Cheese question?

Maybe the part about buying a bunch of those to find your own part. Lol


Ah true that lol probably not gonna have any luck trying that


Im guessing you guys haven’t grown anything from sensi in recent years :man_shrugging:t2:. Not debating cheese being a skunk 1 type but buying modern sensi seeds to find something like cheese or really anything from the past? Good luck with that


Someone finally said it lol, the cheese was a legend back then when it was found & people now can’t find roadkill skunk which was probably more common than the cheese back then.

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people just said it came from skunk 1.
tbf, most cheese i have had smelled a little or a lot like skunk 1.
lots of sweeter cheese renditions around.


The guy above is suggesting looking through sensi seeds skunk 1 for people who can’t find cheese. That’s why I said what I did. Highly doubt that’s happening from any of their current offerings


oh ya, you’re right. current, ya, probably not.

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Lol. They have invented profile names & tags @ :wink:
The suggestion was sarcastic, hence my “only partly” comment. Glad you picked that up. Partly because the exodus cut was a skunk #1 for real. (I’ll explain myself in full now since I need to apparantly!) Damn dude… @Dirtroadfarmer

@Jamescoldflame @HolyAngel You guys understood it though. Good on yous.


I’m well aware of that. I didn’t tag you because I wasn’t speaking to you. You’re name wasn’t relevant in what I said. He knew who I meant.
Maybe if you spoke less sarcastically, people wouldn’t have to read between the lines :man_shrugging:t2:.

As I’m sure you know though, I mentioned that because “tHe GuY aBovE” shows little respect compared to referring to someone in a normal way.

Not sure who pissed in your coffee but you might want to chuck it out. It’s definitely not good for ya.

Maybe I will do that!!!

Acting a little sassy aren’t we LOL. It’s not even that serious :rofl:

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I popped a pack of csi humboldt uk cheese fems and ran them a few times before retiring them.i found there all very simular with that cheesy/fruity smells and taste . Most of them took about 65 days flowering with one pheno that finishes at 45 days. There is something very unique about the cheese compared to everything else I have ran. If I had room I would of kept a cut but on to other things


My opinion/theory

“Skunk” as people seem to remember it, was probably a result of 80s-grown weed using excess amounts of sulfurs. Sulfur was the cal-mag of the 80s IMO, now we’re getting “gassed out” weed grown with less sulfurs and more P’s and K’s. “Cheese” was probably a result of people tapering off the sulfurs :man_shrugging:t2:

Again just my crackpot theory


A lot of guys are using powdered salts these days like jacks and they have way more sulfur than a lot of bottled nutrients.
It definitely increases the smell factor but we’re still not seeing any resurgence. I think we have bred ourselves into a homogeneous hole and as long as the majority of us keeping growing cookie, Chem and sour hybrids, we’re never going to find it again. Just my 2 cents


I grew rks from bag seed back in the 90s and I didn’t add anything special to the soil when I grew it . I use to just use compost and cow/horse manure when I grew outdoors so the sulfur thing isn’t it. When we got it they just called it skunk bud and it was sold as middies or mid grade bud. Year 2000 was the last year I grew it or seen it


For RKS we need to to start looking into the strains like , Mexican brick and Afghanica sense at the time we had a crap load of this coming in my area . Big bud/critical mass/critical plus is the closest thing nowadays I can find with that skunk stench just not as strong as the 90s strain I had but the same smell is definitely there


I do have theory that sulfur was used in original cheese as a wave of “new growing” info in the UK at the time could be plausible.
Like a regional problem as well could result in entire region using similar growing techniques…

“Yo if she gives you any problems with __ just give it sulfur” kind of discussion common in local and regions “obvious” speculation here, but would make sense…

*To add this was all before the interweb…
When word was key

Great point @RookieBuds

Sulfur possibly in cheese cut absolutely 100% brings validity to discussion and should always be point to regard.

I use sulfur in everything , always have and I am a newbie (most comparatively ) but as far as I see in soil it always works…
My reason is it keeps the gnats to absolute null.


@j0ebob thank you.
@Ethereal thank you. I do understand the passion and am thankful to have you here, as well as @Dirtroadfarmer thank you for your inputs and views
I have learned and am continually learning daily.
Thank yous all around to everyone here…
@TeddyNuggets you rock!
@HolyAngel awesome info and views, you do podcasts? (If not def look into it) [cobalt reversal topic :trophy:]
Great thread , great info
Thanks all around


If you want skunky funk, deathstar is where its at.


Has anyone grown out the brightside cut alongside csi’s mother cut? And if so what were the differences?