CSI Humboldt Seeds

Thats pretty much what mines says as well so it sounds like the lack of detail on the tracking is normal. So thanks for posting that. Helps calm my nerves alittle.


Anyone having germination issues with csi? I got 1-8 :shushing_face: never have done that bad. Purple indica and purple kush crosses. Thanks


Iā€™ve done that bad popping greenhouse beans around the new moon :man_shrugging:


Last pack I grabbed was babu. 0-2 so far. I chose to grow singing else after that.


I always heard good things so I chanced it lol and it could be the moon never thought about that


His tk s1 have really hard shells. Did you try to crack one?


Yeah and hit it with light sandpaper. Could be me lol


I attempted a whole pk of hashishan regs. None popped. But I assumed theyā€™re just old ass seed.

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This is not a criticism of CSI but merely an overview of my ongoing experience of purchasing beans from him for the first time from the UK. My experience is solely attributed to ongoing postal disruption with Royal Mail and the knock on caused by ever-increasing back logs of packages to process.

I had been paying keen interest to CSI over the years and decided to purchase some beans from him back in January. I really liked the idea of ordering direct and that CSI is always generous with freebies. Im in the UK and the last time I had put cash in an envelope for beans was back in the mid to late nineties dealing with Gypsy.

There was massive disruption with our postal services internationally bound due to a cyber attack. I decided to use UPS instead. The package got all way to their sorting office in Eureka but they wouldnā€™t complete the delivery to the PO box without a signature - even though I had checked prior to sending that a signature would not be required. UPS then requested either an alternative address or contact and I couldnā€™t get any response from CSI. The package was eventually returned to me in the UK and Iā€™m now down about $100 in shipping so far!

When the package was returned, our domestic postal service was reopened for international shipping. Ive used the same service as suggested by others on here - Royal Mail International Tracked with no signature.

Package was resent on 31st January 2023 and tracking info sent to CSI. The package arrived in the USPS facility in Los Angeles on 22nd March, and the tracking was updated on March 26th noting ā€˜In transit to next facilityā€™. It is still marked this way today on 15th May.

Ive emailed updates to CSI on a number of occasions trying to provide some context and update however I have not had any response or acknowledgement back.

At this stage Ive got no idea whether my package will eventually turn up or not.

My situation may be unique however the whole process has been an absolute shit show due to shipping. Again I am no way laying any blame or criticism towards CSI. The reason I decided to post is to provide context to others, particularly UK based who may wish to purchase stock from CSI. Be mindful that you may be waiting a long time should you decide to use Royal Mail. Probably best to use another service. Iā€™m not sure what service though! Maybe it would have been more reliable to pay someone in the US a small fee for receiving an electronic payment and then sending cash from within the US. Years ago I remember doing similar with eBay purchases. Happy for any other suggestions that I and others could use on next purchases from the UK.


Mine looked like he just harvested it but Iā€™m not a breeder

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Faced similar experiences!

Lost money twice :frowning:

I wonder if itā€™s sitting in customs? Thatā€™s crazy.

Sending in the US Iā€™ve only had minor issues a few times and it all worked out fine (not with CSI, with other people, and it was USPS related).

If it were me I think Iā€™d send it Royal Mail and expect it may waaay longer than it should, but a trusted friend in the US would work too and no doubt be much faster.

Had that happen with a pack from him. He said hed replace it over email, but it wasnt until I made another order and noted it there. He made it right with multiple replacement packs.


I think he might be really far behind at the moment


I ordered April 24. He had my order sent may 1. My payment always takes a full week to get there. I think something else may have happened.

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I ordered on the 30th and didnā€™t send money until the 3rd and I got my order today.

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And it is ridiculous how much I got for what I paid!
If I donā€™t have germination trouble with it will be the best value I have ever found.

I am just grateful for the generosity and the potentially killer genetics. I grew Obama Kush a few years ago and it has been of my all time favorites.

The top two packs are my order!


Got an email from Caleb today saying he is really behind and apologizing for the wait. He gave me a tracking number for my order so all looks good to go. Sounds like he just got crushed with the 4/20 sale.


Glad to hear! Keep us posted, he may make it even chunkier. If thatā€™s possible!


He did say he was going to throw in some extras to make up for it. I can only imagine what that means lol.