Closetgrowth's "Dark Devil" Auto Grow! .. Seed to Flower! :)

I planted 6 DD beans in them 6" pots, nothing yet… Been around 4 days. Strange.:neutral_face:


Huh, mine have been 100% germ rate so far. Did you do anything differently?


Well, didnt have quite enough fresh soil, so i went outside and grabbed some from the recycled “dirt pile,”… Thinking it might have had too much fert, or nute… Guess, ill be taking a road trip tomorrow, and pick up some new bags of soil, and try again.


I had several dark devils fail on me like that. I went back to paper towels and I haven’t had any more issues. I always get em in paper towels in ziplocks in my underwear drawer. Hehe. Have a good one.


Last time I used fresh soil,…all of the DD’S popped within 3-4 days… Im sure its the soil because of all the nutrients imbedded within… Fresh soil, fresh start. :wave::slight_smile:


Well, Got some good news folks! :grinning:

One of the seeds that I planted in the 6" pots has begun life. I almost dumped em out this morning, Glad I didnt! :open_mouth:

I guess I need to show some patience… Thats the one thing I seriously lack. Probably why I’m into Hydroponics…CANT WAIT!! :laughing:

** Magnified a zillion times…She’s there! ** :smile::+1:


also consider any of the seeds i gave out there will be the odd underdeveloped dud in there so… yeah wait and see i guess


Here’s an updated shot of the previous picture… One day later. Keeping an eye on the other 5… Still nothing.


Dark Devils doing there thang…


The 1000 watt Hps light is really making them grow, and also evaporating the moisture within the 5 gallon buckets as well… Soooo, Once again, Fed em all Jacks 20-20-20 @ 1/4 teaspoon dose this morning, with a drop of Superthrive per gallon. Keeping them hydrated, and not overwatered. Will cease serving any more of the Superthrive since the flowering hormone is now present. Even the duds are starting to wake up! It was a good call to just let em ride… .

Wish they were more in order, as far as growth rates, size, etc… Well, some of the beans I planted were duds, or genetic misfits. I was warned. I knew what I was getting myself into. Its all good.

I think the “auto” feature is mindblowing. Hey, at least i can say i grew an “Auto” … Amazing! :slight_smile:

And a recently started DD in a 6 inch pot…


You got a couple drinking on you. I gotta take a pic of one Ive been growing for 3 months now. I just let it go. Probably a few grams on it but the leaves are purple. I gotta pop some more. Try paper towels warmed. I got em all to pop that a ways. Looking good CG. Have a good sir.


Afternoon Baltimore,…

Yip, I have em in all different shapes, and sizes! lol… In the last week, I have seen a major growth spurt. The ones that made it really surprised me. Im just gonna go with the flow, and see what happens. I have one that is actually quite big, and I can see the white hairs making there way to the top of the plant… So, pre-flowering is in session. Yes, I would love to see the photo… Please post away! :slight_smile::+1:

Have a good one buddy! :slight_smile:

** My Favorite Dark Devil out of the bunch!.. Her name is “Matilda” **


Yup, Matilda has kicked in the flowering hormone!.. Im Lovin’ it! :heart_eyes:


Bought 12 bags of fresh soil,… and so I thought id better load up the new 6" pots with the Dark Devil’s, and see if its poppin’, or not! haha Bet I’ll have good results :relaxed:

**Ill have 14 DD’s going at the same time, if things go as planned. **Im going to town this winter! ** ** :sunglasses::+1:


Got ‘r’ done broski, gonna have a bunch of dank

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Hi Rock! :relaxed:

Broham, … I still wanna get it going on this year. This is my chance to rev up my indoor grow op!.. Ill be able to put together maybe 4 or 5 grows before that heat comes back. So, Im getting hella’ busy! lol Only like 72 F. in the house, so Ya!.. Perfect conditions. :grinning::+1:

I wanna do an all GS hydro vs soil comparison after the next run, so OG can witness the “power” of hydroponics. Its gonna be very interesting, to say the least. :blush:

Alright, Better clean up the crib before Mama comes home. We’ll chat soon. :wave::innocent:

** Whew,… Alot going on @ CG’s crib! It’ll all come together, and Im sure it’ll pay off in the end… :wink: … **


Good God! When these DD’s kick into flower, they really take off!! Noticeable changes by the day. :flushed:


Take a look at this Dark Devil in its 1 gallon pot… Nice and bushy!.. Nothing like the others that reside in the 5 gallon buckets… And yes, she was watered a few days ago… lol


Im getting excited folks! Bud Growth!!! :smile:


DD in the 1 gallon pot