Coastal Seeds BSHW Seed Increase

Kagyu separated and is now starting a landraces of Mexico company. You can find him on ig.


Cool thnx for the information ill check that out. I prefer heirloom and landraces so right up my alley. Wonder if hes found the famous purple zacatecus(sp).

Check out Hyp3rids purple Zacatecas lines - might not be the old legend but looks pretty good.

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They’d probably do fine inside from what I’m seeing - they’re inbred and 50% afghani so you’re not looking at some 15ft Mexican heirloom by any measure, they stretched 1.5-2x from the first sign of flower

Thanks for that link they have some cool cultivars. Based on yall’s pictures i figured they’d do okay in a tent, im in a prohibition state so gotta stay indoors. Lmk please if either of you make extra seeds youd consider a small 10 seed trade end of year. Thanks!

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