Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Looking great my friend. Awesome


it’s not me, it’s all Bodhi and the Brothers Grimm :wink:


I hope you don’t mind if I follow along here. One of my favorite subjects!

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I will be glad for the company! join in!


Easter miracle!
The three most promising D-95 plants were divided into one boy and two girls.
D-95#7 (girl) of the medium size is a very thick stem of leaning between floors less than the average.

D-95 #3 (girl) larger than #7 (however not much) is slightly more stalk, the leaf between the floors is middle, the leaf plate is slightly larger and sharper. The female plant is the most like a man under # 4.

Two girls nearby, #7 were used more intense lst so it may seem that the difference in height is significant, but in reality it is not, the difference is minimal.

Further between two girls a boy #4, compared to other plants in a tent, he is a monster! The largest plant with scraped side branching.

The smallest plant D-95 #1 (phenotype potato) differs from all others not only with a height but also a leaf plate, it is the most round. As for the structure, it is similar to others: a thick trunk with active drainage. Has not yet decided on gender.

To compare the boy’s letter and next to the “potato” letter

The next two mutants.
#5 - most likely a boy will be removed in a couple of days.
#2- did not decide on the gender, a triploid with a very hairy trunk and leaves.

Further, the sad news, CDK X SM#3 was confirmed by all the plants of men (5 of 5).
Unfortunately, this cross will not be able to try this cross. The boys were very stinking, I plan to put it outside and they have a pollination of one of the women’s clones.

Cheese Quake X SM#3 confirmed three girls and a boy in question, but I will show their photo next time.

Joint photo

In the right far corner are already transplanted into constant containers of the clones of the following plants:

  • Space Monke Orig.
  • Field Trip
  • Snow ripper x chem dd f3
  • C99 #2 (Top Feno)
  • C99 #4 (Purpl Feno)
  • Alaskan Purpl
  • Space Monkey BX1 (12 Monkey Feno)

If the father is wearing, then we expect the crosses of all these plants with the father D-95 at the end of the cycle.

:peace_symbol: :yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


From last Friday, it was not possible to get to a location with C99, a space monkey and others … When I got there today the plants were in a terrible state. They watered once every two days … So they missed two watering! In addition, as something happened with the timer and it was in the “constantly included” mode. If the failure took place on Friday, then the plants had a “day” for about 120 hours … The plants have evaporated their leaves, 75% of large leaves!

Alaskan Purpl, Space Monkey

Field Trip

SR x Chem DD f3

I will show photographs of other plants in a few days when they will be more photogienic …


Damn, that sucks! Hope it all turns out fine


In general, the plants return to their normal state. They will lose some of the large leaves and reduce the yield. In different, it can be said that everything will be fine.



SM1 & 12M


As for D-95, the latter plant mutant-triploid has the signs of Hermy …

A similar situation was with another female plant. However, the male feature has not developed into a full flower. I conduct a thorough examination of each plant daily for timely detection of such problems. What will not be known to the mutnt. If the plant shows full male signs, then it will have to be removed.

Also, he finally woke up with a “potato phenotype” catching up with others. Turned out to be a full -fledged man. In a few days he will go to another place with women’s clones #3 & 7 and others. For their pollination.
I have already said that if nuts are not made to save the population - then I am strongly opposed to open pollination.
As a result, I will have the same crosses with two different men.

:peace_symbol: :yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


D-95 #1 (Potato Feno) moved to another place, to collect pollen and pollin some girls … Another boy #4 does not stop in growth and added about 10 cm in one day. , and today he gave her and bent.
Several plants have shown dissatisfaction with the lack of feeding and have an olive color. Began to feed.
On female plants D-95, on the big larvae I see purple spots, it is not clear whether it is genetics, or is the result of hunger …


7 weeks 12/12


cut D-95 #2 (triploid) this morning, unfortunately male signs continued to appear next to female signs. To prevent unwanted pollination, it had to be cut. The clone remained, maybe I will put it in another tent to check if there will be potential pollen, but definitely not in this cycle and not with these plants.

As for the dad in this cycle #4 the flowers started to open today… but I can’t see the pollen…

however, if you cut a “banana” you can see the pollen in it… so if I have to cut a banana and hand pollinate each stigma with it - I will do it… no matter how long it takes. All for the sake of seeds! LOL :smile:


maybe someone knows and can give me some advice… I noticed that on my LED light the men give a little pollen. it was like that with cherry queen and now it’s like that with D-95.
it seems that the flower in which the bananas are kept opens early, when the banana is not yet ready to give pollen.
I could be wrong and there is no light here, maybe it is genetics. However, I have never encountered such a problem with gas discharge lamps before.


Today I went to check how D-95 #1 (phenotype potatoes) felt, in case there is no pollen from a boy that in the tent …


another awning is 7 weeks
After 9 I will cut


Beautiful -Nice stuff brother!!


thank you :handshake:


Events develop rapidly!
The boy began to actively produce pollen after raising the temperature in the aunt by a few degrees … However, I still do not see the stigma that they were tied and ovaries on flowers!
If by the end of the week there is no conservation with future seeds - I will bring the boy #1 and return his tent.

I like more and more like Space Monkey BX1 #6 (12 monkeys), the most resinous plant at this stage, even more sticky than the original SM and as stinky!

by the way, if I did not break the basic when the boy would no longer get into the tent, the side branches had already climbed through the lamp

12 monkey

D - 95

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Quick update
Flowers under reliable security!



Nice work! And a cool cat also :sunglasses:


False anxiety! With polination all is well! Even too …

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart: