Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

thank you!
I hope and am almost certain that I will find someone special!


Good observations brother @Shevchenko
I think you are in for a treat with that @SamwellBB creation…I look forward to seeing your end result.


that’s for sure my friend!
I’ll tell you more: I’m already enjoying his creation! and with the end of the cycle, the pleasure will be even greater!


small update
tent #1

in this canopy, one D95 #3 plant is sick, almost since early 12/12
the plant was 100% burned by fertilizers, this process has already stopped, but the plant is still suffering… I would have replaced it with another one a long time ago, but some plants are not just standing in the net, but woven into it, and therefore it is easier for me to leave it as is…

also i found that the plants have been without light for the last three days… when i came to water them on schedule i found them completely wet. When I checked the timers, I found that some of them (including the lighting of this awning) were broken and were in the “off” mode. It could only be the result of the power outages that have happened quite often in the last week.

surprisingly, Field Trip reacted positively to a few days of darkness… it was practically torn apart by a new stage of flowering.

tent #2


Even your sick plants look great!!
I’m sure you’ll still get some decent smoke…
Keep it up bro🤙🏼



Today cut D95 3/7

Others will stand for about a week … The whole cycle is problematic because of bad soil, but the guilty itself …


Still looks great even with the issues brother. Hope you still get a great harvest! :crossed_fingers:t3:


instead of cut D95 put Friesland #2 and CQSM #3

Behind 5 weeks SRDD and FT



another awning
9+ weeks
Photo don’t sign, you remember who is who


CQSM x D95 whilst D95#7 f2 (Oh God, how do they stink)

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Tons of epic stuff going down! Can’t wait to smell that stank myself! Those starcube are looking really intriguing. Very nice!


Thank you friend, you are always close and it is invigorating!
Because sometimes it seems to me that I do not keep a report, but records in a diary … a little more and I will get a message: “Hi, an expensive diary …”. :wink:
Not knowledge of English becomes a great obstruction and does not allow me to be more active …

CQSM X D95 is a very recommended cross - stinking … Liquid crosses can have such a smell at the veg stage and I do not imagine what will happen at the end of flowering.
You appreciate it high, I think so.


And I ALWAYS will be, it’s amazing to me that tons of others haven’t caught on to this thread and your skills, I enjoy watching your work and look forward to your posts, I truly do. I get that not being English speaking must be a drawback for sure, trust me I appreciate everything you do, and your friendship. In fact I think of you often, and always worry about your safety in fact. Don’t ever stop, please. I’ll be here , regardless. And I know @leetdood is a fan as well, ( we talk about you sometimes , all good I promise :wink:) I’m looking forward to diving into some of your creations! And smelling that sweet sweet funk/dank for myself brother! Keep doing you and in time IM SURE others will see what they are missing.


I really appreciate it!


Most likely, by the end of winter there will be no cycles for seeds … We are prepared for long periods without electricity and blackout.
There are now some seed clones to obtain D95 #7B BX1 and CQSM #4 BX1 However, they will be later exported to other rooms to prevent cross -pollination.
And it will be local pollination to obtain a minimum amount of seeds for further work …

For the same reason, I do not launch new seeds received from guys, hands are scratched to germinate GMO X i95 (received from @leetdood) and Raspberry Hashplant (received from @MonsterDrank )
However, I don’t want to take the risk …


Oh man I can’t wait to see those! I’m sorry you have to deal with that crap brother. If you ever wanna come to Canada I have an extra room ! (Not kidding either) be glad to get you out of all that drama/chaos and stupidity ! The gmo x i95 especially has me itching to see! I have some from Chem- labs (same basically) maybe we’ll pop them together when the time comes. I’m down if you are


Now I’m hostage to war and state … So now it is not possible! I planned this before the war to see some places in the United States and Europe, well, of course Canada …
… when the time comes …


It is true, I am an extremely big fan. You grow amazing plants and I think you are a great friend. I always keep updated on your grow log.


Somewhere here at the forum I read something like “OG back my faith in people”
so guys, it applies to me too, you turn me believer in people


I hope you find something nice in those @Shevchenko… I haven’t seen many Raspberry Hashplant photos online but I did see one bud photo the other day that looked pretty incredible.

I think the Raspberry Hashplant could really have some great potential. I think I sent you the DLA 16 too… both should be great. I hope the war ends soon.


i plan to try DLA 16 in one cycle with LUI f7 and other Kandahar Landrais

There aren’t many photos of Raspberry Hashplant, but they are all incredible!
I will be happy to check her out and find all the best she has in store!!!
thank you!


Glad you decided to join OG @Shevchenko

Watching and liking your topic. Keep it up, brotha!

English can be a bit of a barrier, but the OG spirit is so great that correct spelling isn’t that important

I mean, speaking like a native English speaker would be fantastic, but what makes this place so great, in addition to cannabis, is people who are sharing , caring , and love spreading among people from all nations.

Looking forward to sprouting your seeds. I don’t have the opportunity right now, but when it becomes possible, I’ll definitely do it.

Also , DM will coming soon , about good things. I just need some time for arrange things.

Stay strong :green_heart: