Coastal Seeds BSHW Seed Increase

Think it might even just be pot size - I have 1 female that stayed in a 3 gal and is looking quicker to finish than the larger containers. How are yours doing? These are starting to show pink pistils on several plants and a bit of tropical fruit smell for 2 plants that wasn’t there a few weeks back


Thanks my friend, trying to keep them happy and get some healthy seeds across the finish line this final month or so. Tell me about it - I grew in tents and closets for about 10 years while we saved up enough to buy our little farm out here… collected seeds for this time period the whole time :joy:


Thanks my friend, I first heard of it because the name would pop up pretty regularly when people discussed strains with psychedelic effects


I hope to end up doing the same some day :v:
Tents atm, seed collection is growing. Now just need more space to put it all to use


@HighDesert things are looking great. awesome job


Fam…The Psychedelic Sativas are what I research and look for now, been an Indica guy most my life,…Smoked plenty of Sativa, just not on North American Soil & never Grew (in North America) until recently…Im not 1 for that Clear Cut, Focused Sativa High…Rather be Sober :joy::rofl::joy:but, who knows where my Journey into Sativas & Life will take me…
Thaks for Sharing @HighDesert
BONG :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Seeds maturing, posted as each female and a closeup of the flower. Far from a perfect run but plants have held up pretty well and smell great


Last 2 to of the group


Isn’t it amazing how every day you can see them continue to stack up?
Yours look great!


Yea this time of year is great, and in the evening the smell of the plants drifts in through the open windows of the house… feels like paradise :joy:


Those look beautiful, thanks for sharing and for the preservation efforts! Grew up hearing about the BSHW legends so this one has a place close to my heart. Finally got the opportunity to run a pack of the coastal BSHWxC last season. one produced incredible watermelon terps and had a couple of the purple phenos turn up as well. Getting anything close to a watermelon/fruit profile with the original? Would be thrilled to have the chance to run the original if you ever end up with enough overflow to share.

-Endless Blessings


Oh ya i love seeing plants in later flower, like you said everyday they get bigger. Hopefully youll get a nice pheno with those uplifting qualities. They sure do have that old school look to them, dont they. If not youll have plenty of seed to find what your looking for. Rigdzin how was the potency? Comparable to a good haze?


Honesty the BSHWxC was a lot more mellow and balanced than expected, great all around medicine not too racy and no where close to my experience of the daytime vibes of haze cerebrally even with the columbo leaners that showed. Had one plant show intersex traits from inland heat stress. Considering they are a coastal big sur variety with a long flowering columbo feel like thats to be expected in the hunt outside its normal range and microclimate. not as chunky as these originals or as tall as the ones in the 80’s big sur polaroids seen from old friends of that scene. beautiful medium sativa structure with even spacing with lots of lower lateral branching, purple pheno showed in stem and then in flower at senescence. Will try to dig up some photos for ya’ll…


Should be enough so long as we cross the finish line here in a few weeks - shoot me a message on here. A couple plants have a sort of guava sweet/tart smell to them. The base on all of them is still pretty incense/floral. They smell great, I’m not the best at describing tasting notes :joy:


Here’s the 2022 BSHWxC run and 2023 coastal/inland heat stress S1 intersex tests-

Larger leaf green selection of BSHWxC:

late showing purple stem pheno/Columbia selection(jolly rancher watermelon terp pheno):

Inland heat stress S1(Inland intersex test)- expressed purple stem pheno and purple flower(no sign of intersex traits):

Inland heat stress S1(Coastal intersex test) some showing nice pink pistils, purple fading and fall colors in senescence (no sign of intersex traits):


Beautiful, that red stem is really striking

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Flower structure of each female, lots of seed, some nearing maturity


Love that dark red stem it looks wicked. Nice flowers too especially those pink ones. Yours look killer, hope you kept a clone of that pink flower one never seen that before. Got any dried flower shots of that phenotype? Highdesert yours look good too with nice trichome development. I wonder how these babies would fare in a tent grow. Yall both got me wanting to run bshw next year :v:

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Unfortunately was in process of moving at the time of popping these and wasn’t able to preserve anything. Have just a few of the S1’s from the test that expressed the pink pistil left, so maybe it’ll show up again. However, still holding onto 6 seeds from the original pack and got another pack on the way since I liked the watermelon pheno so much. Will be ready for the hunt next round. Definitely going to OP and hold onto any special selections to share.

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Thats good you have a few left and more otw. Thnx for sharing, lovely plants. I never heard of coastal seed co until i found this thread suprisingly, ill check his catalog out.