CSI Humboldt Seeds

Dope project!! You got a grow thread for this?


What’s she like? Any pics of the finished flower, smells, etc? Always been interested in trying out the BBW stuff


I definitely agree :wink:


@Tessellated i had a couple great phenos, gassy , funky Chemmy goodness, and one had a turpentine scent that burned your nose but was multi layered and delicious! Super sticky! I enjoyed all of them in fact


Looking dank @TopShelfTrees1
Looks like they yield more than the mother.
Was the potency equivalent?


Definitely, but racy for me if I smoke a lot but she’s got leeeegs for sure bro :wink: I find they tend to hold that 91 raciness mostly , at least the ones I got


Very nice, almost ordered this one but i went for the dog shit crossing with panama.
How is this one compared to the first Big Bad Wolf?


I know what you mean about the racy part.
When fresh TK and the 91 can really get the blood pumping.
Maybe take them a bit later or an extended cure?


I definitely need to retry them, I still have a pack so I look forward to it in fact, I took those at about 20% amber but I’ll definitely try 30% plus I like my weed “dick in the dirt” anyway :wink:

You definitely know, if I overdo it with TK I start getting that anxiety attack feeling, scares the shit out of me, one day I’ll dial her in and figure her out for me as she’s a top ten no question imo


Dare I ask?
Do you prefer the Chem D? :grin:


Most definitely bro :wink: but I’d love to have that D cut I had 12 or more years ago! That was dank and HEEAAVVYY! Not nearly as variegated as the cut I hold now either. And I can smoke two fatties and be high but not that narcotic, cannot keep your eyes open or remember what you did 8 seconds ago high the REAL D or what I was sold as the real D had.

I feel like you may say 91 but what’s yours?


No thread yet, I want to make sure I can get the BBW to reverse before I make one. I will tag ya when I get it made though!


Brightside Cheese thread

“Even when I started growing blues people said I’d downgraded, I personally liked the blues more but others liked that extreme high and extremely dangerous stink from brightsides, but they didn’t have to live with the stress of brightsides, it made me ill from the strength of the weed to the stink, to the body odour it made me have,

I often wonder if I was growing in a legal climate how different I would feel about brightsides cut, I’ve always said it has bad juju but in a legal environment I don’t think it would have messed with my life and mental state so much, I’d probably be able to enjoy brightsides properly if I was in a legal environments”


I wish I never lost this outlier I found in the Chem-D S1’s this thing was like nasty gym socks, garlic and moth balls on steroids!! The taste translates to ummm HEAVEN!
I was hoping to cop a few more packs for a killer hunt this 420 sale but that’s not happening so I’m hoping I can swing it sometime this year before those dissapear or take a long hiatus


I like them all, but I prefer the D over the 91 for after work stress relief and sweet dreams.
I’ve only held the Phinest cut of Chem D and it is definitely not the real deal, but is still good, but a bit racier than the real deal from my experience.


My guy! Ok I just figured you liking those hazes etc. you may lean sativaish, very interesting. It’s my stupid anxiety and so called PTSD that keeps me from hazes and a lot of sativas . Kills me to as there’s so many I wanna try but ending up in the fetal position feeling like the world is ending sucks balls!


Not all sativas do trigger anxiety, but I get why you don’t want to try to find the ones that don’t. And that’s not something you can ask others to do for you. Hope your PTSD is getting away. Get well bro!


Exactly, it sucks ! Thank you I’ve actually been doing great thank you :pray:t3: hoping I can ride this wave all spring/sunmer/fall and have an epic year after the last two not so epic ones


only 160/pack right now with the 4/20 sale @Villiager :wink:


plus the other irene and Pure OG hubrids that hes gunna send too!