CSI Humboldt Seeds

I start seedlings in coco on half strength veg feed(~1EC) as soon as they start working on the first set of real leaves :person_shrugging:


Check your order notes from that order. Last time he left a message that a few of my packs (with square not round corners) might have a bad germ rate but were added as extra bonus freebies.


So they all were started on the same time in the same medium?

The Babu were planted on August 22 ~ the others maybe a week earlier. All planted in same medium (fresh bag of Jiffy mix) after tails popped in shot glass.

Other plants are by:

  • MZ jill x1
  • Copa x 2
  • Bodhi x 2
  • Relentless x 1
  • Katsu x 2
  • DJ Short x 1

Only the CSIs are stressed.


I would try to transplant one or two and inspect the roots… i bet they are highly underdeveloped… maybe that can help them get going


Sounds like some grower error and grower puts the blame on breeder

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a cross of two clones only ?.

humm …


Yeah its a fem, reversed uk cheese…


Week 8 (day 56) update on the TK mini hunt - 2 clones (TK , TS), 1 pollen chuck (TK x TS) and 2 CSI varieties (TK S1 , 5150 TK x TK)

Triangle Kush

Triple Sunshine (TK x SSDD)

Triangle Kush x Triple Sunshine (TK x SSDD)

5150 TK x TK #1

5150 TK x TK #2

5150 TK x TK #3

TK S1 #3

TK S1 #2

From the CSI stuff the TK S1 #2 still looks most promising to me.

Triple Sunshine has the frostiest flowers out of everything.

TK and TK x TS have the largest flowers

TK S1 #2 is the shortest plant of all with the tightest internode spacing.

TK S1 #2 , TK , 5150 TK x TK #1, TK x TS and TS all have really nice calyx to leaf ratios. Everything in the tent seems acceptable to me though.


Amazing bro! That looks like a breeze to trim! Enjoy!


Great images Sir! Im no shutterbug but what gear are you using? Curious…

Wont be long now, cruising to a nice finish. Quality looking bud…

Did you clone the TK x TK by any chance? I have one going that I’ll take a snip. Does TK clone relatively easy?



The TK S1 #2? Yeah I have a clone of that. I had a clone of everything but I started culling for spatial reasons a few weeks ago and I forget what I kept. I know I have TK S1 #2 and probably 5150 TK x TK #1 too.

I achieve a pretty high success rate cloning the TK but it does take a lot longer than everything else for me to root. I think I average something like 30 days cloning it, whereas everything else seems to be 2-3 weeks. Sometimes if the mother is really happy and the stars align it only takes 14 days~. That isn’t the norm though in my experience.


IME, before I lost her, the farmer Joe cut of TK would root for me in 9-12 days. Bummed I lost her, darn landlord issues have ruined my whole year’s growth plans


I definitely like the tk5150 x tk #1 girl, and that tk s1 #2. Really interested to know how they compare to the TK. I’m suspecting not quite as good but there’s always hope :pray:

Typical landlord BS. The cut is still alive, you’ll have your revenge on him :wink: