Cookies fam base genetics?

I smoked the original at Alan’s house in Mendo, and at the house of an H.A. enforcer in Willits.

Alan’s was the best “Cookies” I’ve smoked.
He told me it’s Crystal George’s creation (I met George the other week at Area 101, and yah, he was carrying around a huuuge Crystal).
Alan says George bred it and it’s a simple recipe that they don’t want getting out because they don’t want Cookies Fan to know the real recipe since Cookies Fam chose to steal the line even after being told to back off.
It’s either Cherry Pie x Chemdog, or Cherry Pie CPK.

The HA Willits Cookies I smoked brought me right back to college in Syracuse NY smoking Chemdog in 2002.
This guy said it’s Skunk x Hindi Kush x Chemdog.
Sk x Hindi is Pot Of Gold that was a very popular clone in Mendo back in the early 2000’s.

Both smoked exactly the same. Looked the same. Same flavors, same high.
The Cookies Fam stuff I smoked at Emerald Cup was close, but not as good.

Both Alan and I don’t really mess with cookies because we both agree that it’s not healthy to smoke high myrcene cannabis.

I have Forum Cookies x Chem95 and the Chem only made the Cookies better, and not like a new hybrid as one would expect if adding an unrelated genetic line. Making me think the male was Chem. Early on, Alan said the male George used was Chem. But later on changed the story to being PCK because Cookies Fam was scouring the internet to find the original recipe.
Chem 95 came from Pbid Mike and is Chem91 x Chem 4. Mike then sent the pollen from that cross to my buddy in Canada who pollinated the Forum cut.

What makes Alan and George’s story even more believable is the fact they don’t sell seeds to the public. So, no motive to bullshit. Whereas Berner at al created a billion dollar brand of a single like from kilos of weed they got from Mendo and popped the bagseeds from those turkey bags.


I also trimmed in SF for a highschool buddy of Berner’s who says he has the unreleased cut of Cookies. Berner set this guy up with a grow in a residential apartment building in SF. I raved with the dude’s girlfriend so that was my in.
Small lil Chemdog buds like I smoked in Willits. Just as with the Willits and Laytonville line, there wasn’t a lot of purple - more like Chemdog than Forum Cookies.


Can you elaborate a bit on this? I’ve never heard that before.


For one thing Mycrene slows your thinking and heavily sedates your body. I am looking for the cannabis that stimulated my mind and body like it did when I first started smoking 40+ years ago. It was way more spiritual and made you question things. The mycrene stuff just puts me down and makes me stagnate, that stuff stops you. No new thinking, no new projects get started, just mind numbing stay where you are dont change yourself cannabis.


Platinium is a grow op version… Let’s call it a “fork”.

It’s my first concern with this funk. Many crosses of all compounds, none making any shadow really.

I’m maybe too naive in thinking that everywhere everybody is working on an ultimate version instead chunking, but statistically it still mean something imho.

Marketing create a boost in sales and increase captive customers, but one time it’s smoked … marketing isn’t worth shit lol

Already said but : I think more about a niche smartly invested as fuck to the bone. Yes it’s a compliment. In plain vulgarization and democratization… stars were aligned with this weed. The making of, as usual, being more than secondary.

If I was hunting an ultimate cookie, i will not search to recreate it from scratch personally. It can work for some, but for this one it’s really an irrational move imho.

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This sounds like exactly what I hunt for. Slows my ass down. Shuts up the thought for a while. I can go to sleep and stay asleep.


White Rhino is what I use for that, it is the best strain I found for myself.


I have some Off White bagseeds I need to hunt through. My spouse really liked the off white


I know the effect of different terpenes I’ve just never heard of one being singled out as unhealthy before just curious where the info came from.

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After further research Myceren increases transdermal absorption. With all the crap in our food and water that could be seen as unhealthy.


am i an ah if i stopped reading after the first sentence i dont get the cookie hype or long winded stories

Im not a cookies fan myself. And Im on the same wavelength as you in my thinking. However…

It did start getting traction in the community even before all the marketing. It does have a lot of great qualities. And produces amazing progney full of bag appeal and bland smoke :sunglasses::ok_hand:.

The marketing has morphed cookies into something its not. I equate it to some rich snob who thinks shes much better than she really is.

I just don’t understand what happened between 2012 and now.

Cookies and cookies hybrids. How is no one sick of this yet?

I would find great peace in recreating it better than ever before and put Cookies out of business :joy:.


It boils down to GSC being an everyman kind of weed. It’s not too strong, it looks great, it doesn’t last for hours, and it tastes fine.

I have a larger theory about GSC coming into popularity at the same time Colorado and some other states went rec/medical, causing a burst in popularity and profit. The powers that be don’t know fuck all about breeding, so they keep crossing it and back crossing it hoping to find something better.


lemon tree is lemonade iirc

A lot of people blame Cookies genetics for all the herming we see in the modern cannabis gene pool, but the fact is, herm-prone strains have been used and crossed for DECADES. Hell, Chemdawg was a herm bag seed & people still line up for it :man_shrugging:t2: it’s even variegated and a general pain in the ass to grow, yet people still seek it out


That’s because chem is king


I think a lack of selection and line work is to blame.

One of the biggest red flags I see all the time is an f1 x f1, with 3/4 or 4/4 of their parents also being f1.


I’m so eager to stabilize a line, a single one !
But you gotta start from something good, no way In hell in 2024 I’m starting to cross 1 trait phenos in order to salvage something…
My biggest concern is potency, everything else is secondary, so I’m waiting to hit a face melter that will form the solid base.
As for cookies, I don’t know why people hate so much, to me, the weed world splits to daytime and nighttime, cookies is just a daytime weed, not comparable to the hard hitting kushes, but very special in its own aspect.
I gave up pounds of insane purple kush for emerald og one time, the smoke was just heavenly, daytime, but with a hint of day wrecking abilities.
I rolled with the strongest kush for years, when cookies came it was a breath of fresh air, but the fact that cookies is so prevalent and the old kings such as cheese, purple kush etc are gone is just crazy.


A few cuts are gone, but very little is fully gone. While people complain about cookies like crazy and it does feel rather ubiquitous, you can get just about anything you want these days…

Genetics wise, it’s the best it’s ever been in the cannabis world. In some weird way, cookies is partly to thank for that. So, thanks Gelato 74, whenever you happen… :wink:


haha … i just made a repro of the POG last summer for woodhorse :wink:
they smelled/tasted like lemon cake with a piney or pinesol background.

maybe i could add some of my alchemy ( → skva, D and #4
in one seedline) and hope for some winners in there, no? :grin: