CSI Humboldt Seeds

This is insane, he’s one of the very best and most reputable in the game, Sorry you don’t like how his inventory system works, but it is so far from a big deal. Probably just helps him tell what’s in demand and what isn’t. You’re taking something personally that has nothing to do with you. He literally has more of something you thought he was out of, which is a good thing, and you’re complaining and calling his character into question? Agree with @Ziggy77, the people on this weed forum need to smoke more weed lol


Oh i’m not trying to call him out or anything, just pointing out facts.
I don’t personally think he’s shady or a liar at all. Just marketing, and stuff happens.
I’d still buy beans from him no problem. Plus he hooks it up more than any other breeder I’ve seen.


No he said he had 20 packs. Then goes and lists 40. That’s a downright lie.

Well this thread took a fun turn… Interesting reading material. Caleb doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to straight up lie to ppl. He probably wrote that blurb in a rush and didn’t give much thought to it. Either way, it’s a bit of a stretch to say he’s a scammer…


Here are my two Sherbert Fallen Soldiers on day 42F


Firstly, I’m not convinced the blurbs written on the website are ever current—especially for stuff that’s been remade over the years. A lot of that stuff seems to be written the first time it was available and never updated. At least I’ve never seen them change.

But seriously….are you really complaining because he either held back some stock or cleared carts/cancelled orders on the site in order to give a few more people a chance after the first rush? Seems to me only a reseller/flipper would get bent out of shape over something like that because it means their baseball cards seeds might not be worth as much on the secondary market.


I’m just happy I got my hands on a pack , and others did as well :grinning:


If you like doing business with someone who is untruthful more power to you! Your only as good as your word!
And I’ve never posted a single pack of seed for sale, ever!

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Man wait until you learn about the rest of the breeders lmao


That’s for sure, I like people with tegrity! Won’t see me purchasing ethos either.

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Ohhhh …. Anyone going hunting for the next Girl Scout Cookies?!


Call him out publicly in his IG post comments or privately via email then. Make work of getting to the bottom of it rather than bitching about what may end up being a misunderstanding. At least you’ll figure out if you’re right or if he just neglected to update the text content on his site when updating inventory.


That’s a good idea I will email him, I don’t have any kind of social media. Thanks for your suggestion. I will respond back here, if/when I hear back. I know sometimes it takes him a week+ to respond.


That’s a strong possibility that he neglected to update his write up.


One thing is for certain, he definitely got lots of TK Pollen to make all the hybrids and S1s again :sunglasses:


Yeah bro a lot of breeders do this. Is it honest he’ll no but in this world people got to make money it’s the sad truth. Is he really hurting anyone by saying that? Not really. Maybe he was high as hell idk.


We all know that Caleb is a very busy guy making up lots of packs, since he gives out freebies like a wild man. I think the man just forgot or didn’t have time to rewrite his write up for that specific strain.


I totally missed all these new drops, what a treat to come back to see. It’s unfortunate to read of some dissatisfaction here in the thread. With how generous CSI is and has been to me, I don’t think there was any intention to be misleading and surely there’s a reasonable explanation for the confusion.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for sure. One of my favorite breeders to order seeds from and I truly feel they value their customers and absolutely love the plant and seeds.

It was actually their TK S1’s that led me to their offerings in the first place. I was looking for some because I don’t know if I’ve ever tried real kush and some members on Icmag pointed me in that direction. Since Nspecta was a member of the site and his comments seemed genuine when I started doing some research I gave it a shot. It was the most I had ever payed for seeds and I thought I was sort of crazy at the time.

The generosity from CSI was apparent from that first order and has been consistent throughout each order placed since. In that regard, it was a great value had from that initial $200 in my perspective.

I could be misremembering but I think I read something about reversals not always taking on the selfed plant but pollen from that reversal showing viable on other varieties in the same space. Or that pollen isn’t produced at all, or sometimes it’s produced but none of it is viable for whatever reason. I really don’t believe it’s a manipulative tactic of false scarcity to manipulate prices.

I hope your dissatisfaction is resolved because I know what that feeling is like and it’s not the most pleasant. I can see myself getting hyped up on a description like that and if I saw another batch get relisted immediately I think it’s reasonable to have those feelings try and take hold. We’re all human.

I truly believe that CSI didn’t intentionally try to deceive anyone and it was some sort of miscommunication. Much love


Based on the dated appearance of his website, my money is on this. I mean, he just added a search feature only like a year or two ago, lol.

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Everyone hypes shit in the biz . Some worse than others but where he shines is in the freebies he throws at you which at times are better than what you ordered. .


As a casual reader I can report: it’s seemingly about the freebies.