps now definitely fruity but can point it out but you said pineapple and I can definitely see that coming through soon. Thanks and hope all is well :facepunch:


Here’s where the sun ra I have are at.🫣 I potted up #2 finally, and the others already could stand larger pots.

Gonna take some cuts and sex them. See how many we can get to make buds! :yum:


Got mine today from the safe addy! I will wet the whole pack tonight. Thanks again @Greasy


Dropped all 14 in water last night. Already got three tails sticking out in about 12 hours. That’s pretty damn fast!


Alright fam, here we are at day 12 from seed!
One more set of true leaves, and it’s time for the next pot.
Some thrip damage early on, but regular em5 as an ipm system has taken care of it.


Got 4 soaking, will soak few more when space opens up soon. Will be griwingvthese along side some shiatsu kush.


Do u still wanna testers?

Im from brazil and i can pop some beans next month



They look happy! I can hear them calling out right now, flower us @Rhino_buddy! Thanks for keeping me updated.

Excellent, thank you for popping so promptly!

Love it! Thanks for posting. Always good to identify thrips early in veg to knock em out! I seem to bring them in from my yard sporadically too.

Thanks for getting these going. Please do pop a few more as there were very few rules in this thread, other than popping a minimum of six seeds when received. Thanks!

I am still open to testers, but I’ve had difficulty gettings seeds to Brazil in the past, so I think I’ll hold out for testers in the US and Canada. Keep your eye out for when testing is done, and I can send you some of these to grow assuming everyone has herm free plants!


Alright thank u brother

I had issues sendind beans to US too so i 100% agree with ur decision

The cops burnt down 300+ seeds I sent to a friend there

Fucking shit little heads

Ill be here watching the show



What’s up everybody. Little update. Got 13 of the 14 to grow. One just didn’t want to cooperate. They seem vigorous.


Got 4 of five showing tails so should be in soil by early evening. Hoping I can find a stinky one like others have found. I’m all about smell and taste these days. Everything gets me medicated so that’s what I’m looking for with these. Greasy I’ll be sure to have 6 plants going by next Friday as that was part of the deal.