CSI Humboldt Seeds

Wasn’t trying to blame csi or anything, just posting info


All s1 seed plants

Probably would have better luck with clones as they get more acclimated to your environment
Best of luck


In my experience, if the seed plant herms, the clone will too. I’ve even had stable seed-plants and then all proceeding clones herm like crazy. I’ve not once had a seed-plant herm and it’s clone turn out stable, despite whatever the Internet says.


My experience is totally opposite don’t have many clones herm the few I have seen are always seed plants


I’ve had clones given to me that hermed :joy:
But every single time I’ve taken cuts off a seed plant that hermed and ran them out, At least 10 different seed plants and running out 3-4 clones of each one afterwards, every single one hermed the exact same way the original from seed did. Some even worse. It got to the point where I wasted sooo much time that I just stopped trying. Seed plant herms then whole thing just goes into the compost, I don’t even care.

There’s only been the one time I grew a stable mothers milk f2 from seed, entire rest of the pack hermed but that one didn’t. Took clones before flip, perfect run. Flowered her clones right afterwards and balls everywhere no matter what I did. Tried clones off her clones and still balls. Was sadness.


Right some plants are just going herm either way you run them always a setback when they do.The plants that just pop nanners and not ball sacks I usually don’t see them after being cloned. I would not make crosses with them but if just for smoke will be fine.Found some plants that drop just a few balls less than 10 in week 2-3 then fine the rest of the grow.


Mine too. I no longer kill my clone if its original mom herms, for exactly that reason.


I’ve had a few experiences where the seed mother was loaded with intersex sites by week 3/4 flower, but the clones run perfect. Idk what it is but it’s weird. Lol


The clone gets more acclimated to your Environment


Always interested in the potential for plants to ‘learn’ their environment. I’ve experienced this, having a plant throw nanners in the early days only to become a solid mother for 6 years with no intersex. My grow methods/environment stayed the same. I was reluctant to get rid and knew the nanners were sterile so kept it around.

I wonder how quickly these epigenetic changes happen, so how quickly can the plant ‘learn’ it’s environment, and if that’s what’s happening when people have experienced clones being stable and the seed plant not being.

I feel like it’s beneficial to run a strain a few times in order to see how it develops, but it takes time and space, too many seeds to pop! But I wonder how many plants have been culled that could have been amazing keepers given the chance.


The difference between a plant from seed and a clone is their root structure , one tap vs lots to spread the stress of pot
: )


That’s a good point, and could be more likely what’s at play with the clones resilience people have seen :thinking:


Wait you guys talking nanners? I’m talking balls. Straight up herms. If the seed plant throws balls at the main nodes, the clone is gonna throw balls on those nodes too. Ran clones for like 6 months after growing the seed plant and still balls. How long it take to acclimate? Was a giant waste of time every time I tried.

Nanners in the buds are slightly different IME. You can easily miss nanners in the flowers and they can be exacerbated with stress or go away with none. Still not keeping it.


Important distinction. Mine didn’t have balls :cherries::eyes:

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I have on ocassion been known to force a seedling or two to flower early.
I have also seen on a few occasions where doing this was enough stress to cause a ball cluster or more on the lowers.
Then the mature version of the plant via clone wouldn’t throw balls in the same environment on another round of flower.
Maybe those plants could easily herm again if the environment wasn’t just right?

I normally never give a herm plant a socond chance and toss them in the compost.


germinating seeds in tube socks now bro?

Mine showed all balls at flip, ran the clones which came out all female. They were Greenpoint seeds so that leaves little to be desired but still.


That’s paper towel


I began a continued waffle about epigenetics but I’m just high and it’ll go nowhere :sweat_smile:

So thought I’d post a more relevant pic that I’ve been meaning to post.

Christmas came again…

I mentioned that I was interested in S1’s and told him what I had previously ordered. What a legend.

Oh, I bought 1 pack of TK S1’s.