Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

thank you my friend!
really appreciate it!
together to victory!!!
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Ukrainian people are exemple to follow

You don’t let strangers take your lands and resist well face a big army

Go Ukraine, go Shevchenko and his plants !!


So friend, the Ukrainian people were very strong … However, at what price … Believe me, the price is terrible.
Thank you again for your support!


Yesterday was the day of incredible adventures!
There was a risk of “illumination” of the location from the D -95 - so everything that was associated with the cultivation was transported to another place.
To carry a full machine of adult plants through the city is filled with military checkpoints and during the approach of the curfew - a very adrenaline business!
If they were just cones I would definitely not risk and just cut everything and disassemble but I have full seeds that need 10 days for 10 days for full ripening. Ok - that it’s over well …

After moving the D-95 awning was not to the photos, so they will be later …
A few photos from LPC awning

Mother plants and seedlings Friesland Indica from Super Sativa Seed Club


The plants did not tolerate the move well.
They were closed in large garbage bags for about an hour. Most plants have chafing cones.
After they received light, the affected parts began to dry up. The appearance is very unattractive.

I hope that it will not affect the seeds.


I think you will do a good job!


I’m sure your ladies will bounce back once settled into their new home.
It’s incredible to see your work under such extreme times…keep it up-your doing a excellent job!!


@Skyf @leetdood
thanks guys, appreciate your support!
the question of recovery is no longer relevant… they have 10 days left until 10 weeks and, accordingly, 5-6 weeks from the moment of pollination of nuts… since this entire cycle was designed to obtain nuts, I am not interested in the appearance. however, I am concerned that the parts that have been pruned and are now starting to dry out may start to mold.


Dead dry parts are usually only dangerous when they are enclosed in wet living material. If they stay dry, they will be fine. Wouldn’t hurt to prune them off anyway.

If any little leaves die within the buds, or the inside of the bud themselves have any dead parts, that’s when you get trouble.


So my friend, it bothers me!
The places that were tissue began to dry intensively … I cut it !
By the way, in the last week I left the girls completely undressed (to reduce the area of evaporation and reduce the humidity in the awning).
Sorry for the quality of the photo…

almost not noticed the crossing D-95 #7
I really like this plant and I plan to work with it and in the direction of BX, IX, F2

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Great work friend, you are resistance :pray:
I hope all goes well with the beans, the plants are beautiful and you have good taste :joy:


Are you growing in actual Ukraine? Or are you just a Ukrainian growing? (I will not be offended if you don’t want to answer)

1 Like

I am in Ukraine, on deoccupied territory (The territory that was occupied by the Russians and then returned with the battles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


That’s impressive. Way to survive.


That’s how the plants looked yesterday …

Field Trip

ChQ x SM#3 (plant #3)

ChQ x SM#3 (plant #4)

C99 #2

Space Monkey #1 (orig.)

12 monkey

D-95 #3 (upper heads cut off a few days ago, due to injury under the time of moving)

D-95 #7 (my favorite)

The plants are ripe and almost do not drink. Only D-95 #7 soaks actively drink. On the upper part of the plants the seeds ripe and even began to slip the seed bags, but in the lower part of the plant seeds are still not dark enough. The plants will stand for another week.

I planned to grow LPC in the other tent, but only two plants were female so I put the D-95 and CHQ X SM clones to them

LPC #1

LPC #2

LPC tent

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


LPC tent

in the first cycle with Chem D bx4 x i-95, I did not see the mutations characteristic of the chem D plant, however, in this cycle D-95 #7 has these spots on the fan leaves

in a few days I will take a photo without the light of good quality HPS lamps and show them in more detail… I have kept clones of all except the Chem D plants and will show the same mutations on others that did not make it to full bloom last cycle…

also, in a few days, I plan to cut all the plants blooming in the awning together with D-95
cones that were already cut due to damage showed that the seeds are almost ripe, and 10 days have passed, so the time has come!
I will definitely take a photo before cutting.


Still Killin it I see my Ukrainian brother! Excited to hear your reports on that D-95?I bet it’s absolutely fire, looks amazing and coated head to toe! Well done


Thank you that you are interested!
Plants are really amazing!
I have to admit that I have already tried to smoke D-95 #3 (usually I don’t do it). The upper cones I cut when they started to dry were too attractive and I didn’t resist … I repent … :see_no_evil:
I will write a smoke-report somewhere in a month, after proper drying and appropriate treatment.
Without proper drying and treatment, I cannot talk about smell and taste now (though they are now on level) but now I can say that smoke is just murderous :bomb:


Oooh murderous sounds right up my alley! My Chem de La Chem are almost done, same with my Chem D S1’s and the rest, cannot wait to sample everything as well. We can compare notes when the time comes too. How are things over there right now my friend?


I go into your branch compare your results in the photo with my own … What I see gives confidence that the result will please you! I also wait for your impressions.

Of course, with pleasure!
:yellow_heart: :blue_heart: