Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

All my dogs are usually male and all named after firearms manufacturers. Took Winnie from a bad home, she was supposed to be Winchester. She dont mess with anything but the wagging tail can be a challenge.


Now who would have thought @Bow4Buck would name his pets after firearm manufacturers!!!
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:


Just been a thing of mine for a long time. @BudBusterPro You should see me convincing the wife I need a gun to match :grin:


LOL, been there DONE THAT!
I have always loved to shoot trap…in 2000 I bought a nice Baretta Trap combo for $3600…
THEN in 2020 Browning came out with the Cynergy Trap Combo…well the laminated stock was beautiful so naturally what the hell was I supposed to do…yup I did it!!!
The $4400 for the gun was one thing but it paled in comparison to what that divorce might have cost me !! Every time she sees it I get the feeling she’d like to shove it up my coal shoot!


I’ve been naming my dogs like that for years :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Snow is getting thin, 50° tomorrow, think ill take both dogs out shed hunting…


Figured I’d throw up a lil update as wont be home for a couple days. Autos stretching a bit. Actually all my plants stretch once I started to germinate under the big lights. Never had a problem with the t5’s. Turned em up some to see if it helps.

Note to self, dont get high and start seeds. Had 2 seeds never pop or anything. Cut the cubes open to see whats up, never put a seed in either one :grin:

Other babies looking happy. Pot these up after the weekend.

Pinched the tops off these V-1’s because of neglect they were a bit stretchy and I wanted to slow the vertical growth. These have some phenomenal branching i want to catch up.
thats all for now. Headed out now to @repins12 for a weekend visit. If no one hears from us in a couple days, send help :grin::sweat_smile::rofl::rofl:


I honestly think there’s a seed fairy through the night steals seeds from those blocks . I’ve had the same issues .


Yeah, think I’m going to have a talk with that dude :grin:


I lose a few. Some seeds just want do anything. Not sure why sometimes.


Yrah, in this case I figured I’d find a mushy over watered seed or some reason why they didn’t grow. There simply was never a seed placed in there. (Operator error) :grin:


I have done that. Or put two in one.


Busy busy this time of year. Figured I’d throw up a lil update on a couple.

The V-1, were a bit stretchy and thin, pinched the tops to see if they fatten up some. Has improved them all but one is trying to be a stand out.

not sure why all my seedlings are stretching terrible under the big lights. Think I’m just going back to the t5’s, never had an issue with babies under them.

Took the 2 Blue Tara out of the room and placed in separate tents. Flipped one. Turns out one female with pistols after flip to 12/12 is now full on male. They give ya lemons, make lemonade, in this case… seeds :grin: both are pretty nice looking plants, so we will have some Blue Tara seeds in a few months I guess.

Should have some seedlings to show here soon.

Since the bt are out of the room decided to pop a couple on the GDPxPPP to see what they do. Placed 4 in paper towel, then open zip lock, between plates. All popped around 36 hrs.


Gave the v-1 a little hair cut today.



Kinda gave up on trimming this one. She has tight nodes but short branching, just grew straight up. Threw some LST on her to see if we can make her a bit wider.

Do love seeing leaves frosting up on 18/6 though

Took a couple cuts of this girl. Already frosting up and just doing unusual things like this.

All the plants kinda growing fan leaves in reverse of what im used to. Usually get autos occasionally a photo that are 1-3 leaf fans and grow to 5 leaves. These plants had 5 leaf fans that grew from the main stalk only. leaves from the branches, all single or 3 leaf. Oddly enough, the 5 leaf fans are the only ones I found the additional growth on. Cool shit…:grin:


That is crazy. Never seen that. I thought you grafted it. I was talking to a friend about fishing stuff. Good stuff . I would use them year ago. I have a few buggy cords for it. Not that I tie them down. Just a little pull.

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@Bow4Buck what is your rh at? Just curious. Why I ask is mine run low sometimes. I have a humidifier. I got to make some changes.

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A large scale grow like that… strain choice and an organic amended soil could make your life a lot easier.

No chasing ph. And plants come out great. You can adjust and add some stuff to your liking if you must.

Just add molasses ewc tea and you’re golden :man_shrugging:

This a great thread though man ima read through it.


My RH runs low also in the winter months. Its work to keep it up around 40.


I’m actually contemplating getting away from soil all together. Thinking hydro is in my future…


I’ve never ran hydro myself but I know a few friends who have made the transition and absolutely loved it.

Well… I use “hydro” aeroponics for cloning and it truly amazes me how effective it is.

I think I’m gonna try one dwc bucket when I get up and going again alongside my soil.

Might even transition to full dwc tables/trays. Seems so simple and effective but I wanna try it out first.