Cannavore Selections

Sounds like a really tasty cross lemon tree is some nice smoke

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That’s what I call a seed pop best of luck on your hunt stoked to see what you will find what’s all the heat?


unfortunately only 1 of them (#6) are showing any lemon but shes nice. chemmy lemon meringue/lemon cream, puts a rich aroma out and in the air!

GMO x Lemon Tree #1

GMO x Lemon Tree #3

GMO x Lemon Tree #5

GMO x Lemon Tree #6


Dirty Sanchez F2 (A.S.S. x GMO/Dawgs Waltz)
Trinity x Dirty Sanchez
Gelato 41 x Dirty Sanchez
Stink x Dirty Sanchez
Sour Diesel x Dirty Sanchez

Counterfeit Kush F3 (Katsu Bubba Kush x Orgnkid Bubba Kush S1 [male])
Trinity x F2 Counterfeit Kush
Gelato 41 x F2 Counterfeit Kush
Stink x F2 Counterfeit Kush
Black Triangle x F2 Counterfeit Kush

Lazy Sundae F1
Dawgs Waltz F5

@DesertHeartGardens got your letter out the other day by the way, snail mail but it’ll get there hehe!


Sounds lovely beautiful stuff that number 3 is a real looker the others are no slouches either

That’s a hell of a lineup for sure going to find some heaters and some stank with that lineup how you like the trinity cut heard awesome things about it

Will let you know when it lands :pray:


Few more veg pics of the black triangle x counterfeit kush.

The first 4 pics are of the 2 younger seedlings and the last pic is of the 4 older seedlings. I accidentally overwatered the 4 bigger seedlings maybe 5-6 days ago when we had a cold wave here. They’re doing good now though.

No pre flowers quite yet. I was trying to wait for pre flowers to transplant but they’re starting to get rootbound in the 1/2 gallon pots. I’m going to give them maybe another week then I’ll just transplant since I should have more space in the veg room by that point. I might use 1 gal pots instead of 5 gal. It should keep them happy for now. Then transplant the females into 5 gallon fabric pots and kill the males.


It’s a pretty easy to grow broadleaf type that puts on more vertical height and stretch than say something like Bubba Kush. IMO a unique indica type that I can’t really say is similar to much else that’s currently popularized in the market. Had it for a bunch of years, dropped it recently cause i was getting a bit tired of it but im sure i’ll grab it again at some point lol.

@TeddyNuggets appreciate you!


Wow that GMO x lemon tree #3 is crazy beautiful. Wish I could smell it

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one of the cool things about it is it puts a kinda haze incense/dryer sheet richness in the air when puffing which was not something i was expecting at all! really cool to have a trait that i normally associate with hazes but with a mixed gmo funk profile! had a few people ask me what i was smoking because of that lol.


I grabbed some better pictures today. I was going to transplant but they are all starting to show sex so I’m going to wait it out. Should know what sex the first 4 are within the week. The other two will still be a few weeks probably.

Unfortunately, it’s looking like I might have 3 males and 1 female. But I’m not 100% sure on any yet.

Here’s the one I think is female:

Here’s another:

And another: was really hoping this one would be a female, but it’s looking like a potential male.

And the fourth:

Oh, and the reason some of the tops look a bit bent or twisted is because I was just kind of man-handling them checking the pre flowers with a loupe.

Here’s the two smaller seedlings.

The spots on the leaves are just from a spray of SM-90 I did. There were no issues or anything like that. Just part of my preventative routine.

Finally starting to run low on SM-90 though. I’m going to have to find a replacement. That stuff is amazing but NutriLife isn’t making it anymore :cry: They have something called “Super Moist” wetting agent but it’s only sulphonated canola oil. It doesn’t have coriander oil too like SM-90 did. And it’s waayyyyy more expensive compared to sm-90.

I got a few samples of potential replacements. Got some “amazing Dr. zymes” sample pack and a lost coast plant therapy sample bottle. Also bought a bottle of PureCrop1. And I still have my other foliar sprays I’ve always used, like thyme oil, SouthernAG bio-friendly fungicide and good old sulfur. We will see…

Open to recommendations for good preventative sprays!


I’ve been doing:
2 quarts water
1 cup 70% iso. Stronger is not better here
1/4 cup peppermint Castile soap
1/4 cup tea tree oil Castile soap
1 tablespoon 3% h202

This mix is good for a day or two so only make what you need at the time. It kills most bugs, thrips, spider mites, etc., and the soaps act as a preventative.


I know these aren’t the best pictures. I tried to take pics of the pre flowers on the suspected female but it was really hard to keep my camera in focus. I’m just using a mobile device, nothing fancy.

look like calyx’s to me. But No pistils yet.

The smell I get with a good stem rub is pretty darn strong, and Stinky! Like this musky, funky, maybe even slightly foul smell. Very intriguing. I really like the smell I get from the stem rub. Now I really hope it’s female :joy:


IPM Guide


Keepin em nice n green n healthy. How are they now? Week or so later I’m sure the gender’s more pronounced by now.

Had to re-pop my last seed pop lol. Left the bottom of the tent open and the goofy ass dog walked in and started drinking all the seed cups. Didn’t help that i left them on the tent floor either :rofl:


Hey brother I saw the name bubba and I was
Hey man I saw your post and would love to run something of yours.I recently got a few seeds from a friend on here and popped a couple of those and I have just a few of my staples going but would love to run and photo the run so you can see everything also.i pretty much run everything from seed.i am addicted to popping I have a few mother’s of my favorites but I’ll run a whole 4by8 sometimes with everything different seed and different phenos.Im kinds running low on seeds and need to make a batch of my staple strains and need something different for this run.lmk if you need anything also.i don’t have a huge seed collection but anything I have your welcome to also.Well no matter what my name is Caleb and hope to hear from you .much love and respect always


It looks like 3 of 4 are definitely male. The 4th I still think is female. It hasn’t shown pistils yet but has calyx shaped pre flowers. I’m actually going to transplant it tonight. I feel reasonably sure it’ll be female. Enough so that I want to start getting it ready for flower.

Here’s the one I think is female:

Really like the smell on the stem rub of this one!

Here are the three males:

And here are the two smaller seedlings. The bushier one (the first two pictures below) is starting to show pre flowers. I thought maybe it was a female at first but now I’m like 50/50 on it. Still too soon to tell for sure.



4 confirmed males :cry: that little squat seedling is a male too. I was really hopeful it would be female.

1 female (still no pistils but I’m 95% sure it’s female and I already re-potted it into a 5 gallon pot)

1 unknown still.

Sorry @Cannavore i feel bad that I might only have 1 female to flower out for now (or maybe 2…:crossed_fingers:)

At least I should hopefully have higher odds of more females in the other half of the pack! lol

It’s too late for me to sprout any more right now though. I need to be shut down by the beginning of July at the latest this year. I still don’t have working A/C for my flower room and it gets waayyyyy too hot without it b/c I have to run dehumidifiers in the room, which are basically heaters. It hits 90+° without a/c and everything grows all airy and foxtails like crazy.

and I’m actually planning to tear my flower room and main veg room down to rebuild them this summer. I’ve been meaning to do it forever and I decided I’m finally doing it this summer. I’m going to rebuild much nicer than it is now.


Here’s the black triangle x counterfeit kush female repotted:

Been a very easy strain to grow so far. I’m surprised how healthy she stayed while being stuck in that little 6” pot for so long (and I just repotted her, so she hasn’t even really started growing yet in the new pot).

I will move her into flower in about 2 weeks or possibly less, if space opens up before then (should be harvesting a few in the next couple weeks). I like to wait until a plant starts growing vigorously again after transplant, and usually I wait until I build up the feeder roots at the top of the pot a bit too. 2 weeks should be plenty of time for that.

Still waiting for the last seedling to show its sex. I see the start of pre flowers but I can’t tell for sure what they are yet. Really hoping for another female! lol


Morning @TeddyNuggets . You sound like me. I’m the friggin’ worst at spotting sex on my plants. Got different magnifying glasses. I worked as a printer my whole life. Mostly high end wine labels. I couldn’t have done it the way my vision is now. Cool field.
Definition of irony. Millions upon millions of labels, and I don’t drink.