Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Plan to make pgo s1
I got a solution of silver thiosulfate and found that he was playing in a few years, which I did not remove it from the hiding place.
The sprayer and the alarm from the middle were in a silver plaque, so the liquid lost its properties.

I prepare the solution myself, maybe someone will be interested in.
The recipe is simple:

  • 0.5 grams of silver nitrate dissolve in 500 ml of distilled water
  • 2.5 grams of sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous in powder) dissolve in 500 ml of distilled water
  • Add an aqueous solution of silver nitrate directly into a solution of soda thiosulfate, stirring continuously. Thus, you will receive a solution of silver thiosulfate.
  • To use this solution, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 2.

I have several adaptations, this classic recipe …

  1. I do not need so much solution, because as a result, we will get 3 liters of working solution as a result.
  2. I don’t have sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous in powder) And I have a solution for incisions in 300 mg/ml.

And as a result of these manipulations, I have almost 1 liter of working solution again …
Of course, I do not need so much, but with the smallest proportions to work and weigh the ingredients.

Tomorrow the first treatment of the pgo clone

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Awesome! Love that, can’t wait to see the results brother. Hope you are having an amazing day!


Over the last week, non -planned power outages have increased … Having arrived on the location today, I saw that most of the mother plants have stigma in the upper points of branches. This was especially influenced by boys, almost all have buds and could bloom in a week. They had to be cut very hard, left only a few lower growth points on each branch.
Lighting mode is now 24/0

As they say: there would be no happiness, so unhappiness helped …

Starcube was the only variety in a location that was not defined from gender
After this adventure, we became known to the sex of 4 larger plants … We will have three girls and one boy!
Boy - The Cube Feno!

top left is a boy


All by the group (in front of two lagging not determined)


@SamwellBB , Congratulations! You became a father once again !!! Don’t worry about them, in these times of turmoil, military times I raise them in the spirit of Ukrainian Cossacks !!! :rofl:
Sorry for the jokes, this news made my day!


Awesome! That male looks real unique, has some crazy morphology. Really looking forward to those. Stupid power outages, hopefully they don’t continue too much, you sir are a trooper, and I have the utmost respect for your positivity and persistence brother , salute 🫡



Field Trip

Hello Friend!
Indeed, this plant differs most and at this stage of development has the features of “Cube”, but with the onset of flowering everything can change. There is a girl who is also more prone to Cube, she is in the lower right corner.
The main thing now is that in the new soil plants have started to develop and have a healthier appearance.


Very nice fade coming in on all of those! Nice. Looking forward to seeing the expressions of the star cube in flower. Awesome


Always watching this thread, always very impressed what you get done in wartime. Power outages are rough.


We are prepared, saying it will be the most difficult winter for all times …

“Winter is near …”

Thanks for your interest …


The Cube I had grew straight up with little branching


I am from Minnesota, one of the coldest parts of the USA. Our winters can be very similar to yours. A couple years ago we had a night that got below -40. Already had a few nights get below 0°C last week.

Can be quite the adventure with no power. Wishing you luck keeping your houses and plants warm and safe.


Oh ya Minnesota is cold AF in the winter, i was out there long ago many times for hockey, definitely gotta wear your long johns! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yeah we get that stream of air from the Canadian Rocky Mountains and i swear it gets colder as it passes you guys on the way down here lol

Definitely played many hockey games as a kid. There’s an ice rink in almost every park in the suburbs.


Haha I believe it! I’ve been some Cold places in Canada , but Alaska will always take the cake for me, just couldn’t get warm the entire time, I spent a large portion of the trip in two hot tubs lol, really made me realize what people can become accustomed to, now I’m all about the cold fishing anyway I’m die hard from October through to May, I stand in almost freezing water as the Mighty Niagara never freezes, drifting for giant winter monsters! In fact Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are two of my favourite days I haven’t missed in over ten years now, last Christmas Eve I was in a blizzard on a boat in the middle of Lake Ontario, then right up the Niagara swore I had frost bite! But we definitely get the cold up here, my dad lives in Fort Erie and they get more snow and storms than I’ve ever seen! I’m constantly helping dig him out if something :man_facepalming:t2: in the Falls here we are blessed to have the escarpment which traps cold air in the summer and hot air in the winter . It’s one of the most fertile best places for growing in Canada and known as the green belt ironically :laughing:


my first 5 stitches on my face were just for hockey…stitching my eyebrow…
Recently, our winters have been moderate, the temperature rarely drops below -25 degrees, although earlier winters were much harsher…


now they all look like you say.
however, it seems to me that in my case it is due to the small container and the poor soil at the start…
let’s see what happens next… will keep you posted.


My first stitches and two broken bones were both from hockey ! Love it


Almost all fan leaves on this plant with three fingers, rarely five leaves.

SRDD + Field Trip

another awning
I planned to cut it, but for unknown reasons he had a second breath and he actively blossoms …




I once suggested renting @JAWS a cat who lived in my location to resolve the issue with rodents …

The cat died about three weeks ago, it was knocked down by a car … And here are the consequences … In my room rodents!
Three of six sprouts destroyed …

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Oh man, little buggers are ruining the hard work, I’m sorry to hear about your little friend my brother, They can become quite close to us. That CQSM is very OGish, I love it! I’m a big fan of the OG structure, shape and most important the buzz! Getting close for so many in there, and looking stellar as always


One day in a greenhouse rodents per night destroyed more than 100 sprouts, so I know how noticeable it can be …
As for pets, this is really the case, they are very close.

As for OG, I already doubt what features can be attributed to it and what structure it has …
I raised some crosses og and they were so different that I now i don’t even know what features combine plants in OG
I wonder who you would have taken to the greatest of OG ???


Beautiful colors on that Field Trip!