Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

Yeah, I’m going to try it out soon. Just about ready to fire up a RDWC in a 4x8 tent. Plan is to run autos and see how it goes. If this looks good after a couple runs, probably change over the main grow soon after…


Yeah the growth boost is definitely noticeable and the final product is great as well. Not the same, just different. But arguably better in some opinions.

To be honest I’ve always thought the taste would be better in hydro because you could do the purest flush possible. And a shorter one even.

I kinda agree :+1: I’m not sure if the final flush is necessary. I only say this because I grow outside too and there is no flush outdoors. That weed does just fine if taken care of… dont get me wrong. All my indoor gets flushed throughout the grow and a big dump at the end. Just not sure it’s needed.


Yeah, some 2020 g13hashplants I used to make what you call “v-1” (it’s v-1 × g13hp) had this trait. so you will see alot of the traits from the 2020 g13hp in these plants. As ive said before the V-1 is the most potent thing ive grown yet. Looking great for not being a line bred strain! And that frost omg! Nice find


Yeah that’s another thing i was telling someone else growing the same plants. The leafs will thin in dry setting and get wider leafs in high humidity which is common but it really effects the way these look ive noticed. I find these can thrive best using wet and dry cycles.


Man I’m loving the different traits I’m seeing in these plants. My only hope is I didn’t mess them up with the premature light flip. They look very much like re-vegged plants. I’ve never got decent bud structure from a re-veg. I’m told it can be done though. If these don’t work out, its only my fault. At that point I need to figure out how to get my hands on these beans again, hint, hint :wink:
Structure wise, looks like 3 different phenos . All the plants are pretty much the same height. The one I’m trying some LST on, just grew like a stick with all the branching growing straight up. The 2nd is more of a normal plant but lots of secondary branching. The 3rd is the beast, just wider and fuller then the other two, more secondary branching then I honestly know what to do with. The 3rd is also the only one frosting up and growing bud sites on the fan leaves.
Just a note on the hardiness as well. These were some of the first seeds I popped under the big lights and the seedlings stretched bad but recovered well. Then I had to ship them across town as to not let them be seen, another traumatic experience for them, trust me. Needed the tent so had to flip to 12/12 to see sex, now back on 18/6. Point being, they have been trough the wringer and just take it. Color me impressed :+1:

Edit: @V4vendetta these run about 10-12 weeks flower im guessing?


I have alot if those and about 10 other strains i bred with the same V-1 father. Some pot of gold, pebble pusher, hybrids ect…made some V-1 f2’s as well.
10 weeks id say. Some may go longer and some shorter. The zamaldica/GDP × V-1 have me curious too.


Lol, so have i been calling it the wrong name from the start? Par for the course for me :sweat_smile::rofl::rofl::joy::joy:

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Seeing as how I ain’t getting much done today, a few more pics of odds and ends.

Wish I took before and after shots of these. Good learning experience for new growers I guess. Had these autos under a 250w light at about 18in (not dimmable) the seedlings just went yellow as you can still see on some lower leaves still. Entire plants were that yellow. Tried changing ph, which was good @6.2 tested run off, less nutes, more nutes, didnt matter. Dawned on me the light could be to strong. After light change 3 days ago, they almost got all the color back.

GDPxPPP babies alive and well at the moment. Dont think I’ve been more excited to grow a cross.

Been about 2 weeks from flip, starting to see bud sites developing now amongst the growth.

Not happy about his light change and looking kinda pouty. This one traded places with yellow seedlings. Maybe need to turn the lights down more… wonder what BT pollen would do to my tomatoes :thinking:

Where the mater thought came from :grin:


Finally got the hydro up and running. Went with @repins12 autos, Arachnid Pie, Cuomo’s Arachnid Diesel, Charlotte’s Resting Place and Border Jumper.


Nice work brother.
Get ready lol


Yeah, finally joined you big boys. Let’s roll!! Man I tell ya, ran into a few issues setting this up. Feels good to finally have it up and running.


Once you get used to it you will love it.
It will free up some time and make giant plants lol


Damn straight it will :+1:t4: :tumbler_glass: :v:t4:


Ok, been 5 days and I haven’t killed any hydro plants yet. In fact they have grown and looking pretty good.
Cuomo’s Arachnid Diesel

Arachnid Pie

Charlotte’s Resting Place

Border Jumper

Basement grow just started to stretch, plants are filling in real nice. Probably another week and these will get another trim and stakes to spread em out.

Few other autos, waiting for more coco so these can go to the final destination :grin:

Couple testers that got burnt up from the heater problem. New growth looks good :+1:
more babies waiting on coco
Gdp x ppp on the left, autos on the right.

And another set of GDP x PPP started 2 days ago.

BLUE TARA fem looks awesome, very nice node spacing on this one. The male has pods all over but no signs of any pollen yet :thinking:


All I can say is…


Just busy trying to keep up with the likes of you and a few others around here. :grin:


@Bow4Buck hydro and ALL looking fantastic! Did I miss the end of the V1???


Ha, those are the 3 larger plants in the white room pics above. Just week 2 after flip…


Ok, the first 2 with massive bushy growth then😜 love those plants!!!