Closetgrowth's "Dark Devil" Auto Grow! .. Seed to Flower! :)

Should I bro? Cracking up!! :laughing: Maybe I will… :wink:

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YES you SHOULD lol, I bet you’d get some pretty nice weight and the way dwc kills it in veg… would make up for the short veg times in soil

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Hahaha… Alright Rock, Ill do it!! … But, before I start that project, I better get on the bean making thing first… :wink:

I picked out the nicest Glass Slipper out of the bunch, that recently rooted,… and that there will be our “Bean Machine!”… :trophy: GIT-R-DONE!! :trophy:

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that third one looks to be a sensitive one just due to the outside leaf curl, But should be fine.

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Hello there! :slight_smile:

Ya,… Kinda sux. At least I know a 1/4 teaspoon of veg, or bloom is the max dose when running the Jack’s fertilizer with these Dark Devils… …

The 1/2 teaspoon of veg fert I served that plant(about 4 days ago), is why she’s having the slight curl. She’s been on the right dose since … Live and Learn. :wink:

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Update on the Dark Devils…



money’s on that last one “top right corner” or typically where my favorites lay in structure and expression :wink:

But the stretchy one is nice as well, just gangly.

Got the range of them there


Personally, I like the Christmas tree pheno myself… Its not purple, but it looks like it’ll put out one solid chunk… The gangly ones are cool too…

In case you havent noticed, I chucked a couple of em… They were all stretched out, and didnt do anything for me.

The small amount of room, or real estate that I have is very limited over here… I dont wanna over crowd em too much… Then I have the fresh batch on top of that!

Seems like the sensible thing to do…

It’s been lots of fun growing the Dark Devils… and I owe all the happiness to you Mr.Sparkle. Thanks again!! :slight_smile:

Not gonna be purple, but she is my favorite outta the bunch…Actually, I have 2 fav’s


Why i give out plenty of seeds in packs cause then it gives people the option to play, toss, and do whatever they want without feeling to bad, as it easier mentally to toss a plant when you have plenty of free seeds as backup.

As for the green pheno, should bulk nicely till the end where it with stretch out, and color wise it will go more yellow with purple tinges to the tips of calyxs and leaves, but thats right at harvest when they start cutting themselves off from nutrients.


Ooooh very nice! Thanks for the details. :wink::+1:

Every time I walk in the veg room, I see a major difference.

Even the 5 gallon plants took off like crazy after the stall… So, at this very time, all DD’S are growing like they should be… 6" to 5 gallon pots, really dont matter.

IMHO, The 1 gallon would probably the pot I would reccomend for any one growing the DD’s… Dont have to water em quite as often as the smaller 6" pots …

Yup, Pretty much anything will work, as long as the grower shows some patience.


Heres a Green yellow expression from the DD’s. @Mr.Sparkle was proba ly ready to kill me explaining this. Not trying to photobomb you CG. I just wantes to show you like you said. .5gal pot with DD Green pheno. So dope!

Still finishing up. Almost there though.:call_me_hand:

Grown in a cut down Folgers can. Later CG.


Looking really good Man… Yah, I got one of those yellowish/lime green pheno’s in the mix. And I will admit, its one of my favorites. Its not purple, but it smells a tad bit better than the purps… Trade off.


Those are some nice looking autos. Great job on them. It’s crazy how fast they grow!! :v:


Yeah man. The green pheno is giving me Juicy Fruit flavors. Kinda sweet and dank at the same time. You got a great run going. Next on the list is the fuzz and the Eazy D. Looking awesome brosef. Be safe CG.

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Keep an eye on that center front plant, but honesty I don’t need to even say that, you got this. :wink:

edit: and to add to the light green pheno photos above, heres one just to show comparison which isnt even as drastic as ive seen them, but Light green Pheno on bottom, and a half DD cross above it, which even still was paired to a yellow leaning plant.


Gotta admit, I had my doubts in the beginning… But, once them roots get established, they turn into these crazy little “turbo” plants!.. Impressive!! :sunglasses::+1:


One word… “Beautiful” …


The smell and taste of these is just incredible too. I can’t really compare it to any other weed I’ve tried, it’s very floral or almost ‘perfumey’.