Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

Well, well, if it can be messed up in your guy :grin:
Went out of town for the weekend, made the last light adjustment of the grow before I left. Adjusted from 50 to 60% been maxing it out there and it has worked wonderfully. Had a couple plants that didn’t like it. Sunday night I almost cried.


The only 3 plants that had issues were these. Tyrned lights back down, been hydrated thoroughly, think they will be just fine. New growth the last couple days looks way better. They just not so pretty anymore :sleepy:

Crasher toyz looking pretty good. Got one of the bunch getting some very sativa looking Speers on her

The Arachnid Pie auto is pretty close to chop. Maybe this weekend will come down

The only GDP x PPP in there starting to flower. Not doing much for training on these. Just growing them out to see what I got. Already removed all the big fan leaves once on these. Looks due again


Very kind of you to say so. I promise, they looked better a week ago :grin:


Hydro told me you were on here. I had to come stalk ya. Your grows look amazing.
Hope all is well to the West!


Good to see ya man. How the hell goes it bud???


Still trying this growing thing. Hope to expand to a bigger tent this Fall.
I have NOTHING going compared to you! You have it going on my brother.
I will be around here more, so I will drop in on ya. :v:


Seem to remember you had it all goin on too brother. If ya post some stuff up here tag me in…


@alwaysnoob showing me some love today. Feels like my birthday :grin::v::call_me_hand:
Appreciate ya!!!


You’ll be receiving them for couple of more days until i catchup with this thread brother :person_in_lotus_position::person_in_lotus_position::person_in_lotus_position:


Potted up some clones today. I’m Sure they look a bit rough due to dry conditions. Flowering the hydro in the same room and keeping RH lower for flowers, not clones. Potted up the other 8 last week, they were ready way sooner than these but 100% rooted on them all.

The 4 without tags are an exceptional male i wanted to keep for a BX. Great plant structure on him. Nice and thick with some exceptional branching for what im looking for. Wasn’t ready for a male when I found him, so took clones. He’s dead now but looked real good when he was still kicking.


Out of likes, but All caught up in the thread…
Nice plants brother…
Have you harvested the autos in hydro from Repins yet?


Checked trichs on them Saturday, so close, but I think we are going one more week on them.


Ok, thought we would make it to the weekend but, started taking down the hydro plants this morning.
Funny note: upstairs for some reason gets a good amount of stink bugs in the spring. They seem to love weed. I just pick them off and disposal follows. For some reason, the ones I’ve found on the Border Jumper strain are always dead when I find them. No other plants kill them it seems. Kinda scared to smoke this stuff :grimacing: :grin:


Dang Buck !
That is weird !
Perhaps they got the ‘munchies’ and just ate themselves to death!


Told Gary about it jokingly, but they just ain’t dead on any other plant. Somewhere around 25-30 plants in there, thats the only one they die on.
Usually find them dead and upright, like they died right in the middle of a meal. :grin::v::call_me_hand:


May want to give the edibles to a neighbor and observe for effect!!!


The spider mites did the same thing with me. Was on a few. Some they didn’t even mess with. But you wanna know something funny. Sometimes I’ll have them burn me. Gives me like a little rash. Especially if I get it in my eye’s. After the plant is dead it doesn’t do that. And not all of them will affect me that way. That is crazy about the stink bugs. I’d love to jump on your back and come in your house. That is how they fight off pest. THC is a acting defense. 1. Citronella and basil
2. Lavender
3. Lemon balm
4. Rosemary
5. Mint

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People also ask

Is THC an insect repellent?

Journal of the International Hemp Association 4(2): 87-92 Cannabis has been used as a pest repellent and pesticide in a variety of formulations. It has been planted as a companion crop to deter insects, nematodes, fungi, and weedy plants.


Very interesting info. Now ill be on Google the rest of the day… :grin::v::call_me_hand:


Border Jumper is down. Got about 1/4 of a lowes paper yard bag of bud off her. Ill get dry weight in a week or so.

Arachnid Pie is next


Outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother :wink:
Kinda what I was aiming for, with these 1/4-3/4 lb, per plant. I think that my arachnid pie will be in the upper end.
Have a great day, my brother. Be Safe :v:t4: