Cheese question?

Bro, i am so glad i finally know someone else that has grown and experienced this plant. The smell literally blew me away. The dispensary only offered it up one time, so im wondering if they had issues with it herming as well. I bought a pack from helladank a few years ago and had major issues with them early on. They grew like shit so i scrapped them. Ive got 6 fems going right now and they are looking really good. The smell from the batch i got to try was real sweet and floral with a definite cheese smell and taste in there. Ive been longing for it ever since.



I guess everybody is running behind the legends while everybody could held his own legends :slight_smile: fortunately there a lot of good people around with that atitude. At least I hope so… I mean who really breds something till >5 Gen nowadays ?

I am really courious how many family legends are hold in the dark :slight_smile: but the cut or cross just didn’t get that popularity. Maybe the breeder or fam is more introverted…

Haha just out of the blue…


The mother I hold doesn’t herm at all. Even when abused she’s stable. It was just the new seeds I tried. I don’t know if it was just an unlucky batch or if something changed with the ways the strain/seeds are produced or what. I would definitely like to try ordering it again though.

I also plan to reverse + self my cheese candy and hunt through some s1 seeds to see if what I can find.

The original breeder is Delicious seeds (at least of the cheese candy I run). It used to be called “cheese candy” when it was first released. Then some years later they changed it to “Delicious candy”. I believe they said it was only a name change though.

The only reason I tried to order new seeds of it is because I miss the way it used to taste and smell. Like I said, after about the first 3 runs it went from smelling funky, cheesy, earthy to now a much more fruity smell without the funk. I still love the strain. Still tastes and smells good. Just different is all. It’s also still a consistently good yielder of top quality buds and everyone seems to love it. But I preferred the way it used to taste TBH.

Here’s a couple dried bud shots. The buds are from my last hydro run with cheese candy and have been sitting in the jar for 6+ months now.

It looks much better in person than in the picture.


Were the new ones you tried regs or fem? The pack i bought was regs and they were garbage. Hoping i have better luck with these.

They were the feminized seeds both times. The mom I hold came from the feminized seeds, and that’s what I ordered the 2nd time. I believe it was only a 3 pack of seeds though, so it was a tiny sample size.

You have the “delicious candy” fems going now? (from delicious seeds)? If so, I’ll be very curious to see what you get! Fingers crossed! Do you have a grow log here? I’d love to tag along.

I remember being so excited when it was vegging. It had a strong skunky smell in veg and was very vigorous. Like I said, it just went full herm in flower. Like, not just a few banners. every bud site had male flowers developing.

If you want cuts of my cheese candy (and are in the US) I’m sure we could figure something out :wink:

like I said though, it doesn’t have that cheesy taste/smell anymore. You get some of it when you rub the stems when it’s vegging but the finished buds are basically all fruit now.

I also plan to do s1’s soon, which I’d be more than willing to send you some of. I’m hoping it’ll maybe bring back that cheesy funk in the s1 generation?

Yea, delicous candy. I ordered straight from them so hopefully i have better luck this time. They sent me a ton of freebies. I got their sugar black rose i want to pop soon. I heard that stuff is amazing


Thats crazy how she just changed flavors like that, but if i get something work keeping, ill gladly sent it your way. Soo much talk about cheese, but this strain never gets brought up and i think its a shame. I think the Carmelo in the mix works out perfectly

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Yeah I’m not exactly sure why the smell changed like that. I would say maybe it’s my particular environment but it was grown in a few different locations and it had the same smell/taste. I’ve also wondered if it wasn’t fully mature the first couple runs and with age it settled into this smell/taste profile? I don’t know enough about how this stuff works to say. lol

It’s been a very stable cut in the way it grows, yields, smells ever since. Like I said at least 7-8 years now (or whenever that cheese candy first hit the market from delicious).

I’d like to maybe one day have it tissue cultured. I wonder if that would restore the old smell profile?
That’s something I recently started looking into.

I was actually just watching a video on it.

Seems cheap enough to try. I think making s1’s is worth a try too. Or I’ll just order seeds if yours turn out well! lol
Or maybe we can trade.

Like I said though, if you want cuts of mine just let me know. No trade necessary. I’d be happy to pass her along to another cheese candy lover. :joy:


So i popped 7 total and 1 never sprouted and 1 was lookin bad so i culled it, but the rest are all farily uniform besides the one on the far right. Its more spaced out and looks to be more sativa dom. Ive got 4 hazeman blue cheese going as well and i cant tell which plant it is, but im defiantly getting a funky cheese smell in this tent. Tbh its kind of unpleasent, almost like spoiled milk, but yea im excited to see how they turn out. I got a killer pheno of hazeman blue cheese last year when i ran it. Kicking myself that I didnt keep it. I fuggggin luv cheese lol


Well… you can’t just post one part and leave everyone hangin’ :crazy_face:

That James guy sure is an ass :rofl:


So this seams to be an appropriate place for this question but has anyone received beans from a member here labeled cheesey?
Someone sent them to me at one point, they are reg photos, I didn’t mark who they came from and can’t find anything about them.

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I gave the assist, the rest is up to the interested :kissing_heart: And ow yeah, that James fella, a perfect example of what is actual wrong with our society. White collar fuckknuckle.

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Oooh finally got around to watching this :sweat_smile: but Franco does indeed say GHS managed to reverse the original cut after much trial and error! Wonder if they had to use Cobalt :thinking:


I mean, I do believe they got their hands on an original cut, it wasn’t that hard… Reversing it might have been something else :stuck_out_tongue: The Exodus collective wasn’t hard to find, you just had to go to Luton. Milo Yung (also RIP :sleepy:) got his hands on an original cut too and bred his legendary Big Buddha Cheese with it, and later his whole cheese line which made him so famous. Apparently that mother cut stank so hard that he decided to cross it with an afghani, for incognito purposes :rofl: And thats how his Big Buddha Cheese was born.


Anyway, for anyone out there looking for that ‘real Exodus cheese’… that one originally was a Sensi skunk #1 pheno… So you can buy a bunch of those seeds and hunt your own :sweat_smile:

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Great thread, thank you all. I’m currently running Barney’s Farm Cheese. I harbor no illusions that it is related at all, and couldn’t compare them validly either way, cause I never got around to trying Exodus Cheese. But this was a great read, in a sea of great information about varietals we’ve loved, lost and and made.


Please tell me you’re joking LOL

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Only partly.


it’s not? that was the lore at some point.

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100% been said for decades that Cheese is a Skunk #1 pheno.