CSI Humboldt Seeds

Exquisite example and that fade is šŸ¤Œ

I also had a banger Chem D S1 that was pure garlic and onion funk.

This one had more gas and less funk


Are they restocked ? @Growgrassblowglass


Nice! God I love those terps! I remember smoking gmo the first time I was like ā€œthis is what I wished Chem-D wasā€ it just takes it a step further and adds even more funk as well as making the buzz even more ME


Out of Stock!!

Any suggestions closer to the $100/pk so I can get two? :smiley:


Personally Iā€™d go for the hp-13 or Irene stuff if it was me, P or Hp-13 is an absolutely epic strain trust me


The 5150 TK x TK would be a good substitute.


@TopShelfTrees1 & @GCBudz thanks guysā€¦ Iā€™ve been scrolling through his website the last several daysā€¦but thereā€™s like 350+ choices! Iā€™ll check those out.


I know, I feel you trust me. Iā€™ll go have a look. Give you a few suggestions


I love some sativas and some others not so much.
Haze C hybrids are more fun than Haze A with less paranoia, at least for me.

Iā€™ve known adventures, seen places you people will never see, Iā€™ve been Offworld and backā€¦ frontiers! -
Roy Batty


Same here! lol

I have had an anxiety disorder most of my life but I used to be able to smoke sativas. For the last 12+ years or so I canā€™t anymore. Actually, ever since I got off the anxiety meds they had me on. Benzodiazepines. Yuck! I was on a super high dose too and they had me go off cold Turkey, which was really stupid of them. It was an absolute fā€™n nightmare! I was in acute withdrawal (the intense phase) for over 7 months, no joke. I couldnā€™t even drive for 6 months. Couldnā€™t smoke week for over a year. That was about 13-14 years ago and I still have never been the same. I am way more sensitive to so many things now. Canā€™t drink caffeine or take anything that gives you energy. It just makes me jittery, gives me bad anxiety and makes my head feel very weird.
Even something like over the counter cold medicine makes my head spin. Itā€™s definitely gotten way better than it was for the first 5-6 years though.

Edit - wanted to mention - have you ever looked into EMDR therapy for your PTSD?

Itā€™s an all natural therapy and it really works IMO. I did it years ago for my panic attacks and it was super helpful. Me and a family member have both been going again recently for PTSD (we found a family member who committed suicide. It was gruesomeā€¦)


Holy crap! I can only imagine my friend! Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that, my rescue pill is lorazepam but I only take it if Iā€™m truly freaking out as I tend to try and stay away from any and all pharmaceuticals if possible. That literally sounds like my nightmare! I acquired this out of nowhere 5-6 years ago , I realized after I found out exactly what was wrong Iā€™d had varying levels for a long time but nothing like since, not even close. Itā€™s ruined days/weeks, months of my life, special moments, even a friendship (no joke)
When it came on , I went into a 5 day psychosis that was insane, my wife, kids just didnā€™t even look/feel the same, I couldnā€™t watch tv, go online. Without going offf baaaaddd! But I did leave the majority of social media that month so it was the only plus.
I would not wish this crap on my worst enemy! Iā€™m learning more and more constantly how to cope and not get it to arise but I doubt itā€™ll ever go away completely although I can hope . Crazy ! I donā€™t know where it comes from but my god itā€™s like an epidemic nowadays! Thank god for indicas :raised_hands:t3:


I have not but definitely will!
Iā€™m so sorry to read this! I found a good friend who had passed about 10 years ago, that picture is permanently etched in my brain. :pensive:


Nice!!! Mine has that turpentine terp to it, no gas just straight chemical and the flavor is sweet. So fckn good and very potent. I love it. Iā€™ll try to find some good pics of mine in flower and such.


Sweet! Your plants are always killer! Looking forward to it :facepunch:t2: may have to try that one at some point :wink:


same here = bought 1 pack of Chem 91 and CSI sent me the WHOLE Chem line 10 different packs - I mean got at least $1,000 worth of seeds !!! canā€™t believe it. word about Chem D - you will need to give this plant extra room, had to move 3 plants out of the flower room so the Chem D could properly grow. I all honesty this is biggest plant I have ever grown indoors FYI


thanks - have one in week 4 of flower - now I know what to expect --Peace smoke report when possible and yield amounts


Same thing happened to me, but it was my own doing, plus alcohol on top of that as well lol it definitely made me super sensitive to everything which is annoying cause I liked vaping large quantities. Only being able to take one or two small hits per night makes testing stuff properly pretty difficult haha


Seriously. Check it out. It may sound silly at first but I swear it helps. EMDR = eye movement desensitization and reprocessing.

Thereā€™s a ton of evidence of its effectiveness for PTSD, anxiety disorders, phobias and more.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: A Conceptual Framework - PMC.

It can be kind of mentally exhausting because they have you relive those traumatic events, but thatā€™s part of the process. Itā€™s honestly been one of the most helpful therapies Iā€™ve ever done.

Highly, highly recommend it.


Thanks! Iā€™m kind of surprised I shared that. Itā€™s not really something I talk about. But yeah, very traumatic. This person used a shotgun in their car and we found them. So, yeahā€¦ you can imagine.

Itā€™s not even just that event that was so traumatic. Itā€™s just suicide in general. Itā€™s a death unlike anything Iā€™ve ever experienced before. Like, I canā€™t even put it into words. This person was way too young, and not a single person in their life even had any idea they were even struggling. Even on the day it happened, everything was normal. This person asked if we needed anything from the store and that was the last we ever heard. Stopped answering texts/calls. So eventually we got the police involved and went out looking for them. Thatā€™s when we found em in the car. Itā€™s destroyed our families. So many people in therapy now. Feels like life will never be the sameā€¦

But anywayā€¦ enough about that. lol


Damn! Ya thatā€™s absolutely devastating. Thank you very much for the info! If you ever wanna chat or just need to talk to someone who knowsā€¦. Hit me up. Seriously I mean thatšŸ‘ŠšŸ»