CSI Humboldt Seeds

Good to see more plant photos, less freebie packs with orders!


Why one or the other? Both are awesome to me!

This is the thread that seems to get most of the plant pictures posted in it:

Many blessings and much love


Plants offer more value here to us, but thatā€™s just my opinion and itā€™s subjective:)


Thatā€™s why someone started a whole thread for just plants. Even with that, people still whine. Is the internet not great or what??


Hey you grow CSI, got anything going right now?

Sour Bubba, week 2-ish of flower:


Atm, nope got bodhi going and a cut. Soon though. I have posted photos in here of strains Iā€™ve grown from csi. Feel free to find them.


Itā€™s a mixed bag where people post grows in here too. This thread is larger and Iā€™m not complaining. I literally said itā€™s subjective but itā€™s nice to see plants, not packs. But I guess I can preface something thatā€™s an opinion , state that clearly ,and people will still get butt hurt. Itā€™s the internet after allā€¦

I purchased the savage urkle and got these free, neither germinated did soak in water with peroxide for 24hrs then to pp-towel and on a strictly controlled heat pad inside a box.Messaged him because both not germinating when the other 4 packs from other breeders got 95% right beside them means those were either really old or im just unlucky and got some bad seeds. Emailed him and cricketsā€¦Freebies are great but not standing behind your work is for me where I draw the line. Since I purchased from wicked genetics and got hooked up and 100% germ rates. He has a guarantee as well. Also Bohdi I always get great germ rates, love his work. Both of them are much more affordable too and what I got was better than any CSI I have grown.


Chem d x UK cheese are looking real good and vigorousā€¦ gonna flip em in a week or 2ā€¦


Growing Irene Kush X T1000 & Notso Headband x Triangle Kush


I bet that Irene x t-1000 will be really nice . Iā€™m a fan of what the t-1000 crosses give so far in the strains I have grown.


I was referring to the lemon tree :joy::ok_hand:

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Well obviously you have never done any breeding with any trait goals in mind. If you think you can breed out intersex then show me, which seeds do not have intersex and which plants do not. I will then reverse them and if the reverse you lost. And guess what they will reverse because all cannabis plants have the intersex gene and can be triggered by so so many different things. Than multiply that by 10ā€™s of thousands if not 100ā€™s of thousands of offspring they have. I canā€™t stand it when people who so obviously have not done vigorous breeding and tried to isolate traits and eliminate intersex which btw is not a trait. Traits are structure, smell, leaf variation, effects ect intersex is an essential part of a plant whose only purpose is to reproduce and lazy growers get mad at because they want no seeds. It would be like trying to eliminate all leafs on cannabis, you canā€™t. At best you can breed towards a plant that has less leaves and still thrives. Same with intersex. BUT! even then you will still find 20%+ of the offspring with more leafs, and runts, deformed ect. clones is the only way to replicate a pa-rentals features, but still that clone can herm even if it never did for you for 10 years. You gift it to somebody and they call and say it hermed. Millions of grow rooms, millions of methods, environments and more. no breeder alive can test for that, period. Do the work and hunt for your keepers. And if you have popped 1k seed hunts you will know the strongest tend to show intersex. Only the strong survive. It can be some of the best smoke as well. No offense applied.


Didnā€™t mean to reply, it sounded futile, but well, if it starts a discussion, Iā€™d like at least to point a contradiction:

If you accept the common definition of a trait as letā€™s say ā€œA genetically determined characteristic or condition.ā€ (first occurrence in my search engine), I donā€™t see why intersex couldnā€™t be a trait, even reading you.

I could go on about the lone ā€œintersex geneā€ hypothesis, though I have others more enjoyable things to do.

And thereā€™s no point, who am I anyway? I admit I did not ā€œvigorously breedā€ something. Knowledge is only acquired by oneself own experience after all. Thatā€™s why people keep building a square wheel at first, before making it round.


I understand this started as a CSI related thing but letā€™s please move on.

Here is a thread some of you are familiar with that Iā€™m sure could use the information being provided here Breeding hermaphroditism out of a strain

I hope there are no hard feelings to all involved in the discussion


Hi dude,

i m growing notso headband x TK at the moment.
They are ready for taking cuts and start to flower them.

Only 2/5 made it. The others germinated but were to weak.

Wish you all the best for your grow.

Let us know how they ll perform 4 u.


Two weeks laterā€¦

Blackberry Wine 69 x Sweet 16 keeps entertaining with purple galore


You should call that ā€˜wickedā€™


Iā€™m sitting on a pack of the Sweet Blackberry Wine that Iā€™m excited to get to - CSI describes it as having an ā€œextremely unique terpene profileā€ā€¦ You getting any good smells off her yet?

Also, lovely garden. Spent a good deal of the 2010ā€™s living in Campbell myself. Such a beautiful area!


Meat sweats in the back and flight risk up front. Little over a month since popped. Waiting to get plugged into the bed.