Classic Seeds



From the looks of it the Jacalyn Male is a dumper one Tap of of the main branch and it was a blizzard of creamy yellow Pollen Female jackie has been heavily seeded and the UBC chemo cuts are loaded from head to toe with new seed pods he was definitely not sterile She will dry for a couple days then into parchment paper Sachets and vacuum sealed individually in to vacuum seal packs with one desicant silica packet in with it and into the freezer It will go. will be chopping off whole main pollen sack kola and drying and collecting as i go but this dude has done his job and im going to get him out of here i have a cut of him i took and im going to keep him around a bit with the cut of the mother of the beans they both just popped roots into solos tomorrow .

Rock on Folks Rock on


What is that Mother Superior box? @CapnCannabis
Looks like it would make a nice male isolation chamber. I had one that I made but it met the trash pile on my last move.
Been thinking about another…
Congrats on the Jaclyn work and all that pollen. Good stuff,

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Thank you ,sorry on the male better luck next time.Plant propagation Dome i got on amazon get the one with another stack on it the taller one you cant buy the segments separately and im kicking myself for not getting the bigger set a tad but taller and these things are awesome


Nice foot !

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Right on brother @crownpoodle! Those plants are super happy. Well done. I’m grateful you’re giving them a roll.

Those are a cross of Classics BCG13 x Classics Killer Chem [Chem Dog x (Vic Highs Killer Queen. Airborne G13 x C99)]

Thanks for sharing in the trip bro!


This is the lineage of Jacalyn — its mostly indica dominant/WLD but sometimes a sativa dominant/NLD expression will show up.

Jacalyn aka TNT - Khyber Pass Afghani x High Mountain Nepalese x Burmese Purple Temple

This is one of Classics oldest strains. An IBL that used to be called TNT. It was his wifes favorite strain when she had cancer. When she died he named it Jacalyn in her honor. He sold it on seeddpt under Jacalyn.


Looks like 6 fems and 2 males. I’m not sure if males normally show 1st, or my old eyes spot the males easier. These are rolling along nicely! When I was just getting going Texas Jack sent me some Purpurea Tensenesis after I commented on a photo. My grow went badly. I asked for help. That was a turning point for me. It definitely deserves another shot. I’d be curious to see what I could get her to do now.
Thanks again for the opportunity with these.


Right on! That’s a good gender ratio. Can’t wait to see what they hold.

That #5 plant has a unique BCG13 expression… a distant outlier. Nothing like the Afghani influence her sisters expressed.

She was taller and lankier. But a graceful lanky. Golfball size and shape flowers. Should be interesting.

Cheers brother!


Thanks for this! I’ve been geeked on Jacalyn since @CapnCannabis blessed me with them and it’s hard to find much info about Classic’s strains outside of the random ICMag post or two. Much appreciated and what a beauty


I have a couple sachets of Jackie pollen i have collected in a dessicant chamber drying as we speak @ClassicGenetix would you like one to save the trouble of finding a male ? wont be long before this stuff has to be put in the freezer and its been a hot mother lately i had one extra left over and i figured id hit you up and see if you were good or not let me know so if you want it you can get it put up in your freezer till you need it.He was a dumper grew like a bean pole like the momma.Very stinky Bastard


Thank you for the clarification on the other 10 percent of Jackies Makeup @Kind024 .Hard to track down Classics info it is indeed unless you get a hold of Mr TexasJack and a few obscure other places.Almost all of Classics Seed packs ive ever saw were all hand written on scraps of white paper with his classic doodle on the top.They rarely if at all had any full info trying to find a list of all he did would be a daunting task.Its a shame the Plato Plomos never popped the story on those ones was a doozey.I would have loved to IBL the shit out of those and weave them into some mexicans i have


There are some of those Purpurea Ticinensis in the fridge. Not many but enough for a decent open pollination project. When those get done I’ll make sure you get some to play with.


Outdoor keeps climbing and very nitrogen hungry this one makes Christmas trees.Had to crack out a small top dress and some Fox farm big grow to get her to shut up a bit not too much though three weeks my Flower Girl goes on and i dont want any high nitrogen spikes when the pistils pop out anywhere from aug 5 to the 10 th around Buffalo might just pop her in the ground while i can thing blew out a 7 gallon pot fast even with the microkote


You rule!!! Dude 1000x yes, I’ll start using that immediately, Do you still have my address?


So my buddy Gerry at Colorado Sativas told me this weekend the Mexican Red Hair we both just ran is Plata o Plomo


No fucking shit…….that is some heavy shit right there we had them in our hands the whole time.That is from a mix of distinct plants a Couple of Central and Southern mexican landraces there was supposed to be a tall green Christmas tree type that grew the side branches out straight like a Menorah and went up like a pine tree .That was from stock that was prior to El chapo and his crew making all the locals grow thier dutched hybrids in favor of quicker harvest turn around times plant this or you will get lead plant these you will get silver I have been looking for these for years heres what classic used pretty sure that was his grow lab too


Ill DM you


Awesome! I might still have a couple, or I have it in a cross. Can’t remember. A photo of that plant Texas Jack posted sent me down a path of getting to work with some pretty cool folks…like you! That bud I can picture now. Like it was infused with something made it glow in the dark.


I dont know what Classic strains you have but Id be down to trade what ever i had to get a chance at some of that Purple T if you had a couple spare laying around when you get that project done i want as many Classic seed strains in Classics fans hands as possible we can do this like Voltron and team up form blazing sword and Overgrow the world