CSI Humboldt Seeds

Running some LPs right now. Smells like lemons already at day 23. Couple pluckable stamens in the lowers popped up weeks 2-3 on one of them.


Speaking of feenyo types, here’s a couple of the other jagers


I have some Lemon Party x Irene coming in the mail now. Thnaks for the heads up on the nanners


Welcome man!

Happy growing and posting here at OG, the dankest place on the web!

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How varied are those Jagers in the smell department?


:drooling_face: those look dank! Seconding the wonder about scents? Stem rubs all different too? and what might they smell like?


Most have sweet berry like top end. A couple have the liquorice thing going on with a sour kushy back end but still maintains some berry sweetness. While a couple of them are musky and funky and pungent with only a subtle sweetness and are more earthy. The two I’ve got my eyes on the most are both putting out the black liquorice and subtle kushy gassy smells. Pretty complex smells starting to develop on a few of them. I should also mention the two I’m liking most also have very greasy trichromes while the others all have the dryer type feel to them while still maintaining a little tacky ness.


Welcome aboard btw. I’m new here but this has def been the most welcoming forum I’ve joined in the last while.


Nice those sound tasty. I’ve really been liking the greasy feeling trichomes/flower for smoking. I mean, I like the flowers with the big sandy one’s too, but there’s something with the greasy flower types that’s just :ok_hand: The TK has the greasy trichomes too.


Thanks, happy to hear it. I really like running out Nspecta’s gear and talking about so lucky for me


Dank as f. :100: :fire:


UK Cheese x CaliO

Flo’Rado x Bubba Kush freebie


If the Cookies were truely a strain made by that guy Adkisson, why doesn’t he show off some of his work? Where is his alleged seed line? Even his seed company isn’t there? Instead he makes videos about his soil mixture or whatever. I mean wtf. This is years old. He should by now have come out with some evidence.
Also to the people who said the F1 Durb isn’t existing. CSI mention somewhere on Instagram the person they have it from. I think he was called cookie monster.


So what did jigga say?

GDP x F1 Durb = Cherry Pie
Flo-Rida x F1 Durb = Cookies

Guess Nspecta will find out soon enough


Has anyone considered that the purple in Cookies is Mendo P from Notso, that strain that was originally grown in Covelo? I watch a ton of those Breeders syndicate, idr what episode but Notso almost said directly that a strain called Anise (Durban poison x Mendo P) was def in Cookies. It kind of makes sense because those more inbreed lines show tons of different colors and that is right in line with what the Medno P does. I think it also kinda works because that Anise is part Durban Poison so it’s not that far of a stretch to have an Durban like derivative name. Notso also said that he was positive that the Flo-Rida was in Cookies. Just my two cents though I literally have no idea. That whole crew is marketing heavy and Berner/Jigga are obviously not like hardcore plant breeders. I think Nspecta is right on track by selling a bunch of crosses to the public and just like waiting to see what pops up. People lie plants dont lol


Ah the Ah-noose (anus/anise) lol yeah definitely a possibility…

I agree on the doubt of jigga and berner having anything to do with making it. That dude on the couch in the video probably has more knowledge and to-do-with than both of them. I also find it doubtful they’d just come out and say what it is, considering what they’ve done with it.


This makes the most sense

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Who is that guy on the couch? Is that Sherbinski? Like I said I have literally no special knowledge besides google and some free time. “Either way it’s not in yo bag” lol


i have zero idea who that is on the couch, but IME, the dude’s in your face running their mouths like that usually don’t have anything to do with anything. they’re just the front guys. the guys willing to be the face of the operation, meanwhile everyone else involved can stay in the dark.