Canadian Clone Exchange

Oh wow! if there are any cuttings of the mango hashplant, I would love to try my hand at them. Can always make room for some dense colas :slight_smile:


I have some Dr. Grinspoon that I’m cutting back tonight if anyone is interested. Haven’t flowered it out yet but it’s supposed to be 100% sativa that I got for breeding purposes. Here’s a link to the strain and try to get my buddy to send me a picture of his flowering to get a better reference for the final product.


Got cuts galore coming up soon. Ill post a list when ready


Has anyone tried to do a preservation for DG?

Hasnt the breeder retired the plant?

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lol I could her Morty’s voice looking at that.


Great Idea! B.C to Quebec is 6 days usually. How does that work for the clone being in a box that long?

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Led clone containers

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that would be cool. lil watch battery, single led.

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I’m not sure if anyone has done a preservation but I plan to self it when I have the time to get some feminized seeds from it

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This has my attention. I would think many people would be interested in this endevor.

Im surprised Barney’s Farm would retire the plant knowing why it created it in honor of a known advacate.

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It may not be right now but I’ll try and get it done soon. Got so many things in the works right now it’s hard to getting everything I want done with the space I have haha. If you’re in Canada I can send cuts to anyone that would be interested in making some seeds


Any fire cuts anyone can part with? Hoping to find a high return on my rosin press


I have a couple mothers of Mindblower Haze (Pakistani x Chocolate Thai) X Tom Hill Haze if anyone wants a cut.

Wouldnt mind passing around a few cuts so I can make more room. It took 15.5 weeks from seed and my delinquent watering… but I suspect 13-14 from cut.


If you are offering I would love to try my hand at one of these cuts outside. I currently have one extra 7 gallon pot that has yet to be assigned to anything.

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I would be happy to send a cut but I have my doubts this strain would finish outside anywhere in Canada. Too much tropical NLD heritage in it IMO.

I do have some Purple Satellite ( Baglung Nepali x Oaxacan 79 ) x Big Sur Hollyweed seeds that were gifted me by Vermontman of Green Mountain Seeds for charity fundraisers that I could send you instead for a small donation to a charity of your choice. Both the Nepali and Oaxacan have been selected for early finishes outside and the Big Sur isnt too long of a finisher either. Should be an amazing outdoor strain.


I got your package out yesterday FYI. Really great charity you choose! :purple_heart:

Love it. Hope the PSxBSHW is gonna be a banger for you… Its starting off its life with a surplus of good karma so I have high hopes :slight_smile:


Thanks man!! They do alot of good work around the city here! Thank you for all that you do!

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I just got my power back on.
We got hit with something called a derecho.
Lots of trees ripped up. Ruff go for almost 4 days and nights. Anyone other Canadians hit in the zone?

I got lucky only lost power for a couple minutes. But just south of me got rocked pretty good.

Not sure if you can tell but someone is in the car.
This was a few towns south of me, all the power lines for 1-2 km were down I think.
I know member mikeydread said he lost power for 2 days I think


oh shit mess city.