Canadian Clone Exchange

Your shoppers drug mart sells weed?



Oh, wow.
The packaging they use can be ridiculous. The amount of plastic bottles they use for such small amounts.


Galen Weston selling weed makes me sick.


Yes, they are my LP. I use them because they sell from multiple producers so they are the best in my opinion. They also deliver same day for me if I order before noon. My scrip ends next month and I am going to let it go. I just have no need to buy externally any more and still got my 5g/day scrip for growing.


It sometimes takes them 4 days to fill my ā€œrealā€ prescriptions. They have a special hate filled place in my heart


Yeah, here in the GTA they have a deal with a courier company for their cash cow. I think they sell for like 50 LPā€™s so the best selection weed wise. Still rather smoke my own :slight_smile: Also for your scrips, donā€™t hate them too much. They probably need enough employees around so they have enough fingers and toes to count out the pills.


Could not agree more.

The only legal thing Iā€™ve liked were gelcaps so I could really dial in the dosage. Much more precise than 1 cookie. Still like a cookie though.


I have had some great stuff from them over the years. I used to stock up on hindu kush which tested in at 28% and was cheap from Tweed. I used Broken Coast out of BC and Peace Naturals as well as a few others before going to Shoppers. The oils I used to buy from Tweed were fantastic. I used some to bake a couple batches of 150MG muffins and it was just amazing. I am still called the muffin man and almost took out an entire cottage of people :crazy_face: A few of the guests freaked out for hours, it was funny when it was over and really messed up while it was going on. The whole time I was just there saying, itā€™s just weed, nothing bad can happen to you, relax. Than I made a huge dinner while 3 of them hid in their room before finally passing out. Now that was some strong stuff.


Babysitting the squares is always fun. They create so much of their own drama.


Howā€™s that OSC fast flowering landrace sativa going for you? :rofl:

I never ended up using mine. It came with my growing licence so I was like, why not, itā€™s also free. Still didnā€™t use it. :man_shrugging:

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I found one with a 14 day flower time so I was psyched! 26 crops a year!


Pfft. Only! Add Cal-Mag+ and some chanting and you should double that at least!


Itā€™s such a joke. They have less credibility than a street dealer.

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This would be a great idea when I do my pruning right before and just starting flower. I toss plenty of good cuts to the cats, my recycled soil bins and my worm binā€¦somebody could be growing those!


Exactly! When you do your pruning, send out a message in here and see if anyone wants to trade! My plants will be another two weeks before I can prune them back again

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Iā€™d just be gifting, Iā€™ve no space or means to take on anything living lol. I just tossed a dozen or so MacxFPOG cuts and a few Black Candylands and some Congo Creek Hazes yesterday šŸ¤¦šŸ‘Ž


Nooooooooo in the garbage you say !


Hey Fitz can you save me vial of some of that CCH when the male finally drops his pollen?

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Well not the garbageā€¦into my recycled soil and worm binā€¦but yeah :man_shrugging:
I used to hook up my only local grow buddy but heā€™s a mess and kills everything I give him so I gave up helping him out.
Money is super tight for me right now so Iā€™ll need to figure out the cheapest yet most successful way to ship cuts. Unless people were willing to cover the shipping. Either way Iā€™m definitely going to post here next time Iā€™m getting ready to prune, might as well get them out there!