Colorado Sativas

You have which is why I’ll keep occasionally posting updates of this lady on this thread :smiley:


:bear::purple_heart: I retell stories in person all the time, so not surprising I do it here. :sweat_smile:


As I see she is doing great, does it have landrace genetics?


To my understanding it’s a mix of: Spain - Reunion Island - Congo

Considering 1/2 of Zamaldelica is Reunion Island I can’t freaking wait… but will… because that’s how grows work.


All hail the queen! That’s going to be a nice tree for your backyard. This one has surprised me and has evolved into a slightly fermented smelling jar but has a really excellent sourness when broken up and vaped. One of the few on my grow again list. I too eagerly await your personal experience.



Punto Rojo

Had them in 1 gal for a wee bit longer than had planned but are now in their final 20 gal fabric pots.


The F1s are still available. Original Delicatessen had a small rerelease of some stuff on Euro sites recently. I grew out Lily and it was absolutely fantastic.


no one has run any acapulco from him?

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I’m not convinced of the alleged cons :wink: Going by pictures here and others I’ve seen grown, they’re all unique enough to pick out of a lineup. And consistent too. I’ll let you know more in october :shushing_face:


I’m not aware of anyone running any Acapulco Gold from Colorado Sativas. But there have been grows of SnowHigh’s AG on OG, which is the same source as CS. If you’re looking to hook up your dad with some good AG or other Mexican landraces/heirlooms, there’s recently been several seed runs of AG and other Mexican strains. Say the word, and I bet you get hooked up real quick. :wink:


When I came back from Korea, I was harassed by DHS goons at the airport over a plaque my platoon had given me because it had crossed rifles on it (crossed rifles are the symbol for infantry). They said it “looked like a gun.” The guy who stopped me tried to talk tough when I explained the flight was full of soldiers and airmen. He said something to the effect of he didn’t care and he had a job to do. Every time I flew, my military ID GUARANTEED they would fuck with me at the airport. Every time. I had one duffel bag cut open and ransacked, and a few things were missing.
I share your hatred of bureaucrats.


i got the goods from Gerry, but i was a bit worried about the stretch on some of these strains. i usually run a bunch of plants in a 5foot tent. i have a 6 foot for these and will use the usual 2 gallon hempy perlite. i usually veg for 7 weeks and flip. lots of training and pipecleaners. i get an even canopy at about 20 inches from the soil line. my current round has some old LSD genetics going, not barney’s farm, which i was told was at least a 5+ foot plant. mine is 20 inches tall, just like all the others and should out yield the 5+ foot ones my bro grew. it did take a little more space than some because of the 5 inch node intervals, but i just wrap the branches in a circle around the pot…more interval, more wraps. when i flip to flower, i can have the plant at about 10 inches tall tied down to the bucket. from there i can keep tying down or use clips to slightly even out the canopy. how much stretch will i have to deal with? after running about 30 strains, so far the biggest stretch i had was about 1.5x extra hieight and it was on a strain that was advertised as very high stretching plant (Banana).

does anyone know how will these sativa’s behave?

the only time i didn’t veg for 7 weeks i got tiny plants with ~oz avg. per plants…this was with durban poison and tikal even…no stretch really on either in my setup tied down. so, i am apprehensive about veging only 4 weeks or less.

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Lol. Hoping for a nice summer for you buddy. Nice lineup


Dang! 20 gallon!? You’ll have some nice trees before too long. Very nice!
@Pigeonman outta likes buddy. Looking good!


Oaxaca Peshawar
And 82 Meangreen creeper pheno


Sensei Splinter, i would anticipate you will have very much stretch.

You can constrain the stretch by working your way up through successively larger containers.


thanks. was planning on running just a 2 gallon the whole time. i’ve wrangled a lot of strains, but this is the extreme for sure. i wish i felt better about this. yield might be low, but i need to keep it bent over and shortish. i don’t see a lot of people training and making canopies of this type of stuff.


Repost from the landrace & heirlooms thread :blush:

Ciskei, nanan bouclou, and purple satellite :v:




Two different looking expressions there. Nice plants!