Chem D Discussion

It’s a winner for cropping for sure. The 4 was what everyone I knew around the cali outdoor scene did. I also really liked running it indoors, a lot less temperamental than the 91, but better high than the D IMO. But the 91 in crosses was is my go to trick, so its not so damn finicky. 4s also a lot more pure on the gas flavors that people associate when chems. Where as the D always reminds me of sitting in traffic in big city smells. Trash and car exhaust lol.

Have you ever gave any of Bodhi’s wookie crosses with chems a shot? I prefer them to the S1s.


city trash and car exhaust Yep that’s it thank you

no I’m done with the chems , they hold no magic for me.

Iran space monkey which is wookiee cross to GG for one of the plants was absolutely stellar and the Terps were off the charts I can close my eyes and still smell it. It’s been about three years and I’m still pissed at myself for not keeping a mother


I feel like the magic in the chems is in the outcross. Been running variations last couple years. The chem leaners i havent really found a standout keeper. That being said i have found a few stellar plants so far.


Heh heh lemme tell you about it…

More seriously, Chem D is the unremarkable one to me, it’s still very good but it’s sort of “lite” in all attributes compared to the others, it is however the cash cropper so it’s around a lot and maybe there’s just more meh flower of it, IDK


Technically GG4 is a chem sis cross :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Why so much love for the Glue and yet the Sis got mostly forgotten? This year I’m popping some Chem Power from Shabud’s memorial series for Loran and his Kush Cleaner, gonna get some sativa Chem shit going


I used to buy shameful amounts of GG4 trim from the crew that popped it. And homie told me GG4 was a Chem D x unknown donor pollen. But the seeds were super scarce in the run(5-6 lbs of it if i remember right). But then he also made a big point that they didnt think the D they had was the real one. Could be Sis, but from what I was told, even they didn’t know lol


Gg4 smells Devine to me. I was under the impression that chem sis and 1 were lost


Sis is still out there, the cut has been used recently by Shabud, SkunkVA, Top Dawg and a few others, @JAWS has it right now, and there’s a few folks on here who know of a person with the cut, this was a good little thread about it:


A lurking stalking I go :joy:


Super high tech Autocad from the crew


Buddy has chem 1, dm if you need


in one cycle I grew gg4 from ggstrain and space monkey at the same time
I liked the monkey better, but I think it’s a matter of taste…
by the way, if technically - then a Wookie, like gg4, is also partly a “chemist” (chemD x double D) :wink:

I’ve never had a chem s1 so I can’t compare, but I like the way chem performs in outcrosses.
I smoke only chemD bx4 x i-95 for half a year and hardly touch other cans. for me this is an indicator.


had the sis years ago and it was good made a hybrid back then with her as well.

this last time i had her something was not right about her i made one piece with her and grew her for a second round but the issues was still present so i dump the cut. the guy i got it from quickly got one going and so far he is not seeing the same issues that i had with mine from him. thought maybe it was something during the shipping but after it happened a second time from fresh cut i knew it was not going to be proper for me.

she is/was for me a really beautiful plant but with her issues i was unable/willing to keep her around any longer.

Chem Sis, well crap today is not good for dropping pics. been 2 minutes and were at 6% ahh maybe later on the pics.

humm …


I think most people are using the Bundy Chem Sis S1. Real cut potentially being dead. Same with Chem 2 & 3.

Chem D is the most potent of the chems to me. Hits hard as fuck and reeks like dead tooth mothball halitosis funk.


had the sis years ago and it was good made a hybrid back then with her as well.

this last time i had her something was not right about her i made one piece with her and grew her for a second round but the issues was still present so i dump the cut. the guy i got it from quickly got one going and so far he is not seeing the same issues that i had with mine from him. thought maybe it was something during the shipping but after it happened a second time from fresh cut i knew it was not going to be proper for me.

she is/was for me a really beautiful plant but with her issues i was unable/willing to keep her around any longer.

Chem Sis, well crap today is not good for dropping pics. been 2 minutes and were at 6% ahh maybe later on the pics.

here is the mother of that cut that my friend is testing right now, ahh day 25 i believe he said.

chem sis 1

chem sis 2

chem sis -3

yup …


Looks like she doesn’t like too much n in flower and also the defol

Lots of leafs in her colas


Agree :100: with this. Chem D grows easy, not much stretch, so pinch & veg out a lot before flip. Extremely branchy so remove suckers in early flower or she puts out a ton of larf. Doesn’t like high light intensity, doesn’t need a ton of food, but definitely needs defoliation around weeks 3 and 6. Performed very well in my organic recycled dirt SIPs. I took her at 10 and 11 weeks from flip and no big difference. She’s a huge pain to trim because it’s so sticky/gummy even when dried to 52% instead of my normal 58-60%.

I’ve posted plenty of grow pics in this thread. I’ve grown two cuts of the D - farmerjoe420 and cedarberry farms - and they’re the same as far as I can tell. I also smoked several grams of Nobody’s Nursery chem D. She’s not very potent for me, not long lasting, no pain relief or sleepiness no matter how much I smoke. It’s kind of an annoying effect that’s pretty 1-dimensional, not kind or happy/euphoric feeling at all. I build a tolerance to it fast. I’ve read that if people like opioids, they tend to like D. Not my thing. :man_shrugging:

Overall it’s a complete disappointment and doesn’t live up to the hype other than the smell. But I’m glad to have had the opportunity to try it.

I like the smoke from the Chem 91 Skunk VA cut quite a bit more than the D, but the 91 is a lot more finicky plant.



You guys have talked me out of the D cut, I really don’t have the space for her right now anyway.

Thanks for the honest input…


Guys talking me into tossing the plant a few days into flower :see_no_evil: I thought it was crap from the day I got the cut but been trying to give it a chance… Sounds like a waste. Just toss it and replace with another Swiss Thai Nevil 2 :yum: I just might…