Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

there is almost no light
sometimes I bring the plants out into the sun…
random photos

mac ix


AS f2

AS #3 f1

Spectral Tangerine x Stardawg

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


@Kushking902 I agree, contrasting plants are yellow-purple very spectacular! I also love these colors …
As for the smell, it is so sweeter … I do not feel fruit, I do not feel pine … a heavy sweet smell, I smell like Afghan.
It is possible that Alien Sourz F2 gives this sweet note that interrupts others.

I had no apples and bananas before
Judging by the photos on the Internet, the mutants are similar to the original, because I have a huge cup … The other two plants (conditionally “normal”) have a different cup - a smaller cup.
Although they are also different.


looking good bro :sunny::seedling::sparkles:


Thank you!


For a long time there was no circumstances …
During this time, not much has changed, but changes to the unbuttoned direction.
The period without electricity has increased and now is 2 hours, at best 4!
Plants react very poorly and begin to die … Because not only light, but also blowing, hoods, air conditioner - mold began to appear …
The flowering tent is empty!
Now the plants are brought in the sun in the morning and hide in the evening … Plants that did not have time to bloom or just start under the sun (at least before the first of August).
How I don’t know next!
Now I work to preserve the mother plants (and boys as well), as some of them have experienced occupation and temperature in the room of 2 degrees Celsius.
Losing them now will be sad …

Some photos are already under the sun …

MAC ix

alien sourz #3

alien sourz f2

AZ f2 - mold appeared on the plant and I cut several cones before leaving.
when I returned they were dry and I rubbed them through a sieve to separate the seeds.
I smelled chocolate from grass for the first time in my life! maybe not chocolate, but cocoa or nesquik…
usually my wife and I define smells in different ways, but this time she said - it’s definitely chocolate!


Yeah , you don’t give up so easily :see_no_evil:
Keep going bro, good luck with your projects :boom: :boom:


keep up your spirits bro - amazing what you have accomplished up to now :fire:


@g1900 @SamwellBB, guys, thank you for the support!
Now I think about alternative energy sources … Let’s see what will come of it.

got a letter from @LoveDaAutos

Thank you friend … I’ll try to run some of them on the street. Although there is little time but I hope to have time.


Growing on the outside has its own peculiarities …


The situation with electricity has improved … i can succeed again …

Alien Sourz F2

As F2 kept longer to get ripe seeds ripen
The plants are not happy, they have already passed through hell and back …

MAC ix Without the central trunk, it began to rot, had to cut …

One branch is dusted with old D95 ​​pollen but not Big, but Potato Feno … I sincerely hope that I will find at least some some seeds!

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


What was the smoke like of this baby ?

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Hello i have trully enjoyed your pictures some very beautiful work you have . I have a question about your seed germination from the fridge . How long do you recomend before using seed that have been kept in the fridge ? You just say you wait for them to acclimate from being in the fridge . Thanks for you time .


@Thetravler, hello! thanks for watching!
I try to give the seeds a day after the refrigerator, before throwing them into the water. Regardless of whether it was deep freezing in the freezer or just chilling in the refrigerator door.

I didn’t understand which of them are you asking about? they are all “my baby” :wink:


And the all look great i believe i was something cube ? But again your gear all looked very nice have a great day ! Im just at my outdoor grow taking one kick after the next, found 6 males in there this week wouldnt be so bad but there my biggest one !2.5 months and there just coming out know i have already replaced half of them a month ago


Maybe you can help me i have some that are growing seeds on them nothing has pollinated there is no pollen on these plants but there growing seeds here and there would you keep them plants or squash them ?


There has to be pollen for seeds to grow. Selfing? I would not worry at this point and see them to the end


Please paraphrase a sentence. (my English is very weak)
I can’t understand what the problem is … 6 male plants, but there is no seed? Can anything else?

As if he understood.
Could you show brighter, those “problematic” plants.
If we determine that it is Herm - then it is possible to remove them so that they do not dust the pollen.
Although, I have to tell you that pollen in dry, windy weather easily overcomes a few kilometers. Therefore, it can be pollen not from your garden, but brought by the wind.


Sorry about English. The plant is growing bud/seed together same time, this is little Hermie/ hermaphrodite Boy / GIRL 50/50 !
SEED F1 5x plants in different spaces all the same. NO effects on other plants . What to spray to stop . What languages do you understand? I will download the translator ! No problem! Lolhahahah! Thank you

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There is several plants with a seed here and there but I found the breader who explained there only f1 still hermaphrodite problems !

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I have stardawg seeds popping now ! X2