Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

Appreciate the mention!

Great seeing your room improvements, though a twice daily sample rate leaves room for improvements. A broken clock is still right twice a day. :wink:. What are you using to collect your environmental readings out of curiosity?

After two days of rain here I was surprised to find two inches of water in my basement- Everywhere but the bathroom fortunately. I can only hope to one day follow in your shining example, and also fix my basement as well as yours.


I’ve been using 2 different Govee Bluetooth hygrometers in there to track whats going on. Seem very accurate and love the fact they can export the data into a spreadsheet for you (im lazy) :grin:


Last pics of the outdoor. Not going as long as I wanted but its time.

This is why

Only 3 buds so far but its enough. All coming down now.

So far from what I’ve seen Runtz was the first to serccum and looks like the wind yesterday took down the Apes in Space for me. Went out between rain showers yesterday and it was standing then.


Was out cutting the AIS and seen the mail truck come by…


Looked those up, very handsome. The product page says they can sample every two seconds- I’m not saying that you should grab 43200 samples every day but I’d be curious to see hourly readings. The spreadsheet functionality sounds convenient too. Excel has great graphing functions.

I need a new mail carrier… Can’t wait to see how these turn out!


Lol help here anyone. This year I’ve grown more sstiva and sativa leaning hybrids then ever. With that said not alot of experience with them.
Wife wanted to try and grow a couple plants this year. Gave her some sour diesel and bubble gum autos to try.

The sour diesel was put in the pot around middle to end of May if I remember correctly. Seems like a minute for an auto?
What i don’t get is the bud development. Thin wispy buds. Might be hard to tell from pics but have a feeling if I trim there will be not much left. Funny thing is this thing is like 5ft tall. Thought it was going to be awesome. Any take on this? Piss poor genetics or some funky sativa thing going on?? I’d venture a guess, if I get an oz off the entire 5ft plant ill be doing good.

Edit: For anyone thats been following along, this is the plant she damn near took all the leaves off of. Maybe the issue??


Maybe just the strain


I had 3 autos in the garden outside. Unknown genetics. In July they were dense and looking great. August brought moisture and some bud rot so I chopped. You woulda thought someone swapped my cuts, what was firm and dense in July was loose and larfy. I ended up just using it for bubble hash :frowning: all of it… strange it went from dense to larf like it did. Kinda convinced me to keep my autos inside from now on…


Funny you say that cause I have said my autos do better inside too. At first glance its a tall plant and loaded with buds. Looks fantastic. I bet if ya hold the colas up ti the sky you.can see daylight through them. Just never seen a plant that was all leaves.

Appreciate ya guys taking the time.


Also what @repins12 said.
Sativas take awhile

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Yeah I agree with that. Just looking at the plant though, leaves starting to fade, pistols color changed and and drying up. Looks like a plant that is finishing. I’m more leaning towards you and the genetics of this strain. :grin:

Edit: just going to let her go and keep feeding and see what happens. May just end up being hash…


Looking good. I dig your grow journal…


Much appreciated. Just starting to think I’m getting a handle on things. Looking forward to some hopefully exciting things to come.


I don’t ever have a handle on things and hope that I never do :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


I just meant im getting better brother. Wait am I now, I do t know. :grin::rofl::rofl::v::call_me_hand:


Chopping Jack Herer today. Some nice looking buds on this lady. Pretty sure a few got ruined too.

Couple of my sunflowers started drooping and they were rubbing against a few colas.

thinking those few are toast.
Other then that she is a sticky beast.

Most of the pics are mids and lowers I left on the plant. Maybe left 1/3 or less to see if they improve.
Think its time to try a bit of trimmers hash :thinking: :grin:


So, here is a plant with some funky colas. At first glance looks like some buds on there don’t it? :grin:

Took one of the mids off and cleaned a few leaves away for a better pic. Just looks like stacked calyx on top of each other. When I first look reminds me of tiy hops. But it is loaded with these little things.

Just no buds ever formed proper. Entire plant us formed like that. Probably between 4-5 ft tall and won’t surrender an oz.

Had a grower whom I respect tell me he thought it was a reveg. Plant was started in solo cup, hardened off outside for a week then up potted. Was not flowering when it got to its permanent home.

just an odd one.

On another note… The Bubblegum the wife has going looks pretty darn good other than not being fed enough. I gave it something to eat this morning :grin: buds not larf!!!

Basement grow getting flipped today. Actually flipping all the veg plants today. Might be a lil hectic but I can at least try to keep them on the same feed schedule.

Removed the autos and Skunk after the pic. GDP x4 getting flipped too.

Havnt looked at these plants in 3 days and they are not happy about something. Probably to little water and looking like calmag wholes so we will increase both.
These are the Twenty20 autos. Purple Biscauto and Go Go

Got this auto Mimosa Lemon looking like a rock star. She is odd. Looks like i already did some defol but havnt removed a single leaf. All the bud sites appear to be growing above the foliage mass. I like it :grin: I take it this what they call bud to leaf ratio?


Kindof looks like grinspoon

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Wait, which one that last Mimosa Lemon?


Your funny plant

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