Cherry AK seeds

The real bubblegum is indiana bubblegum, people have it, few release it. I’ve grown tons of bubblegum crosses and beans from the coffee shop scene , they dont compare to the taste or structure of the original. From what I’ve seen it’s hard to stabilize or pass on the genetics , you pass on sweetness but not bazooka joe bubblegum flavor.


Oh and clown get your facts straight.
2 girl cherries and ,1 male cherry.

I made 3 different versions
V1= cherry to cherry
V2= cherry to cherry
V3= cherry to skunk pheno

And yes I do have f3’s, f4’s and 2 different ibls.

Never mind this inept POS he’s from the CC and ruined the club with their antics.

Picking on a burnt up person, thinking the whole club was entitled to what he had.


Hi guys and girls,

My name is Paul and I’m the breeder of serious seeds
Let me give you some insight in this
The Cherry AK pheno is like a unicorn I’ve grown thousands of AK and never found one
The thing is: Smell is a personal thing it is created in your brain, I’ve tested this several times. If you tell somebody smell this this smells like … than you already created a picture of the smell in someone’s brain
You should let people smell completely blind don’t tell them anything just say smell this what does it smell like.
But I know it is a big thing the cherry pheno I had people sending me clones of their CherryAK and it was never either cherry or original AK.
So to see someone with the original AK-47 package made me really happy.
To end this, we crossed a bubblegum with AK and is now called strawberry AK. Strawberry is a more common scent than cherry and therefore people will recognize it easier
@lemonadejoe thanks for emailing me
@everybody else if you have any questions feel free to ask I’ll be happy to help you guys out with solid info

Peace, seriously


Tell Simone I said “Hi”, it’s Motz
I believe it’s John who’s your sales mgr. Tell him I said "Hi’ also.

Very nice group they gave me the blessings I needed to feel decent about carrying on their genetics and also said they wouldn’t have a problem with me selling f2’s. In writing even.
Instead I gave a handful out to the world to find their own.
Of course my related work will be for sale.
I went on to work them out further…
I did the right thing while another stepped all over you guys. Even uses your Ak prefix.

And Thank you @LemonadeJoe appreciate ya brother.

Thank you brother,


The origin of the bubblegum was in several magazines and like I said I know. my stepdad is the founder of serious seeds and therefor of Ak-47, kalimist, chronic, bubblegum White Russian and so on
Sam the skunk man brought the genetics to Amsterdam where they were given to Simon (serious seeds) and Adam (THseeds) they both made their own bubblegum from there serious seeds’s bubblegum is more sativa as the THseeds version is more indica


They’re already speaking loudly ask @Jetdro
And Thank you for your kind words


The genetics sam brought there came from the USA and the I agree that seriouse seeds was the first to stabilize it for sale. The story I read and am familiar with involves it being indiana bubblegum crossed to a indica and stabilized over many generations. If I recall it was harder to stabilize then planned. Was just saying the Indiana bubblegum that was from the usa had been grown for awile before it got over there.


And so not from Indiana…from Adam’s story. Didn’t his room get broke into and they stole bubblegum


No that is just a story, I know the real story but I don’t know if Adam would like it if I shared it here


There are definetly alot of stories surrounding alot of strains, maybe bubblegum is just big bud skunk and nl5.


That’s why I like the basic oldschool stuff…you can make your own.


The old school has it all, thats where all the new stuff originated


That third pairing sounds lovely ,im more a fan of skunky kush flavors then the sweet side of things. I’ll swoop a pack when you release it or trade you a pack of my grape Rebellion when there ready.


I’m not to worried about Adam’s story I just like to grow and smoke good weed. I’ve got some seriouse seeds gear over the years and the ak was always a favorite. When we get into the conflicting stories of sam, nevil ,and the people around them I have to step away and smoke a bowl. I’ve just excepted that there are alot of made up stories. There is the lost knowlege of breeders before us and the internet has convulted things to the point that only the people who were there know the truth in there hearts.


Right…can’t none denie what you know you did…


That’s what life is about for me
Making and most of all smoking great weed


The V3’S I’m not spending much time on, are you sure you don’t have some from me already?
Got plenty you can have more :wink:
These were held at f2 status.
V1 and V2 were pushed up the ladder.


Umm…you really like timeouts …huh…lol

Timeouts as to what James?

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You gotta go stand in the corner…cause I’m havent gotten my ak’s yet…lol