Closetgrowth's "Dark Devil" Auto Grow! .. Seed to Flower! :)

Looking good buddy. Those are gonna be super nice!


Got some more of the Dark Devils to pop! It was just the soil, It was juiced up with nutrients, and the previous seeds did not like the food right off the bat at all… I knew better.

Anyways, the first 3 of the six I planted popped last night, and the remaining 3 should come into effect today, or maybe tomoroow? I’m feeling confidant.

**Waiting on the last 3… **


CG’s crib will be overflowing with the chronic before long!.. Gotta go outside and take out Ol’ Bertha, She’s ready!.. I think she suffered enough of this winter weather… Also. need to chop the single Glass Slipper in the flowering room… And on, and on…Never a dull moment! … :slight_smile:


Well, since the last reply, Another Dark Devil popped up through the soil!

Waiting on only 2 DD’s,. then we got all 14 praying to the 1000 watt Hps Lumen God!

Usually, I like keeping em under flo’s, or a 400 watt setting when their first born, But since their doing so well, I’ll just leave em under the big light @ 1000 watts, and give them 20 hours of intense rays… I dont think they mind it one bit!

Minutes Old…

Please, Help yourself!


Woo Hoooo! All the Dark Devils popped!! 14 total! :grinning::+1:

Fresh soil, and a little patience… :wink:


Jeez… Need to bust a move today, …and start transferring the GS and Passion Fruit passion to the flowering room…

Its getting hard to feed my girls, gotta move this, that, and the other thing!.. Like a huge Lego set! haha! :laughing:


I got awhole pack #darkdevil all purple some green.
@50state @Mr.Sparkle

September 30th


Sweeeet! Yup, @50state @Mr.Sparkle, are a couple of class act dudes for sure! :slight_smile:

We are very lucky to have members like these guys. :grinning::+1:

Mr. Sparkle hooked me up as well,… and I bought a bunch of Goji seeds from 50 state, speaking of that, I need to head down to the mailing addy and pick em up!..

Your plants look good bro, coming right along! :relaxed:

Please post any future updates right here on this thread… I would appreciate it. :wink:

Keep up the great work!! Have a nice wednesday :wave::relaxed:


Im gonna experiment… Ive been feeding all the DD’s 1/4 teaspoon a gallon of vegging ferts 20-20-20, since day #1

Well, most of them are now in flower, and I have decided to give just “One DD” half a teaspoon worth of Jack’s bloom booster, double dose… Just to see what will happen. Hope I dont fry her roots! … No guts, No glory. Ah heck,… lets do it! :wink:

Also, The one DD in the 1 gallon pot seems to be a slight yellow color, … Way more than the rest. But is growing just fine, short, stout, and bushy, with extremely good health. :slight_smile::+1:

I believe she needs more nitrogen. Gonna hit her with a half teaspoon’s worth of 20-20-20 veg nutes just one time, and continue giving her the normal 1/4 teaspoon dose of bloom ferts the next round… :blush:

Just fed/watered… The pic makes her leaves look fine. But if you seen this plant directly in front of you, most would agree that it is lacking nitrogen…


Those plants can get away on you. I got it going pretty good but some don’t produce anything but a beautiful plant. I believe @Mr.Sparkle pitches them early. This happens if you run it out.

My Green Pheno. Getting chunky in there. A tad :call_me_hand:

Mine doesn’t compare but I still love growing. Have a good one CG. I can’t wait fer ze GS. Be safe bro. :call_me_hand:

Edit. Always bro bro. I’ll be looking from your hydro thread. I wanna learn! :blush: Later bud.


Your plants look good bro!.. There’s some chunky ass bud in there… :grinning::+1:

Thanks for stopping by, and posting your images. Have a nice day :slight_smile:

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will say go with what the plant is telling you overall vs what color it is cause some of them when compared to other plants will be light green to yellow tinged regardless, so much so that when you start to try and push them they start to get the whole nitrogen clawing, so just commenting that their color can be deceiving is all.


Hello Mr. Sparkle…
Oh Okkkk … So, some of the DD phenos have a slight yellow look to them eh?? And this is completely normal? If it is, I’ll never give em the extra nitrogen ever again… Oops! And I do know what your saying about the “claw” from “excess” food/nitrogen…

What about doubling the bloom ferts from a 1/4 teaspoon to a 1/2 teaspoon? Is this a dangerous move?

if they like it they like it only one way to know, and they do start to transition to consuming heavier on the bloom side at around 4-5 weeks, or from my experience but still benefit from nitrogen obviously.

But yeah some of the DD phenos will just have a yellow look to them regardless its just there underlying color and how they express, now im not saying that is or isn’t whats happening in your case but something to be cognizant about and to gauge the plant over all instead of just color cause with these it can be deceptive.

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Thank you very much Sir, … Appreciate the schooling!! :blush:

Your a very good teacher. :smiley::+1:

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Did alot of rearranging at the crib today. Took 4 of the Glass slippers outta the veg room, and moved them into the flowering room. Tonight we will start flowering the GS. Also shampooed the rugs at my crib, including the flowering room. Power vacuumed every square inch… Looks really nice…

The veg room looks alot better too, without the overcrowding… I washed all the buckets, and flipped em over, and set the DD plants on top of them… Fed all my girls :slight_smile: Had to leave the Passion fruit behind… still waiting on the 5 fingered leaves. Not ready to bloom…

**4 Glass Slippers under 1000 watt hps and Light mover in flowering room… One of the Glass slippers is in a dwc bubbler…Lets compare eh? :wink: **

14 Dark Devils(soil) and one Passion Fruit(dwc) under 1000 watt hps,…20/4


The first plant was given a 1/2 teaspoon(double dose) of veg ferts the other day, since I thought she was a bit too yellow… Well, I didnt burn her up! Thank God!! Not gonna be doing that again…

Dark Devil Mania! :blush:

These two have been a dream to grow…Seeing that purple! :slight_smile:


Looking great in there broski, much better than having it all overcrowded.
Liking them DD’S huh? good on ya bud, next I wanna see an auto in a BUCKET!!!

Morning Rock! Ya, its coming along over here… The overcrowding was really fucking things up…Leaves overlapping, light deprivation, pots spilling, and all that!.. haha

So far the DD’s have turned my crank. Sure smells good!. And as far as an auto in a bucket… Hmmm, that’ll have to wait… Im overloaded. lol

Ill make an exception… I think you and I should germinate some of those Blackberry Breath seeds, and soon!

I should be getting mine in under a week. Good luck in all you do buddy :slight_smile:

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I mean on your next go around, throw one in a bucket, I’ve never seen anyone do auto’s in dwc before and very interested in seeing it.
I think I’m probably gonna hold off on the Blackberry Breath for a bit, gonna drop a list of strains for people to choose from when I’m close to finished with the OG. See which strains people would like me to do seed runs with.